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-   -   New Posting Features - Easy Forms - Create a form or multiple forms without php or html knowledge (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=201097)

SilverBoy 05-28-2012 10:28 PM

I have a big problem.

I have one form (for survey purpose) saved to database, and I have until now more than 2000 participation, every thing was OK, but after the number of participations growth to more than 1400 I get problem with display results (even poll result and table), the page continuing loading to long time and thin display (page not found error).

How I can divide the results to multi-pages to display them?

Please help, it is an urgent case.

SilverBoy 05-29-2012 10:14 PM

no body can help in this?

Simon Lloyd 05-29-2012 11:12 PM

Which version do you have installed?

SilverBoy 05-29-2012 11:40 PM


Thanks for reply

SilverBoy 06-12-2012 03:07 PM

What is the problem with show poll results !!

Why it didn't work if the number of forms submitted over 1000?

KrU$ty 06-28-2012 11:19 AM

I'm getting the following error on install. Couldn't find anything about it in the thread. Anyone know anything about it?

Database error in vBulletin 3.8.7:

Invalid SQL:

`fid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`description` text NOT NULL,
`displayorder` int(10) NOT NULL,
`action` int(3) NOT NULL,
`where` varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=MyISAM' at line 9
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Thursday, June 28th 2012 @ 07:15:59 AM
Error Date : Thursday, June 28th 2012 @ 07:16:00 AM
Script : http://mysite.com/admincp/plugin.php?do=productimport
Referrer : http://mysite.com/admincp/plugin.php?do=productadd
IP Address : MyIP
Username : MyUsername
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.5.23-55

I've tried all versions of the mod, even the 3.7 one and I get the same error. No problems with any other mods.

I'm wondering if I just create the table 'forms' manually, will that work?

kotkerk 06-28-2012 03:11 PM

find in product file TYPE=MyISAM;
and replace with ENGINE=MyISAM;
all instances

KrU$ty 06-28-2012 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by kotkerk (Post 2343601)
find in product file TYPE=MyISAM;
and replace with ENGINE=MyISAM;
all instances

Thanks. Worked like a charm.

imported_polygrinder 07-07-2012 09:35 PM

Does anyone know of a tutorial on how to use this product? Never mind. I figured it out.

vBMerkezi 07-12-2012 09:41 AM

thank you

nlwin 07-13-2012 06:18 PM

Hey buddy, this is definitely a great add-on, and I have installed it on my vb3, one of the large boards. All Admins and Mods love this add-on. Would you be considering to add reCaptcha option to your plugin in the future release for vb3 series?

Thanks again for your great contribution.

viper357 07-25-2012 07:26 AM

Hi bananalive, Does this work seamlessly with your Articles mod?

pattycake 08-28-2012 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Vitaly (Post 1708482)
Wow! Helpfile :) . Product seems to become solid :) .

May be, question _content_ macro ? That's not absilutely necessary, but convenient: no needs to duplicate text in template, and no needs to syncronise template when you clarify question text.


Question1text: {q_1}
Question2text: {q_1}

Will be:
{qn_1}: {q1}
{qn_2}: {q2}

No ideas about macro name. Just an example.

None of this works....
If you put {q_1} in the email body, it gets changed to $[q_1] and does not show the answer to question 1. Ditto for {q1} - shows nothing when the email gets sent.

{qn_1} in the email body does nothing, displays nothing when the email gets sent.

pattycake 08-28-2012 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 1747872)
$q[1] is the new format for v3.x

Use $qo[1] for drop down menu

$qn[8] to show question 1 eg. Age
$q[8] $qo[8] to show question 1 answer eg. 45

And make sure you are using the # of the question eg. 8 not 2(see screenshot)

I can't for the life of me figure out how to output the question and the answer in the custom email output for a radio button.
I have tried:
$q[1] {a_1}

None of this works.

pattycake 08-28-2012 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by pattycake (Post 2360785)
I can't for the life of me figure out how to output the question and the answer in the custom email output for a radio button.
I have tried:
$q[1] {a_1}

None of this works.

Never mind. I figured it out. I was using {q_1} becuase it was the first question in that particular form.
It was question #16 though of ALL questions of ALL forms.
Once I changed the "{q_1}" to "{q_16}", everything worked.

singabaloo 09-12-2012 01:17 PM

I'm using Easy Forms 3.7 on a 3.8.5 VB install. I've had Easy Forms running for a while ands it's been great, but my forms were/are very basic.

