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attroll 07-19-2004 03:23 AM

I got the chat to work partially. I was able to get the chat window to come up after finding a typo. Now within the chat window I get "Connecting....unable to connect: null".

Is this because I do not have a channel still? I have tried the commands that are in dal,net docs but don't know if I am doing them right because I can not get them to work. Help?

Zachery 07-19-2004 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by attroll
I got the chat to work partially. I was able to get the chat window to come up after finding a typo. Now within the chat window I get "Connecting....unable to connect: null".

Is this because I do not have a channel still? I have tried the commands that are in dal,net docs but don't know if I am doing them right because I can not get them to work. Help?

unable to connect: null means that the server cannot be reached, or doesnt support java clients.

RichieBoy67 07-19-2004 11:58 AM

I got the chat working fully but I just wanted to know if there is a way to allow other members to see who's in the chat????


Holidazed 07-19-2004 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by attroll
I am sorry if I am being a pain in the butt. But I am pretty new to this IRC thing. I have chatted on IRC sites and know how to do that. But I have no clue as to how to create a channel for my site. I have read the direction on dal.net and they confuse me even more. then I get a reply like "try /join #mychanel". Where do I type that command? Is there someplace where you could send me to like a link for Creating Channels For Dummies, LOL.

To create a chatroom of your own, you need to be connected to the server and just try to goto a room that does not currently exist. So in your ACP where you select the server you wish to connect to, just put in your chatroom too. For example, my chatroom is called DKDChat. You should avoid spaces in your chatroom name as some servers do not accept them.

Logicus 07-19-2004 11:26 PM

Hi! I had a chat prog on my website, but decided I'd rather have one that was integrated into VB, and this look liked the ticket. Very cool hack!

Alas, I'm having installation problems. I followed all directions carefully, but although I see all the new templates, there is no new admincp settings box, and whenever I access the chat room, I receive:

Warning: chdir(): No such file or directory (errno 2) in /home/virtual/site238/fst/var/www/html/forums/chat/index.php on line 19

Warning: main(./global.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/virtual/site238/fst/var/www/html/forums/chat/index.php on line 44

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required './global.php' (include_path='.:/php/includes:/usr/share/php') in /home/virtual/site238/fst/var/www/html/forums/chat/index.php on line 44


Zachery 07-19-2004 11:30 PM

You need to set your chdir :P


Logicus 07-20-2004 12:24 AM

Thanks, I was hoping it would be just something stupid like that, but alas, I'm still having some technical difficulty, and I can't fathom what could possibly be wrong. I still don't see anything in the admincp, despite pressing F5 compulsively, and the chat room's attempted logins prove in vain. It reads upon activation:

Logging in...
-broadway.ny.us.dal.net- *** Looking up your hostname...
-broadway.ny.us.dal.net- *** Checking Ident
-broadway.ny.us.dal.net- *** Found your hostname
-broadway.ny.us.dal.net- *** Got Ident response
You have been autokilled.
-broadway.ny.us.dal.net- *** You are not welcome on this network.
-broadway.ny.us.dal.net- *** autokilled for [AKILL ID:1045553352K-a] [exp/javauser] Your host/IP has been banned from DALnet. Visit http://kline.dal.net/exploits/akills.htm#comp for more information. (2004/07/15 07.19)
-broadway.ny.us.dal.net- *** Your hostmask is edward!JavaUser@
-broadway.ny.us.dal.net- *** Your IP is
-broadway.ny.us.dal.net- *** For assistance, please email kline@dal.net and include everything shown here.
Error : Closing Link: ([AKILL ID:1045553352K-a] [exp/javauser] Your host/IP has been banned from DALnet. Visit http://kline.dal.net/exploits/akills.htm#comp for more information. (2004/07/15 07.19))
Disconnected from irc.dal.net

The copy and paste popup works, though :nervous: !

attroll 07-20-2004 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by bitg
To create a chatroom of your own, you need to be connected to the server and just try to goto a room that does not currently exist. So in your ACP where you select the server you wish to connect to, just put in your chatroom too. For example, my chatroom is called DKDChat. You should avoid spaces in your chatroom name as some servers do not accept them.

Here is what I have in my ACP:
IRC Server = broadway.ny.us.dal.net
Port Number = 6667
Room Name = #geomaine

But every time I try and connect it gives me a "Unable to connect : null", I have tried changing my IRC Server to a couple different ones that dal,net has but still get the same things error message. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Yanks1343 07-20-2004 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by Zachery
Stop editing things with Dreamweaver :p

No but...

