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jstep 07-24-2006 07:47 PM

anyone got replacements for wildedit?

Renmiri 07-24-2006 11:22 PM

Great Mod!

I will give it a try after a good solid site backup!

jstep 07-25-2006 01:29 AM

well, without a good solution to use instead of wildedit its like $30, been looking will let you know the results

Flare 07-28-2006 02:38 PM

We have just sucessfully merged two live, active VB systems into one user database. It was a real pain in the ass, and it really is only viable in specific instances.

What we had to do, in a nutshell:

Merge site A with Site B with Impex... so now you have one big, fat, unified site. I copied the mysql database from the new mega-site B into the old Site A and deleted everything from Site B that I did not want in site A. All this was done after this hack was completed on site A.

The limitation of this is one of the sites (in this case, Site B) had no posts on Site A from the users on Site B. So all the Site A users and posts are imported into Site B, and posts are kept intact.

If you want/have to merge both sites and both sites are sharing posts/users in BOTH directions, you're screwed because of the way VB stores threads and individual posts (by user number). This method will ONLY work if one site can be imported into the other, then split from there. It's a major pain.

Anyway ... what I'd like to do now is be able to move/transfer threads between the two sites now ... I don't think there is a hack for this yet (why would there be?) ... but does anyone know if there is, and if not, what exactly is involved in transfering a thread from one site to another?

wiredinoc 08-04-2006 07:33 AM

Hi guys,

This is a very important mod, and thanks to the author. I have installed this with success, and I'm launching a new site this next week based on the ability to now have 2 forums off of one user table. I even got vbpager to work inbetween the two sites using the same table replacement strings ;)

There are a few strange gotchas though.. Here's what I found:

1. While creating new forums, I noticed the (xx users viewing) text pop up on the slave site that was password protected. It looks like VB calculates this number based on the category ID, and then the display order. In a nutshell, the primary forum's viewing numbers are incorrectly passed to the slaves. I'm not sure if this affects threads yet.

2. What happens when I want to add different profile fields, or any profile fields for that matter for new users to complete upon registration? Should I create them on the master site, then dump a table to the slave site? confused.

3. If I ever run a recount process on posts, what would the expected result be? I can't imagine good..

4. Is there a way to maintain login between the two sites (on different domains)? Right now, user needs to re-login on the seperate sites. I'm sure this is a cookie limitation, just curious.

Anyways, I'm balls in at this point, new site running, integration is killer. Thanks guys, this is absolutely awesome... any additional help is appreciated.

oh yeah, also got PP classifieds to use one DB..

wiredinoc 08-05-2006 05:04 AM


I fixed the user/viewing forums very easily. Went into the forum table, and re-numbered all of the forum ID's starting with 500, and adjusted the parent column accordingly. Now everything is working correctly, and users on the slave site appear in the forums correctly.

Lots of gotcha's here folks, but there is a TON you can do with this using the replacement strings (table_prefix). I'm now testing to see if I can get the avatars to stick in between sites.

Still looking for an answer on #2, and #3. The way things are going now, I may have a full integration of many more elements working soon.

Great mod guys!!! Stay tuned.

Cedric_FP 08-05-2006 05:37 AM

Is it possible to make it so that if a user is online on one of the slave sites, it shows on every other site connected to the same DB?

wiredinoc 08-06-2006 04:42 AM

Cedric, yes, that's how it works with this mod out of the box. If a user is on site B, it aggregates the users from both sites and they all appear in the online list.

shortbus1662 08-06-2006 07:15 AM

I haven't read this entire thread but I've been doing this on my forums for quite sometime.

The difference in what I'm doing is that everything is the same except the domain name, the style, and the templates.

The forums are all the same.

I hired someone to do mine. I have quite a few sites.

One thing, when I first did it, the vb.com guys said I had to have one license for each site now they say since everything is the same and nothing is different, one license is sufficient (now they tell me).

I'd like to figure out how to have certain forums on one domain only rather than all of them. It would be interesting to see how this differs from what was done on my site.

