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07-28-2005, 10:00 PM
What vBTripleTriad is:
-vBTripleTriad is a multiplayer modification for playing the addictive Triple Triad from Final Fantasy VIII. For now, If you want to learn how to play, Google it to see one of the many online tutorials. Check Out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_Triad for more details.

-Any pre-existing points system in place. If you would like a crude points system for sole use in this hack, please CLICK HERE (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=745059&postcount=18)


Triple Triad the Game

Faithfully Recreated From Final Fantasy VIII
Contains All Original Card Images
Uses Original Game MIDI Files
All Original Game Rules Fully Functional
All Original Prize Rules Fully Functional
New Gameplay Features

Five New Game Rules Fully Functional
One New Prize Rule Fully Functional
AI More Intelligent Than FF8
Utilizes All Active Rules for Best Move
Every Rule Combination Won't Conflict
Manually or Randomly Set Rules
Unlimited Concurrent Matches
User Matches

Limit Levels of Cards
Set Wagers
AI Matches

Set Level of Difficulty
Points Admissions and Prizes
Limit Uses Through ACP

Card Aquisition

Simple Purchase Process With Alert
Easy Inventory Management
Dynamic Card Catalog
Extras Can Be Resold
User Interaction

Helpful Links
View Inventory

Your Own Cards
Point Offers


Browse Matches
Comprehensive Search

Match Leaderboard
Hack Usage
Links to Everything
Existing Match Jump
Admin Control Panel

Configure Game Settings
Integrate With Any Points System
Set Limits for Everything
Disable Certain PM Alerts
Card and Match Manager

Edit and Delete Existing Cards
Upload New Cards
Create Special Unique Usercards
Award Users New Cards
Restart and Delete Individual Matches
Match and Trade Processor

Prune for Inactivity
Calculate Statistics

Hack in General

Exhuastively Bugtested
Quick and Easy Installation
Integrates With Most Points Systems
Complete Control Over Every Aspect
Special Formulas for PHP-Illiterate Admins
Templates Meld Into vB Style
vB Standards PHP and MySQL
Concise Descriptions of All Actions
-MANY more which I cannot remember!

-Upload a few files, run a couple of them, a small handful of minor file edits, and one template edit. Clean installation should take less than 10 minutes for the average admin. Complete instructions are inside the zip.

Because of attachment limitations, the second set of images is in the second post; CLICK HERE (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=33600) to download this as well.

Upgrade hack version 2.6 to 2.7:
-For upgrade information Please see this post (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=758736&postcount=49)

Upgrade hack version 3.2.5 to 2.6:
-For upgrade information Please see this post (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=752961&postcount=45)

Supplemental Images:
-Additional Screenshots can be found in the second post, CLICK HERE (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=744458&postcount=2).
-If you are interested in creating new/replacement card images and decks, CLICK HERE (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=752961&postcount=45). Feel free to submit to me new versions of the base set if you would like them to become the new main set.
-The cardback that is included in vBTripleTriad was selected by my forum in a large contest. If you do not like it, you can CLICK HERE (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=744614&postcount=10) to download the original. Edit it to 105x130 pixels, rename to 'backcard.gif', and upload it to images/triad.

07-29-2005, 09:00 AM
As there were limits for uploading, i had to split off some of the images...
take this, and put the resulting images (in the bluecards folder) and put it in images/triad (along with the redcards folder)

Edit: I've uploaded the zipped SCREENSHOTS, including some that are not posted above, in this post...

07-29-2005, 10:44 AM
very cool- I will check it out later! thanks for sharing your hard work.

07-29-2005, 11:29 AM
Screenshots would be nice bud.


07-29-2005, 11:41 AM
Hey, thanks for releasing this hack, I was searching for this one.
Will this hack work if I install it on my vB 3.0.7 (soon 3.0.8) forum? Cause I see you don't have to edit many files...

07-29-2005, 12:50 PM
if it's suitable for 3.0.7 I will install and need some more info about this game, also some screenies would be cool

07-29-2005, 01:12 PM
i dont see why it shouldnt work for the newest stuff. its very non-invasive for the most part.

screenshots are for people who dont know what triple triad is :)

but ill see about it for tonight

Oblivion Knight
07-29-2005, 01:16 PM
I've donated $15 towards your license renewal.. :)

Looking forward to seeing future developments of this, I love Triple Triad.

07-29-2005, 01:21 PM
I get this when going to the stadium entrance:Invalid SQL: SELECT triad_user.*,PF_TABLE.PF_COLUMN AS points FROM triad_user LEFT JOIN PF_TABLE ON PF_TABLE.userid=triad_user.userid WHERE triad_user.userid=1
mysql error: Table 'mysite_forum.PF_TABLE' doesn't exist

mysql error number: 1146
I think that you need to fix the table prefix problem. I have no table prefix added to my forums, yet it seems to be looking for one.