I put everything back to the way it way. I did use Dreamweaver to undo the edits. But how can I fix the link in the admincp? (Without using Dreamweaver again)

attroll 07-20-2004 04:07 AM

I got it working. I used irc.slashnet.org and was able to get a connection. I am a now a little confused as to how to become a moderator of the group.

lAndyl 07-20-2004 08:07 AM

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in c:\domains\realm-x.net\wwwroot\forums\chat\index.php on line 25

On the index.php file got any ideas zack?

Zachery 07-20-2004 09:04 AM

I think dal.net has banned java clients, sorry guys

xQuEeNzNaZcHox 07-20-2004 01:50 PM

What's XIRC? Where can I get it?

Logicus 07-20-2004 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by xQuEeNzNaZcHox
What's XIRC? Where can I get it?

An IRC is "An international computer network of Internet servers, using its own protocol through which individual users can hold real-time online conversations." In VBXIRC, I'm assuming the X is like times... VB times IRC. :rolleyes:

& umm... okay, but how can del.net decide to ban java clients? They have hundreds of thousands of users, and java is sort of a mainstay. What else could be used?

Logicus 07-20-2004 04:25 PM

te-hee! I just found the administrative protocols :squareeyed: . Never occured to me to look in VB Options. Still won't work, but oh well.

RichieBoy67 07-20-2004 05:26 PM

I like how everyone just went right by my question....lol


I got the chat working fully but I just wanted to know if there is a way to allow other members to see who's in the chat????


Holidazed 07-22-2004 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by bitg
Well, I just replaced that template with the contents of my "navbar" template and it seems to work.

Would it not have been better to tell your hack to simply use the "navbar" template? Makes sense to me.

OK, I just figured this out.

If you want to use your regular navbar template instead of the one that is included with this hack, just do the following:

Open chat/index.php in your editor
Look for

eval('$vbxirc_navbar = "' . fetch_template('vbxirc_navbar') . '";');
And replace it with

eval('$vbxirc_navbar = "' . fetch_template('navbar') . '";');
That is it. Then you can delete the "vbxirc_navbar" template.

Now, if you want the navbar in your chatroom to be completely different than the rest of your site, just ignore these instructions and keep the "vbxirc_navbar" template. I did this on my site because when I add a new feature, I do not want to have to edit multiple navbar templates.

Just trying to help.

Zachery 07-22-2004 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by bitg
OK, I just figured this out.

If you want to use your regular navbar template instead of the one that is included with this hack, just do the following:

Open chat/index.php in your editor
Look for

eval('$vbxirc_navbar = "' . fetch_template('vbxirc_navbar') . '";');
And replace it with

eval('$vbxirc_navbar = "' . fetch_template('navbar') . '";');
That is it. Then you can delete the "vbxirc_navbar" template.

Now, if you want the navbar in your chatroom to be completely different than the rest of your site, just ignore these instructions and keep the "vbxirc_navbar" template. I did this on my site because when I add a new feature, I do not want to have to edit multiple navbar templates.

Just trying to help.

Like i said before there is a reason, its because of the links and js ;P

Holidazed 07-22-2004 09:45 PM

Well, I did this and my chatroom works flawlessly

Zachery 07-22-2004 09:48 PM

Yes, its not going to stop it, but trying using the quick links drop down :p

RichieBoy67 07-22-2004 10:24 PM

Thanks for nothing... I enjoy getting ignored..

Zachery 07-22-2004 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by RichieBoy67
Thanks for nothing... I enjoy getting ignored..

Sorry richie, if i had a concreate anwser id give it to you :p

attroll 07-26-2004 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by RichieBoy67
Thanks for nothing... I enjoy getting ignored..

I guess it depends on your IRC server. I use Slashnet and you can see who is in chat with there services.

RichieBoy67 07-26-2004 09:57 AM

I didn't mean to sound rude........... sorry....

Attrol, I want to be able to see who's online in the who's online template.

BitterLittleMan 07-27-2004 05:59 PM

Thanks for this hack. It works beautifully .. installed with no trouble.

Top notch work. cheers!

lierduh 07-28-2004 04:18 AM

Great hack. Installed without any problem. Thank you.

There is one typo in one of the template created. I think either vbxirc_index or vbxirc_small. Where 'quitmsg' spelt as 'qutmsg'.