The form(s) create a new thread in a forum when they are submitted. At the moment I ask people to fill in their Username, path to their public profile and even do some simple maths (like field 3 = Field 1 - Field2)

Is there a way I can get Easy Forms to populate some of those fields/questions for me instead of asking the User to fill it in ? I imagine {userrname} and something like

for the username and public transport, but I can't work out how I can make the form return these values and add it to the post created by the form submission.

Is there a simple way to do it that I can't see, or is it going to require some PHP coding ?

Simon Lloyd 09-12-2012 01:32 PM

For the username to be entered put this in the php code box for the answer
PHP Code:

$answer '<input type="text" readonly="readonly" id="q_' $formbit[id] . '" name="' $formbit[id] . '" value="' $vbulletin->userinfo[username] . '" />'

singabaloo 09-12-2012 01:37 PM

Thanks, that worked nicely.

I managed to pull gender out too following your example.

Time to try the profile URL.

Thanks again.

singabaloo 09-13-2012 02:54 AM

I keep being impressed by Easy Forms. Thanks bananalive and Simon for the pointer on pulling DB fields out. I even took a leap of faith and found I could get more complicated results. here's my current effort for grabbing the Gender but displaying just for the first letter.

PHP Code:

$tgen $vbulletin->userinfo[field6];
if (
$tgen=='Male') {$gen 'M';
elseif (
$tgen=='Female') {$gen 'F';
else {
$gen '';}
$answer '<input type="text" readonly="readonly" id="q_' $formbit[id] . '" name="' $formbit[id] . '" value="' $gen '" />'

I'm sure someone could cut that down to 1 line but I'm not fussed.

One question I have is the custom layout. What this particular form does is grab information from a user that an admin will use to add to a table we have on the site. It's a bit manual at the moment but if I could some how format the output like this:

[ url={q_2}]{q_1}[ /url]|{q_3}|{q_4}|{q_5}|{q_6}|{q_7}|[ URL={q_8}]Diary [/URL]
then everyone's life would become a lot easier.

Actually, what would be perfect is to use the default layout and then tack the above example at the bottom so the admin just needs to copy and then paste and it's all done.

I can't find any examples of custom templates that I can start to hack away with so if anyone knows how to do the above, or could point me to some examples, that would be great.

singabaloo 09-17-2012 12:57 AM

Is there any way I can get the "Form Output Top" to include some of the form answers ?

I can get {formtitle} which is a fixed value for each form. Ideally I want to be able to have the form output to parse the values of {q_1}:{q_2}

asabet 09-26-2012 02:07 PM

Is there any way to prevent users from submitting a form more than once per X hours? I am using it to allow people to submit listings in a classifieds forum.

Previously the members just created regular threads in that forum, and I used this mod to prevent them from posting more than one listing per 8 hours. However, that mod seems to have no effect when the threads are auto created by submitting a form.

This is the code used by my current max posts mod:


if ($foruminfo['forumid'])
$ugroupids = $vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] . iif($vbulletin->userinfo['membergroupids'], "," .

        $fids = $forumid . iif($foruminfo['parentlist'], "," . $foruminfo['parentlist']);
        $result1 = $db->query_first("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forumpermission
        WHERE ( forumid IN($fids) AND usergroupid IN ($ugroupids)) AND
        (maxthread=0 AND perhour=0)");

        if (empty($result1))
        $result = $db->query_first("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forumpermission
        WHERE forumid IN($fids) AND usergroupid IN ($ugroupids)
        ORDER BY forumid DESC, maxthread DESC");

        if ($result)
        $maxtime = TIMENOW - ($result['perhour'] * 3600);
        $sql = $db->query_first("SELECT count(*) as totalthread FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread WHERE dateline >=

        AND forumid IN($fids)
        AND postuserid = " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . " ");
        if ($sql['totalthread'] >= $result['maxthread'])
        eval(standard_error(fetch_error('no_new_thread_permission', $result[maxthread], $result[perhour])));

I want to limit all users to a max of 1 form submission per 8 hours in forum # 17. Is there a modified version of the above code I could put in the Form Hook: Form Start: field to have it work?

bulbasnore 09-29-2012 06:13 PM


Anyone have the help file cached? I've searched through the forum for it, and can't come up with an alternate location to download it (link is failed).

blind-eddie 10-09-2012 02:04 PM

I know this is old, but I have questions.
I am running 3.8.4.
I have an extra unused vbulletin lic & am throwing up an ibproarcade site for my son/extended family & their friends without really using forums exept for automaticaly sending game reports to new thread, with no posting allowed. Its in the beginning stages with default games only, I have thousands of games still to load & a many site edits to make to have it the way I want.