Also- I only think you have half of the navbar code there.

Once we can get this going, this site: http://www.tripletriad.net/
offers some good alternative decks, too.

Oblivion Knight
07-29-2005, 01:29 PM
Here's the original card back, enjoy.. ;)

07-29-2005, 01:37 PM
yoyoyoyo: you didnt follow the first instructions...

1) You need a preexisting points hack (if you need something very very simple, tell me and ill post it in this thread)

2) You need to fill out the config file before you try to get anything to work. Those are just dummy values, which you change in the Admincp. Trust me, ALL prefix issues were fixed a long time ago :-p (very annoying too)

Is that my original cardback? Thanks for all of your help!
Oh, and while I'm thinking about it, my cards are 105 x 130 pixels, for anyone wanting to make a new set (or convert an old one).

Oblivion Knight
07-29-2005, 01:39 PM
Is that my original cardback? Thanks for all of your help!I've no idea, but it's the original from the actual Final Fantasy VIII version.. ;)

Also, if you can gain permission from http://www.ttadvance.com/ to use some of their additional card packs for this modification, you could be on to something huge - possibly bigger than the Arcade.

07-29-2005, 02:04 PM
yoyoyoyo: you didnt follow the first instructions...

1) You need a preexisting points hack (if you need something very very simple, tell me and ill post it in this thread)

2) You need to fill out the config file before you try to get anything to work. Those are just dummy values, which you change in the Admincp. Trust me, ALL prefix issues were fixed a long time ago :-p (very annoying too)
Thanks a *simple* points hack would be great. So this means that it could use uttstore points, etc. as the points table? I see it mentioned in the requirements at the top of this page now - maybe you could include a mention of it in the instructions to clear up confusion. I also don't see any mention of a config file anywhere in the install info, or in the ACP or in your release info at the top. I installed the file and template and saw this message:
vBTripleTriad is now installed, click HERE to go to the admin control panel. You must set up your options for the hack for it to be open to the public.I set up the options, or at least thought I did, but no mention of a config file. I saw the "User Points TABLE Name" set as PF_TABLE in the Technical configuration area of the ACP- is that what you mean?

07-29-2005, 02:23 PM
Yes, that's what I mean, I'll go fix up bolding things, and I'll have the simple points hack later.

IF you have installed this somewhere where others are normally posting, then you can add a column to the user table, called 'points' INT (10) and default it as a comfortable amount for everyone to start out with (like enough to get a couple packs). This is good to cover registration, and it is part of the simple points hack (the rest of what I'll give you will handle adding points per post). I'll have this later too.

If you do that, then you would put user and points, respectively, into the table and column page.

Marco van Herwaarden
07-29-2005, 03:57 PM
Also, if you can gain permission from http://www.ttadvance.com/ to use some of their additional card packs for this modification, you could be on to something huge - possibly bigger than the Arcade
Did they get permission by Jelsoft to use vB icons to make IPB look like vB?


07-29-2005, 07:40 PM
I wish I knew what this is as it sounds like fun. :)

Look forward to screenies.

Oblivion Knight
07-29-2005, 08:28 PM
Did they get permission by Jelsoft to use vB icons to make IPB look like vB?

:DGood call, although it may have been a skin they downloaded and edited slightly.

07-30-2005, 02:15 AM
I've updated the second post I made to include the zip of screenshots, just to keep the important stuff together. I also put notes for using the original card back, as well as linking to this for those who need it.

IMPORTANT: DO NOT apply this to 'triad_user'. Use 'user' as specified. Doing so will intentionally break the hack, as well as mess up the rest of the points system instructions. (v2.8 will be able to do this)

Here is the crude points system, easy enough, just follow the directions :)

Notes: this is NOT intended to be featureful. if its missing something you believe you NEED, then please install a conventional points hack, and uninstall this one (reverse the directions)

Diana Notacat
07-30-2005, 04:50 AM
It's safe to assume you could have both this TripleTriad mod, plus Zero Tolorance's since his is built in with RPG Inferno? ^~

I really like this, especially the additional game rules ect, but I already have several cards (er.. ALL of them!) customized with my Inferno install. Would you consider making a small import script for converting decks from there to this one? I'd very much like to use both systems, but knowing I could switch between the two would be divine! (I always customize my installs, so I don't tend to use "stock" sets and hand adding stuff gets really scary when you have all that data!)

AND... Can the admin add additional cards in this current installation, or is that what you meant for the possible future release for custom user cards? Or are the custom user cards meant as made by members?

