Originally Posted by Michelle
It really gets on my nerves to see a forum admin that doesn't know how to upload a file or some basic HTML. How do they expect to succeed then??
Once they figure out how to use the PM function you are SO getting angry PM's!
Originally Posted by jilly
There's something called a learning curve. I know several admins who started forums knowing NOTHING about html, css, templates, coding, etc. They learned as they went along.
Why be so harsh on people who are on their way to learning? Why assume, automatically, that new people are lazy and selfish? When I first came here in 2002 I knew almost nothing about coding, and several of the 'smarter' members here were very kind and polite to me, and helped me out, and I was very grateful. A little kindness and patience goes a long way.
Almost every question you or anyone else has to ask has already been asked. Which is where the frustration comes in, people need to learn to search and actually put in some effort to get what they need. Go look in the request forums and see how many duplicate requests there are, sometimes on the same page. Of course sometimes there are going to be duplicate threads because the search is only as good as the keywords used but still, it's a bit much. January 2005 was the first time I'd done anything more than post on a vbulletin board and I started up my own. I rarely posted threads/posts asking for help because I took the time to look up the errors and figure out the fix myself and then if I was still unable to I posted about it. There's also a lot of people asking for hacks that have been released within a month prior to them asking for it. I used to post links to the hacks for them but no longer will. I refuse to help people be lazy. As much as I love the plugin/product feature it's only encouraging people to be even more lazy. A great example of lazy people wanting all the work done for them can be found in the "spice up your profile like myspace" thread.
Or check out the profile comments thread and people are asking questions that are addressed in the FIRST post. It'd be one thing if the answer was in post 300 in 600 post thread but it's in the FIRST post. I also have gotten quite a few IM's asking for help and I'll give them suggestions and they'll try one or two and then say "can't you just do it for me. i'll give you rights, etc..." and most of them want it for free. So now I either ignore them or say I'm too busy.
And don't even get me started on how amazed I am that so called forum admins can't even post in the correct forum. I'm afraid to see what their boards look like.
I have no problem helping people if they've tried but just can't figure it out and have run out of options. But not the "I just had this problem and want someone else to fix it for me right now" kind of people. Apparently nobody wants to actually put in any work these days. I don't think a day goes by I'm not tweaking, modifying or working on some way to make my board better. Only thing more frustrating that seeing all the lazy people is seeing people enabling the laziness by helping them out.