MThornback |
04-12-2006 03:45 AM |
Personally, I like the fact that to a certian degree your left on your own to figure things out....I'm WAAAAYYY behind the bell curve of alot of the coders and designers around here....I can do basic edits and tweaks and manipulate templates more on trial and error than skill....but everything I learned here I did because I wanted to know how they did it...and tried to research it on my own.
IF ANYTHING, I think that more coders and designers should take the time to write out tips/tricks/tutorials than awnser questions that are not specific to learning how to do things....especially when those questions get asked over and over in different ways in different threads....its getting to the point where I know the awnser, but not the pre-text to it. For example, a "what VB uses that isn't your average PHP" kind of tutorial would be useful....cause I have no idea what GPC is...I'd like to...but for the life of me I don't get it....
Basically...what i'm saying (its late forgive the ramble) if a question gets asked a bunch of times...maybe a tutorial that includes the concept might be warranted (thank you to those that do create these already, I know I can't be the only one who appreciates them) cuts the legs out from under the lazy, and gives more resources to those willing to learn....more importantly, it makes an 'unwritten rule' more fair, because along with the GREAT Mods this site offers, it will help educate the next generation of VB hackers :)
my 0.02....maybe i'm being idealistic at 1am :p but I think that would put this site over the top for usefulness to a wider audience.