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Littlebit 04-05-2003 01:25 PM

Hi guys,
I just got a request for Centipede. Has anyone ran across this one anywhere?
p.s thank you for Pong and Asteroids! They are loving it.

The Wedge 04-05-2003 02:44 PM

i got a new pong game, but im not sure how to make it faster, its wayyy to slow and if there is a way to make it faster somebody post and leave there AIM so i can talk to em, i would post it, but i'd rather have somebody help me so i can learn for furture posts!!

Zelda-King 04-05-2003 03:25 PM

For the query drop I'd rather get rid of those mini-scoreboards underneath than remove columns from the main table on the proarcade homepage. Is deleting those columns really that much more of an advantage?

dstruct2k 04-05-2003 06:45 PM


Today at 09:13 AM Kars10 said this in Post #439
I am working on Frogger right now, but its kinda hard! :(
Everytime i have played the game it redirects me to the scoreboard but i can?t add my scores! :(


You'll always have this problem if you are running your own server. I am running an Apache/1.3.27 Server on Windows XP Pro and I have never been able to play games from my own computer. Luckily there's another computer on the home network that I can play from, but some people might just be SOL if this is their setup.

If you are your own server, you cannot play games and have their scores saved! The best way around this is to get someone else to test the games for you, and see if the scores show up.

Jakor Sevel 04-05-2003 07:12 PM

a) thanks for witch hunt, that laugh rules, lol.
b) Thanks for the less queries Erwin, i'm thinking about putting it in.

DigitalDesktops 04-05-2003 07:19 PM


Today at 09:12 PM Jakor Sevel said this in Post #444
a) thanks for witch hunt, that laugh rules, lol.
b) Thanks for the less queries Erwin, i'm thinking about putting it in.

i'm glad you liked it. :)

here's the query for Witch Hunt:

PHP Code:

INSERT INTO arcadegames VALUES (NULL'witch_hunt_v1''Witch Hunt''It\'s halloween and the witches are flying......it\'s up to you to shoot them down. ''witch_hunt.swf''witchhunt.gif''GIF89a\0\0?\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0!\0\0\0\0!!!)!!!!!!)!)!!1!))))1))11)1B)9)11)11119119B1B11J199199999B9BR9J99R9B9BBBBBJBBJJBRBBZBBcBJJBJJJJRZJkJRRRRRcRkRRsRR{RZZZZZkZckZcsZsZZ{ZZ?Zccccckccsc?cc?ck?kk?ksssss{ss?s?s{s{{{{{{?{?{{_{?{??????????????_???????????????????????Ɣ?Δ????Μ?֜?֥?ޥ____?__?_????ﵵ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????,\0\0\0\0\0\0\0?\09?x??G\n    \0*\\Ȑ!*? X(??\'74????Š\Z??`?A??"7DHX)?`??Ix??58հbb႕4&?I? ?+kƌ??b"?6>,X@\0ѫ??`??Zx<U?Ѓիgc??:n??Y?fM?,t????@Z\0umd??@^:\0ְ??????}cV?Y@?%\0?|?P˃???%??_ܯt|?,]Z?_??qRЌ\ZA???q??lrl??H?e\r\r\0arO???r?S????K\r\0D\'Ά??笷????? k"\0v(&BA???l* ??V\r??????\Z0d!?_n\n?\0\n|?????\ZfH0\0\00?[i    ??\0Im1`nmD@?Z\00P…M$Fq?P?l\\? ?VBB?k;$Do|?5^??    q??]Z??^? ?0????w?v??a? (L)Zo ??d;?YZ ???\Z}????m?M? ??????ma@d?]??n?X?_Hld(?k?qB\0|\Z??\n??_~9:ed?\0\0;'116'king-witchhunt.gif''GIF89a\0\0?\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0!\0\0\0\0!\0)\0!!)!!!!!!!))!)))))9)1)11B11R19999J99R9B9BBBBBZBBcBJ9JJJJJZJJcBJkJRJRRkRRsRZRZZZcZsZZ{ZZ?Zcccc{cc?cc?ckckkkkkskk?ck?kk?kssks?s{s{{?{{?{{_{?_????????ƌ?_??Ɣ?Δ???????Μ?Υ?֥?ޥ_?__?__?__?_?ε?絵ﵵ??????ֽ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????,\0\0\0\0\0\0\0?\0mT?_@C?\n\0*P?C?    ???A?\r!0`?\0BtlAA"Č0+\0, \0??\0`y? ?[Nt??????? ?     -3\0`0????Z?? C?G?/X?l?\0???,[???@?LJ\'Y?pq?_??M?f?"??\'K??=? ??4?dQ`$#\r`p????,3d_P??K#9$ ?% ?,U?x?!!??^,?{?J?+K?\0`????I?>?Be?>2??cn,x???B?? ??%L?/?+g?"??R.T8? /_?O???\0;''Witch Hunt Champion''''$score'5'<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" width="400" height="500">\r\n<param name="movie" value="$vpa_gameurl?location=$vpa_bburl&gamename=$game&gamehash=$gamehash&s=$session[sessionhash]">\r\n<param name=loop value=false> \r\n<param name=menu value=false> \r\n<param name=quality value=high> \r\n<param name=bgcolor value=#000000>\r\n<embed src="$vpa_gameurl" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="500">\r\n</embed>\r\n</object>'); 

