11-01-2005, 03:20 AM
To ensure our Forum uptime we have implimented a backup server in a different location. We are using SQLyog Enterprise to sync the db's. The problem is VBulletin does not install a Primary key for the following tables so there are postindex, Download index post listings and other issues between the databases upon syncronization. Here is the log from SQLyog:
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`affiliates_settings`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`attachmentviews`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`badwords`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`dl_cats`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`dl_coms`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`dl_files`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`imagecategorypermission`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`mcpollbooth`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`passwordhistory`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`posthash`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`postindex`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`regimage`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`strikes`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`threadviews`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`tournament_players`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`tournaments`'
Sync started at Wed Oct 26 16:39:33 2005
I am not certain if the lack of primary keys in the indexes is intentional but for our needs it is a neccesity at this time unless there is another way to sync the DB's. My question is can these tables list a primary key and how do I go about getting them there so our sync's will work correctly??
VBulletin 3.0.6 Mysql 4.0.26
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`affiliates_settings`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`attachmentviews`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`badwords`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`dl_cats`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`dl_coms`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`dl_files`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`imagecategorypermission`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`mcpollbooth`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`passwordhistory`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`posthash`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`postindex`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`regimage`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`strikes`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`threadviews`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`tournament_players`'
No PRIMARY KEY defined in the table '`tournaments`'
Sync started at Wed Oct 26 16:39:33 2005
I am not certain if the lack of primary keys in the indexes is intentional but for our needs it is a neccesity at this time unless there is another way to sync the DB's. My question is can these tables list a primary key and how do I go about getting them there so our sync's will work correctly??
VBulletin 3.0.6 Mysql 4.0.26