================================================== ======


Originally Posted by subvertbeats (Post 1775680)
Do you know of (or can you add) a way to view the forms without forum header and footer? (ideally add an option with the definition of each form to use a given vB style)
Im trying to use the forms inside an iframe on page outside of the main forums, and this page already has its own separate header/footer,



Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 1775813)
Find in Plugin: Easy Forms Part 1:
PHP Code:

    eval('$html = "' fetch_template('form_view') . '";');
$canviewformlist unserialize($vbulletin->options['canviewformlist']);
    if (!
$canviewformlist OR !is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo$canviewformlist))
$navbits construct_navbits(array(
'' => construct_phrase($vbphrase['view_form'], $form['title'])
$navbits construct_navbits(array(
'misc.php?do=forms' $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl_q'] => construct_phrase($vbphrase['forms']),
'' => construct_phrase($vbphrase['view_form'], $form['title'])
'$navbar = "' fetch_template('navbar') . '";');
'print_output("' fetch_template('shell_blank') . '");'); 

PHP Code:

    eval('print_output("' fetch_template('form_view') . '");'); 

Exactly what I needed, Thank you.
I have the report game form showing in a popup with your edits above, but I loose all site colors.
What would I need to do too get the site colors to show on form popup?

Note: Site colors are lost on all forms even normal forms not in a popup.

================================================== ============


Originally Posted by subvertbeats (Post 1776275)
thanks bananalive!

Any idea how to achieve this per form (some forms are specifically for a site outside of the forums and other are for the forums themselves)

PS: currently using a conditional in the header, footer and navbar templates to remove them globally for misc.php.


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 1776677)
Find in Plugin: Easy Forms Part 1:

PHP Code:

        eval('$html = "' fetch_template('form_view') . '";');
$canviewformlist unserialize($vbulletin->options['canviewformlist']);
        if (!
$canviewformlist OR !is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo$canviewformlist))
$navbits construct_navbits(array(
'' => construct_phrase($vbphrase['view_form'], $form['title'])
$navbits construct_navbits(array(
'misc.php?do=forms' $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl_q'] => construct_phrase($vbphrase['forms']),
'' => construct_phrase($vbphrase['view_form'], $form['title'])
'$navbar = "' fetch_template('navbar') . '";');
'print_output("' fetch_template('shell_blank') . '");'); 


PHP Code:

if (!$noheader)
'$html = "' fetch_template('form_view') . '";');
$canviewformlist unserialize($vbulletin->options['canviewformlist']);
        if (!
$canviewformlist OR !is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo$canviewformlist))
$navbits construct_navbits(array(
'' => construct_phrase($vbphrase['view_form'], $form['title'])
$navbits construct_navbits(array(
'misc.php?do=forms' $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl_q'] => construct_phrase($vbphrase['forms']),
'' => construct_phrase($vbphrase['view_form'], $form['title'])
'$navbar = "' fetch_template('navbar') . '";');
'print_output("' fetch_template('shell_blank') . '");');
'print_output("' fetch_template('form_view') . '");'); 

Form Hook: Form Start:
PHP Code:

$noheader true

How does this work on a per form basis?

Thank you

jorge_kai 11-08-2012 04:38 PM

best mod ever!

TheKdd 11-13-2012 05:30 PM

Does anyone know if there is a way to make this sit on the "Thank you for filling out the form" page longer before redirect? It goes so fast that people can't read what I wrote. I could turn redirect off, but then it just has a button that takes them back to the form.

Or... could I change the address of the button so when they click it, it takes them elsewhere?

brad heffernan 01-09-2013 06:11 AM

If people are having problems installing this open the product-easyforms v3.6.xml

search for
PHP Code:


replace with
PHP Code:


The keyword TYPE is removed since MySQL 5.1, use ENGINE

I did not read through all 109 pages as i dont have that amount of spare time on my hands so, Im sorry if this is already posted. Just like to help.

hpidriver 02-15-2013 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by bananalive

Is there any way to dynamically set the Forum ID where thread is posted?

NomNomNom 02-17-2013 10:21 PM


I'm sure this is possible, but I'm having trouble with it. Can EasyForm be setup so that a user can see the results of their submissions, but not see anybody elses responses? I permissioned it as I thoght appropriate, and the use gets a 'view your results' link, but when clicked, they get a 'do not have permission' page. The other way I configured it allowed them to view *all* results. Is it possible to do this for just their results?