Enjoy! :D

Jakor Sevel 04-05-2003 07:53 PM

hey digital, do you think you could try this pinball game? Others have tried but can't seem to get it to work, maybe you can.

DigitalDesktops 04-05-2003 08:15 PM


Today at 09:53 PM Jakor Sevel said this in Post #446
hey digital, do you think you could try this pinball game? Others have tried but can't seem to get it to work, maybe you can.
sure i'll try.

DarkDraco07 04-05-2003 10:43 PM

Heres a working pinball
Score Var : $sscore

Erwin 04-05-2003 10:52 PM


Today at 03:25 AM Zelda-King said this in Post #442
For the query drop I'd rather get rid of those mini-scoreboards underneath than remove columns from the main table on the proarcade homepage. Is deleting those columns really that much more of an advantage?
I've already posted this, Zelda-King. READ THE THREAD.

But just for you, I'll post it again. Dropping the mini-scoreboards only reduce the queries for me from 83 to 65 - around 1 query per game - the savings is minimal. The bulk of the queries come from calculating the high score, your high score, your rank, number of players who played if for EACH game, hence the high queries.

Erwin 04-05-2003 10:54 PM

Games that are Buggy

1. X-ball

Can only go up to level 10 and max high score at 8,180 - then the ball justs hangs - very annoying. :)

2. Pong

Impossible to beat the computer - he let's you win one each time you lose one - so he is always 1 up to you. Was this an April Fools prank???

Anyway, just informing people. Otherwise, good work, all doing the Flash integration.

Erwin 04-05-2003 11:10 PM


Today at 10:43 AM DarkDraco07 said this in Post #448
heres a working pinball
What's the score variable? :)

Erwin 04-05-2003 11:16 PM

Here's a Pinball Thumbnail while we wait for the score variable...

DarkDraco07 04-05-2003 11:34 PM

sorry about that, the variable is $sscore

DarkDraco07 04-05-2003 11:41 PM

i didnt check out the pong that was posted "if there is one posted" but after reading the buggy games post, this one doesnt do that. here is one i use.

Score Var: $pongscore

---took out to get permission to post

Erwin 04-05-2003 11:50 PM

I get this problem with Pinball:

A data mismatch has been discovered between the game and the arcade, normally as the result of a cheating attempt. This attempt has been logged, and the score invalidated. If you feel that you are receiving this message in error, please contact the system administrator.

Strange... what's the game hash?

DarkDraco07 04-05-2003 11:53 PM

i have arcade v1 and i believe that hash is made for v2. try hash 5 like the other games

Erwin 04-05-2003 11:54 PM

Pong is working fine... Thanks! :)

Erwin 04-05-2003 11:56 PM


Today at 11:53 AM DarkDraco07 said this in Post #456
i have arcade v1 and i believe that hash is made for v2. try hash 5 like the other games
I did... Mmm... strange. So you're sure it's $sscore... 2 s's... (1 s didn't work anyway)... Shall look into it...

Erwin 04-06-2003 01:01 AM

It probably IS the MD5 hash offset that's the problem...

The instructions in Admin CP say this:

Game Hash Offset
Offset (between 0 and 31) to apply to the MD5 security check -- MUST MATCH the value in the game's FLA file, if unsure do not modify

What is it in the Pinball FLA?