Sorry to hijack, just found this interesting.

e2s 08-16-2006 12:25 PM

Not a problem. This allows you to share the User tables, PM tables, subscription tables, and usergroup tables. The forums have completely different content.

Check out my sites in my signature and you will see. I am starting up 2 more sites in the coming month. Pretty easy to start new sites I just do a search and replace on the License code and it is done.

jstep 08-19-2006 12:04 AM

Anyway to do this where the forums have some of the same content? but some different content

tako 08-19-2006 02:53 PM

I wonder if someone can make this hack for 3.6....

Karri 08-23-2006 06:57 PM

wondering the same thing

shortbus1662 08-23-2006 08:04 PM

my forums all use the same content but I'm pretty sure you can just modify the templates or something so that only certain forums show up on certain domains.

Quarterbore 08-25-2006 11:27 PM

I am also looking to do something like this for a couple of my websites...

Heck, I am good for two or more purchased licenses if we can get some support to make this work for 3.6!

e2s 08-31-2006 04:25 PM

I am purchasing another license here soon and will be opening a new site. When I complete it I will let everyone know what needs to be done.

Lionel 09-01-2006 07:21 PM

can this be done with 3.07 as a master and 3.60 as the slave? Or vice versa?

MetalAges 09-02-2006 03:10 AM

Awesome hack. Couple questions:

1) Threads: 188,926, Posts: 3,959,948, Members: 62,455
Does anyone forsee any issues having a forum this big, and adding on to the database with new forums? The database as it is is huge so I'm a little nervous about adding all the new forums to it.

2) When new versions of VB are released, I assume all these changes will have to be repeated, and researched to make sure there were no code changes?

kau 09-02-2006 05:04 AM

Users would want to use different profile options sig/avatar/bio/etc at each forum it would seem. Would be nice if that would be forum specific and only user name/password/email was shared.

Lionel 09-02-2006 01:46 PM

I noticed that on your sites you don't have statistics, I was curious to know how you pulled userstats from master datastore?

e2s 09-06-2006 01:48 PM

Lionel: user stats are pulled from the master site if that is what you mean.

Kau: The avatar is different on all sites. To get the bio different you have to edit the database so that the new site pulls from higher profile id's then the master site so if your master site pulls profile id 1-10 you would want to setup profile id's for the new site starting at 20. I know I have done this but don't remember how. When I setup a new site and do this I will write up directions. The Signature is located in the user table so the only way around this would be more code changes. You would need to add fields in the database like newsitesig and so on then make changes to the code on the new site to always look at that field when pulling the signature. I might look into doing something like this soon.

Sorry still haven't purchased the 3.6 version yet hoping to in the coming week

Lionel 09-09-2006 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by e2s
Lionel: user stats are pulled from the master site if that is what you mean.

Hi, yes they are, but the cache is updated only once a day or if I do it manually, meaning that if someone registers in one forum, the new count will not display on other forums right away.

Lionel 09-11-2006 10:03 AM

I've got every perfect but two glitches.

1-userstats update only once with cron or if i rebuild user names

2-avatars are same across (except for custom) , BUT I can't get the avatar categories to display independently. Each have their own categories and the slave site does not display the its avatarcategories in profile.php

Lionel 09-12-2006 07:18 PM

In adminfunctions.php print_delete_confirmation you also need to specify the below (insert it somewhere) or it will switch to default and you will not be able to delete any usergroups. (I don't use prefixes so I have " . ")


case 'usergroup':
$item = $vbulletin->db->query_first("
SELECT usergroupid, title
FROM " . "usergroup
WHERE usergroupid = '" . $vbulletin->db->escape_string($itemid) . "'
also in functions.php copy function fetch_query_sql into function fetch_query_sql2 . alter that copy by replacing the 2 instances of " . TABLE_PREFIX . to reflect your master prefix.

Then in usergroup.php call that fetch_query_sql2 instead of fetch_query_sql (many instances)

Now, all that is left is the avatar category that refuses to display. I did do a search and replace for table_prefix avatar so they all have the same.