Many thanks, and good work on a great plugin.

Hamma 02-28-2013 04:24 PM

Does this allow attachments yet?

Simon Lloyd 03-01-2013 01:19 PM

Yet? it does already allow them :)

Hamma 03-01-2013 02:34 PM

Ok cool, original post doesn't specify that. :P Says its coming soon.

xlguy 03-12-2013 09:42 PM

I have a price input box setup, but some people are entering "0". Anyone know the code so I can ensure they have to enter at least 1?

blind-eddie 03-22-2013 08:55 PM

I created a template edit that shows you how to use the easy forms as a classifieds... check it out.


dutchbb 04-28-2013 04:48 PM

Is this still being developed? Some of us like to keep running vb3.8 since vb4 kinda sucks so...

One feature I really need is the ability to re-order the "Dropdown Select" option fields and add new ones where I want. Currently if I want to add a new one I have to completely change the fields with copy/paste which is ridiculous and takes ages. Could you add a feature to re-order them quickly and add new options in any location?


reverse1312 05-03-2013 09:38 AM


I saw users getting the error message :
"Error, this form does not have any results stored in the database."
But I did not see how they solved it...
Could anyone help me. I almost succeeded but no result is writen in the result table...

Thank you

SwalyAaron 05-27-2013 04:23 PM

How can I make it that all users can see a form? I had this on a previous forum worked great but now it only allows the usergroup I choose to see the form.

Gator Bite 06-13-2013 12:28 PM

This is a very powerful add on. Very cool. Thanks to the developpers.

Can anybody tell me how to add a Regular Expression to a Custom Question?

My question looks like this right now:

PHP Code:

$answer '<input type="text" id="q_' $formbit[id] . '" name="' $formbit[id] . '" value="' $vbulletin->userinfo[field24] . '" size="20" maxlength="17" />'

I want to add the following Regular Expression:


I'm asking for a VIN and trying to make sure it's entered correctly.

SBlueman 10-01-2013 02:15 AM

I am stoked to have finally figured out this modification some. I am not the best when it comes to coding and/or PHP. With that said, some questions:

1. Can this modification work with the new threads created by members? Auto-Capitalize First Letter of Each Word In Thread Title

2. How can I add topic tags to new threads created with the easy forms? Is there a way to code that in?

3. Does anyone have a copy of the original help file? I spent all weekend scouring for a copy and came up with nothing.

Alfa1 10-04-2013 09:48 PM

Here you go:

What are macroses?
Macroses are variables used in easy forms for replacement with their value.
What macroses are there?
  • {username} username of the user submitting the form
  • {userid} userid of the user submitting the form
  • {formtitle} form title of the form being submitted
  • {threadtitle} thread/pm/email title of the form being submitted (if it is blank it be the same as the form title)
  • {q_*} replace the question id with the *, for example to show question 1's output you would use {q_1}
  • {qn_*} replace the question id with the *, for example to show question 1's question text you would use {qn_1}
Editing Form
Are all fields compulsory?
No, only the questions proceeded by a * are compulsory.
What does each field do?
  • Title: This is the title at the top of the page when viewing the form. BB code allowed.
  • Description: (optional) This is displayed at the top of the form. It can be used to explain the form's purpose, give guidance, etc... BB code allowed.
  • Display Order: This controls the order the form is displayed in the form list. The higher the number (in comparison to other forms) the lower down the form list the form will be displayed.
  • Usergroups: (optional) This controls the usergroups allowed to view the form - this does not override permissions to view forms. Blank is all usergroups allowed.
  • Form Submit Message: (optional) This is the message display once the form has been submitted succesfully. If blank default will be used. This is also the redirect message (if checked)
  • Thread/ PM/ Email Title: (optional) This allowed you to use a different title for the thread/ pm/ email being created than the form title. If left blank then the Thread/ PM title will be the same as the form title. You can use the following macroses in the title: {username}, {userid} and {q_*}.
  • Category: (optional) All forms with the eaxct same category name will be grouped together in the form list under that name.
  • Allow attachments: (optional) Only avaliable for form creating new thread. Checked/ticked = yes, blank = no. Follows user's attachment rules.
  • Post a Poll: (optional) Creates a poll with the thread.
  • Allow multiple choice: (optional) Allows users to select more than one option when voting. Checked/ticked = yes, blank = no.
  • Make votes public: (optional) Usernames will be shown next to each poll option. Checked/ticked = yes, blank = no.
  • Poll Question: (optional) The question above the poll. If left blank the thread title will be used.
  • Poll Options: These are the choices in the poll. Separate each option with a new-line (carriage return).
  • Custom Form Output: (optional) You can create your own layout to the thread/ pm/ post/ email the form created. Allowed: BB code, $q[1] (replace 1 with the correct question #), $qn[1], $threadtitle, $form[title], {username}, $thisuser[username] (replace username with any user field). Leave blank to use default layout.
  • Question BBcode: (optional) Customise how the form's questions look in the thread/ pm/ post created by the form. Opening BB code in the box on the left and closing BB code in the box on the right.
  • Answer BBcode: (optional) Customise how the form's answers look in the thread/ pm/ post created by the form. Opening BB code in the box on the left and closing BB code in the box on the right.
  • Section BBcode: (optional) Customise how the form's sections look in the post created by the form. Opening BB code in the box on the left and closing BB code in the box on the right.
  • Form BBcode: (optional) The code in the left box goes after the form title and the code in the box on the right goes at the end of the post.
  • Form Hook: (optional) This
How can I... ?