DigitalDesktops 04-06-2003 01:46 AM

i'm trying to modify the pinball game i get this error:

vbProArcade Error: Invalid game name specified (todo: put something pretty here later)

heres the code i used:

// set up vars to return
vpaver = "100B2";
text = score;
action = "gameover";
game = gamename;
score_loc = location + "proarcade.php";

// this needs to match the Admin CP value
// and should be between 0 and 31
hashoffset = 5;

// do security shuffle to return newhash
subhash1 = gamehash.substr(0,hashoffset);
subhash2 = gamehash.substr(hashoffset);
newhash = subhash2.concat(subhash1);

// redirect back to vbProArcade
getURL (score_loc, "_self", "POST");

anyone know why its doing this?

DigitalDesktops 04-06-2003 01:49 AM


Today at 12:54 AM Erwin said this in Post #450
Games that are Buggy

1. X-ball

Can only go up to level 10 and max high score at 8,180 - then the ball justs hangs - very annoying. :)

2. Pong

Impossible to beat the computer - he let's you win one each time you lose one - so he is always 1 up to you. Was this an April Fools prank???

Anyway, just informing people. Otherwise, good work, all doing the Flash integration.

They only had 10 levels made in X-ball. thats why the ball just hangs there.

no, it wasn't an april fools joke. the computer is just hard to beat :D

DigitalDesktops 04-06-2003 01:57 AM


Today at 01:41 AM DarkDraco07 said this in Post #454
i didnt check out the pong that was posted "if there is one posted" but after reading the buggy games post, this one doesnt do that. here is mine.

Score Var: $pongscore

did you get permission to post that? it says its made for the gaminguniverse.com.

Jakor Sevel 04-06-2003 02:19 AM

even if it was i doubt it's copyrighted :p

DigitalDesktops 04-06-2003 02:29 AM


Today at 03:19 AM Jakor Sevel said this in Post #463
even if it was i doubt it's copyrighted :p
well look at this post :p :


Jakor Sevel 04-06-2003 02:44 AM

well it's really just being nice to honor the wishes of the creator, but it's still not copyrighted, or I doubt it. I think if you want you can, it's just nice to honor the requests of the creator. Then again, not everyone likes being nice :p

The Wedge 04-06-2003 05:04 AM

goin on the hunt now!!!

The Wedge 04-06-2003 07:40 AM

didnt realize it was this hard to find good games for flash ;/

Kars10 04-06-2003 07:46 AM


Today at 02:54 Erwin said this in Post #457
Pong is working fine... Thanks! :)
Hi! Where can i get the working version of Pong?
The other Pong is crap, you can?t win this game.

And, i have installed the Pinball-Game but get the same Error as Erwin! What can we do here, the game is cool!

Thanks in Advance

The Wedge 04-06-2003 08:14 AM

can anybody help me with finding the score variable that the game uses so i can enter in the correct one for a game that im working on?

Jakor Sevel 04-06-2003 01:24 PM

score variable for what?

sonic3d 04-06-2003 03:46 PM

there are some games that it says u gotta enter a query. do i have to?


DigitalDesktops 04-06-2003 04:08 PM

which games?

sonic3d 04-06-2003 05:01 PM

the ones that have them. forgot which though. the games work fine.


DigitalDesktops 04-06-2003 05:06 PM


Today at 07:01 PM sonic3d said this in Post #473
the ones that have them. forgot which though. the games work fine.


no you don't need to enter the query.
they just post them because some people have problems adding the games through the admin CP.

sonic3d 04-06-2003 05:12 PM

oh ok good. thanx.


Mickie D 04-06-2003 05:12 PM

i just bought flash because i thought i might as well have a bash at it :)

but i have a problem :( where is the source for the games ???

i cant find it in the menu ????

thanks very much for any advice i like the look of flash but still cant find the source and i have looked at the manual aswell :(

DigitalDesktops 04-06-2003 05:40 PM


Today at 07:12 PM Mickie D said this in Post #476
i just bought flash because i thought i might as well have a bash at it :)

but i have a problem :( where is the source for the games ???

i cant find it in the menu ????

thanks very much for any advice i like the look of flash but still cant find the source and i have looked at the manual aswell :(

you need to have the .fla not the .swf. :)

Mr L 04-06-2003 06:37 PM


04-03-03 at 01:05 AM DigitalDesktops said this in Post #370
atm i'm working on making the two games Hlodder posted(Post 359 & 340) compatible with the arcade.

Thanks for your work so far on some flash games, did you get anywhere with getting the Shark game converted?


DigitalDesktops 04-06-2003 07:57 PM


Today at 08:37 PM HLodder said this in Post #478

Thanks for your work so far on some flash games, did you get anywhere with getting the Shark game converted?


i'm still working on it. :)

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