I have set the:

<param name="pixx:showconnect" value="true">

From false to true, that will create a Connect/Disconnect button.

I have also added the following:

<param name="pixx:styleselector" value="true">
gives a colour selection for text.

<param name="pixx:setfontonstyle" value="true">
gives bold and underline selection.

<param name="pixx:nickprefix" value="<\b">
<param name="pixx:nickpostfix" value="\b>\s">
will make the nick bold with a space before the text.

I am using the new engine downloaded from:


It works without any problem. You can just do a drop-in replacement.

The new version comes with quite a few more smileys. You can enable the smileys by inserting more lines, such as:

PHP Code:

<param name="style:smiley1" value=":) img/sourire.gif">
param name="style:smiley2" value=":-) img/sourire.gif">
param name="style:smiley3" value=":-D img/content.gif">
param name="style:smiley4" value=":d img/content.gif">
param name="style:smiley5" value=":-O img/OH-2.gif">
param name="style:smiley6" value=":o img/OH-1.gif">
param name="style:smiley7" value=":-P img/langue.gif">
param name="style:smiley8" value=":p img/langue.gif">
param name="style:smiley9" value=";-) img/clin-oeuil.gif">
param name="style:smiley10" value=";) img/clin-oeuil.gif">
param name="style:smiley11" value=":-( img/triste.gif">
param name="style:smiley12" value=":( img/triste.gif">
param name="style:smiley13" value=":-| img/OH-3.gif">
param name="style:smiley14" value=":| img/OH-3.gif">
param name="style:smiley15" value=":'( img/pleure.gif">
param name="style:smiley16" value=":$ img/rouge.gif">
param name="style:smiley17" value=":-$ img/rouge.gif">
param name="style:smiley18" value="(H) img/cool.gif">
param name="style:smiley19" value="(h) img/cool.gif">
param name="style:smiley20" value=":-@ img/enerve1.gif">
param name="style:smiley21" value=":@ img/enerve2.gif">
param name="style:smiley22" value=":-S img/roll-eyes.gif">
param name="style:smiley23" value=":s img/roll-eyes.gif">
param name="style:smiley24" value=":yy: img/yinyang.gif">
param name="style:smiley25" value=":hrt: img/coeur.gif">
param name="style:smiley26" value=":bhrt: img/coeur-brise.gif">
param name="style:smiley27" value=":beer: img/biere.gif"

One thing I have not been able to make work is the /sound. The new applet comes with two sound files and should be able to make some noise. I think you can even get it to make a laugh sound if eg. "LOL" is detected.:)

Edit. Forgot about <param name="pixx:nickpostfix" value="\b>\s">

Holidazed 07-28-2004 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by lierduh
There is one typo in one of the template created. I think either vbxirc_index or vbxirc_small. Where 'quitmsg' spelt as 'qutmsg'.

Actually, it is in both the templates. Thanks for the info.

Zachery 07-28-2004 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by lierduh
Great hack. Installed without any problem. Thank you.

There is one typo in one of the template created. I think either vbxirc_index or vbxirc_small. Where 'quitmsg' spelt as 'qutmsg'.

I have set the:

<param name="pixx:showconnect" value="true">

From false to true, that will create a Connect/Disconnect button.

I have also added the following:

<param name="pixx:styleselector" value="true">
gives a colour selection for text.

<param name="pixx:setfontonstyle" value="true">
gives bold and underline selection.

<param name="pixx:nickprefix" value="<\b">
will make the nick bold.

I am using the new engine downloaded from:


It works without any problem. You can just do a drop-in replacement.

The new version comes with quite a few more smileys. You can enable the smileys by inserting more lines, such as:

PHP Code:

<param name="style:smiley1" value=":) img/sourire.gif">
param name="style:smiley2" value=":-) img/sourire.gif">
param name="style:smiley3" value=":-D img/content.gif">
param name="style:smiley4" value=":d img/content.gif">
param name="style:smiley5" value=":-O img/OH-2.gif">
param name="style:smiley6" value=":o img/OH-1.gif">
param name="style:smiley7" value=":-P img/langue.gif">
param name="style:smiley8" value=":p img/langue.gif">
param name="style:smiley9" value=";-) img/clin-oeuil.gif">
param name="style:smiley10" value=";) img/clin-oeuil.gif">
param name="style:smiley11" value=":-( img/triste.gif">
param name="style:smiley12" value=":( img/triste.gif">
param name="style:smiley13" value=":-| img/OH-3.gif">
param name="style:smiley14" value=":| img/OH-3.gif">
param name="style:smiley15" value=":'( img/pleure.gif">
param name="style:smiley16" value=":$ img/rouge.gif">
param name="style:smiley17" value=":-$ img/rouge.gif">
param name="style:smiley18" value="(H) img/cool.gif">
param name="style:smiley19" value="(h) img/cool.gif">
param name="style:smiley20" value=":-@ img/enerve1.gif">
param name="style:smiley21" value=":@ img/enerve2.gif">
param name="style:smiley22" value=":-S img/roll-eyes.gif">
param name="style:smiley23" value=":s img/roll-eyes.gif">
param name="style:smiley24" value=":yy: img/yinyang.gif">
param name="style:smiley25" value=":hrt: img/coeur.gif">
param name="style:smiley26" value=":bhrt: img/coeur-brise.gif">
param name="style:smiley27" value=":beer: img/biere.gif"

One thing I have not been able to make work is the /sound. The new applet comes with two sound files and should be able to make some noise. I think you can even get it to make a laugh sound if eg. "LOL" is detected.:)

the last version i updated used pjirc 2.0.0 when it was released IIRC.

If there is enough demand ill update the packages here.

hpwilhelm 07-28-2004 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery
the last version i updated used pjirc 2.0.0 when it was released IIRC.

If there is enough demand ill update the packages here.

An update to the latest version would be very nice! :)

lierduh 07-29-2004 07:51 AM

How to make an avatar in the chat program:

1)Upload your shrinked down avatar to the /img/ directory, the size can be around 20x20. eg. sally.gif
2)Change your templates:
vbxirc_index and vbxirc_small
Add the following line to the existing smiley lines:

<param name="style:smiley29" value="_eye_ img/sally.gif">

The number value (eg. 29) must be greater than the previous one.

Now, after connect, change your nick name to _eye_
Your nick name area will be presented with the avatar. Basically you will see the smiley as your avatar. Naturally type _eye_ will produce an smiley as well.

One thing to note, a nick name can not start with ":", so you can't name the shortcut for your avatar smiley as :eye:

You can even combine your nick with avatar + nick. eg. as above:

change your nick to: _eye_EYE
will see an avatar before your nick of EYE.


Jolten 07-30-2004 04:27 AM

Downloaded and installed today.

An attempt to get a file (/bb/chat/com/ms/security/PermissionID.class) failed

Happens with every connect as reported by site error reporting

noobx 07-30-2004 09:45 PM

I am having trouble with the buttons on the chat interface as well..

I get 'Undefined string' on every button despite uploading all the files correctly..

Zachery 07-31-2004 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by noobx
I am having trouble with the buttons on the chat interface as well..

I get 'Undefined string' on every button despite uploading all the files correctly..

Try reuploading the files, usualy this fixes it, or its a cache issue.

Jolten 07-31-2004 01:25 AM

Everythign is installed and works on my site but this error:

An attempt to get a file (/bb/chat/com/ms/security/PermissionID.class) failed

Is sent to me with every log in.

noobx 07-31-2004 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by Zachery
Try reuploading the files, usualy this fixes it, or its a cache issue.

I tried that .. Didn't work. If it's a cache issue what do you suggest I do?

Dark s.s. Trunk 08-05-2004 06:54 PM

This seems to be working but when it is connecting I get an error..

Unable to connect: null ? What am I missing did i forget somthign?

Dorign 08-10-2004 07:42 PM

This thread is huge. o_O

Mine works great, I'm just looking for one small addition..
When a user joins, it makes them join under their username. Well, I'd like them to have a prefix on that name, since most user names are registered on the server my channel is. Something like FC_$username

Any thoughts?

Zachery 08-10-2004 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Dorign
This thread is huge. o_O

Mine works great, I'm just looking for one small addition..
When a user joins, it makes them join under their username. Well, I'd like them to have a prefix on that name, since most user names are registered on the server my channel is. Something like FC_$username

Any thoughts?

In the template find $chatname and change it to FC_$chatname

Dorign 08-11-2004 04:44 AM

I <3 you. lol

Slapyo 08-12-2004 03:55 PM

any way to make this pop up so the users can chat and still browse the forums? only problem is it wouldn't show them as being in the chat as soon as they loaded a new page.

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