These are solutions to commonly asked questions.
How can I change the navbar/ quick links "forms" to another name?
Find and replace '$vbphrase[forms]' in plugin 'Easy Forms AutoInsert Links' with your alternative text
How can I add a new line at the end of a question?
You can use \r\n in the question bbcode for a new line. This is the same for section bbcode, answer and form bbcode.
Will upgrading loss all of my forms?
No, but if you are worried export them as a backup to your computer.
Can I have more than one question with vb message editor?
No, vbulletin code prevents you.
The rest can be found here: http://web.archive.org/web/200905012...read.php?t=119

SBlueman 10-06-2013 03:52 PM

Thank you for that great post Alfa1! That helped big time!

So some questions:

We use this modification on our site: Auto-Capitalize First Letter of Each Word In Thread Title

So it seems to get it to work you need to add something to the form's
"Form Hook: Before Submit:" field. Right now I have this in there:

PHP Code:

if ($qo[16]   == "NFL General Discussion"

$form[forumid] = 108

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "Arizona Cardinals"

$form[forumid] = 330

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "Atlanta Falcons"

$form[forumid] = 306

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "Baltimore Ravens"

$form[forumid] = 313

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "Buffalo Bills"

$form[forumid] = 310

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "Carolina Panthers"

$form[forumid] = 327

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "Chicago Bears"

$form[forumid] = 323

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "Cincinnati Bengals"

$form[forumid] = 312

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "Cleveland Browns"

$form[forumid] = 311

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "Dallas Cowboys"

$form[forumid] = 321

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "Detroit Lions"

$form[forumid] = 324

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "Denver Broncos"

$form[forumid] = 303

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "Green Bay Packers"

$form[forumid] = 305

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "Houston Texans"

$form[forumid] = 315

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "Indianapolis Colts"

$form[forumid] = 314

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "Jacksonville Jaguars"

$form[forumid] = 316

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "Kansas City Chiefs"

$form[forumid] = 318

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "Miami Dolphins"

$form[forumid] = 308

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "Minnesota Vikings"

$form[forumid] = 325

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "New England Patriots"

$form[forumid] = 300

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "New Orleans Saints"

$form[forumid] = 326

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "New York Giants"

$form[forumid] = 304

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "New York Jets"

$form[forumid] = 309

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "Oakland Raiders"

$form[forumid] = 317

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "Philadelphia Eagles"

$form[forumid] = 322

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "Pittsburgh Steelers"

$form[forumid] = 301

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "San Diego Chargers"

$form[forumid] = 319

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "San Francisco 49ers"

$form[forumid] = 307

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "Seattle Seahawks"

$form[forumid] = 331

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "St. Louis Rams"

$form[forumid] = 329

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "Tampa Bay Buccaneers"

$form[forumid] = 328

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "Tennessee Titans"

$form[forumid] = 302

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "Washington Redskins"

$form[forumid] = 320

elseif (
$qo[16]   == "NFL Draft Discussion"

$form[forumid] = 208

so people can send the form in the right forum. What would I add to have the modification work?

Now, on our site we use a custom tag modification that lists some preset tags to insert. We use this modification: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=159646. We now use the template edit in the new thread template, replacing the default tag form. How can I A) include the tags in a new form and B) have different tags for different forms?

Also, just a thought....but can a moderator or the mod author add the FAQ to the first post, so people don't have to search 110 pages before they find this major piece of information?

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Template Usage:
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Phrase Groups Available:
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Included Files:
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Hooks Called:
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