BTW, there was no problem with userstats and your mod. The problem was with vbadvanced.

Lionel 09-13-2006 09:17 AM

Phew! I finally figured out the avatars
imagecategory was out of sync

Uebbino 09-27-2006 04:32 PM

I'm reading your hack.
It's very good.
It remains a little doubt.
Is possible that each slave forum have a separated table users but in the main forum, there is a table with all users of all slave forum?


Main Forum= 10000 users

Forum Slave 1= 2000 users
Forum Slave 2= 4000 users
Forum Slave 3= 2000 users

Please, make me know

redefined04 09-29-2006 03:43 AM

2 questions..

1.) I'm assuming when you say admincp/adminfunctions.php you actually mean includes/adminfunctions.php, because adminfunctions.php does not exist in admincp.

2.) When I try to login on the admincp of the slave site, it goes to the "Thank you for logging in" redirect stage, but then it directs me right back to the admincp login form?

Nero1977 09-29-2006 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by e2s
Sorry still haven't purchased the 3.6 version yet hoping to in the coming week

In a waiting new 3.6.1 modification. :)

2: redefined04
I think you are using vb3.6

adminfunction.php now in /includes/

redefined04 09-29-2006 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Nero1977
In a waiting new 3.6.1 modification. :)

2: redefined04
I think you are using vb3.6

adminfunction.php now in /includes/

Any idea why the /admincp/ login simply redirects to itself even though its the correct account details?

Nero1977 09-29-2006 02:20 PM

Wow! Two different boards 3.6.1 working fine!

anahowa 10-17-2006 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by jstep
What other options are there to wildedit?


you can use ultraedit


anahowa 10-18-2006 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by e2s
Oh just for the record I have successfully made vBadvanced CMPS work on the slave site. There is just a few modification you need to make to the modules. If you are looking to do this PM me.


I hope to intergrate other products soon like Photopost but not sure when I will get to it.

Can you help to make vBadvanced CMPS work on the slave site?

Aunt Clara 10-26-2006 08:19 AM

I have two questions:

Is it possible to do this on two existing, active forums?
Is anyone, who has done it before, willing to work for me on this?

MetalAges 11-22-2006 10:17 PM

Anyone running this with VB 3.6.4?

I am really nervous to try this out on my forum(s). I recently installed Photopost Pro to my site, and I loved how it was able to use my existing VB user base. Couldn't VB somehow allow a similar "bridge" to the user data like Photopost?

TRR 12-02-2006 05:00 AM

If I wanted to, can I go create a newsite with slave sites, and then use Impex to import my current website in? Also, during the import, do I have to impex to each slave since I will want to divvy up my threads from my current site amongst my new master/slave sites?

TRR 12-02-2006 05:22 AM

Also, will there be a cookie conflict? should they be stored separately?

TRR 12-02-2006 07:26 AM

Is the following a change in the slave forum, or the master forum?



Please make this changes it will allow you to make changes to usergroups in the subscription section and when editing a user.

Search for ...

TRR 12-02-2006 10:52 AM

I am getting the following database error on my slave site when I try to post a thread.


Database error in vBulletin 3.6.4:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE themothership_user SET
posts = posts + 1,
usertitle = 'Administrator',
lastpost = 1165063678,
lastpostid = 0
WHERE userid = 1;

MySQL Error : Table 'themothership.themothership_user' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Date : Saturday, December 2nd 2006 @ 05:47:58 AM
Script : http://sportbikesite.com/thestreetfi...postthread&f=2
Referrer : http://sportbikesite.com/thestreetfi...=newthread&f=2
IP Address :
Username :
Classname : vb_database

I also get errors when doing other things, like logging out. I performed all the edits as described. Is this because I am using the latest vbulletin? It looks like the table name is being written incorrectly.

kafi 12-12-2006 07:34 AM

Hello, I wish to upgrade to 3.6x, will this work for it or is there 3.6 version?

Thank you

david_iglobal 12-31-2006 12:18 PM

I also need to know if will this work with the latest edition of vBulletin... from 3.6 on? Thanks in advance.

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