I do hope you get those donations so you can work on this for 3.5! :D I wish I could help you out too, but I'm still trying to save to renew my membership myself!

07-30-2005, 04:54 AM
I wouldnt see where this would cause conflicts, just tack it onto his points system

I havent messed with his stuff, so I dont know how easily it would be to convert something you have specially from that

edit: yeah, inferno is still a paid hack. i have memories of a site which used it, and it wasnt that great, although it was a year ago. Therefor chances of conversion are relatively slim unless i have access to at least his database schema. I still have faith in the ability to link up the points though, and thus no compatibility conflicts :)

edit: oh and yeah, the admin can, right now, add cards to the set through the admin cp. all thats needed are the blue and red images, properly sized. the system will take care of storing the card, renaming it, and setting it up for immediate consumption by the forums :-p (i tested it of course)

Jessika Olphus
07-31-2005, 03:54 AM
I'm getting this error.

Invalid SQL: SELECT vb308_triad_user.*,vb308_user.points AS points FROM triad_user LEFT JOIN vb308_user ON vb308_user.userid=triad_user.userid WHERE triad_user.userid=1
mysql error: Unknown table 'vb308_triad_user'

mysql error number: 1051

So I tried adding the points part to the triad_user table, and I get this..

Invalid SQL: UPDATE vb308_triad_user SET triad_user.cr_1=0,triad_user.cr_2=0,triad_user.cr_ 3=0,triad_user.cr_4=0,triad_user.cr_5=0,triad_user .cr_6=0,triad_user.cr_7=1,triad_user.cr_8=0,triad_ user.cr_9=0,triad_user.cr_10=0,triad_user.cr_11=1, triad_user.cr_12=0,triad_user.cr_13=0,triad_user.c r_14=0,triad_user.cr_15=1,triad_user.cr_16=0,triad _user.cr_17=0,triad_user.cr_18=0,triad_user.cr_19= 0,triad_user.cr_20=0,triad_user.cr_21=0,triad_user .cr_22=0,triad_user.cr_23=0,triad_user.cr_24=0,tri ad_user.cr_25=0,triad_user.cr_26=0,triad_user.cr_2 7=0,triad_user.cr_28=1,triad_user.cr_29=0,triad_us er.cr_30=0,triad_user.cr_31=0,triad_user.cr_32=0,t riad_user.cr_33=0,triad_user.cr_34=0,triad_user.cr _35=0,triad_user.cr_36=0,triad_user.cr_37=0,triad_ user.cr_38=0,triad_user.cr_39=0,triad_user.cr_40=0 ,triad_user.cr_41=0,triad_user.cr_42=0,triad_user. cr_43=0,triad_user.cr_44=0,triad_user.cr_45=0,tria d_user.cr_46=0,triad_user.cr_47=0,triad_user.cr_48 =0,triad_user.cr_49=0,triad_user.cr_50=0,triad_use r.cr_51=0,triad_user.cr_52=0,triad_user.cr_53=0,tr iad_user.cr_54=0,triad_user.cr_55=0,triad_user.cr_ 56=0,triad_user.cr_57=0,triad_user.cr_58=0,triad_u ser.cr_59=1,triad_user.cr_60=0,triad_user.cr_61=0, triad_user.cr_62=0,triad_user.cr_63=0,triad_user.c r_64=0,triad_user.cr_65=0,triad_user.cr_66=0,triad _user.cr_67=0,triad_user.cr_68=0,triad_user.cr_69= 0,triad_user.cr_70=0,triad_user.cr_71=1,triad_user .cr_72=1,triad_user.cr_73=0,triad_user.cr_74=0,tri ad_user.cr_75=0,triad_user.cr_76=0,triad_user.cr_7 7=0,triad_user.cr_78=0,triad_user.cr_79=0,triad_us er.cr_80=0,triad_user.cr_81=0,triad_user.cr_82=0,t riad_user.cr_83=0,triad_user.cr_84=0,triad_user.cr _85=0,triad_user.cr_86=0,triad_user.cr_87=0,triad_ user.cr_88=0,triad_user.cr_89=0,triad_user.cr_90=0 ,triad_user.cr_91=0,triad_user.cr_92=0,triad_user. cr_93=0,triad_user.cr_94=0,triad_user.cr_95=0,tria d_user.cr_96=0,triad_user.cr_97=0,triad_user.cr_98 =0,triad_user.cr_99=0,triad_user.cr_100=0,triad_us er.cr_101=0,triad_user.cr_102=0,triad_user.cr_103= 0,triad_user.cr_104=0,triad_user.cr_105=2,triad_us er.cr_106=1,triad_user.cr_107=0,triad_user.cr_108= 0,triad_user.cr_109=0,triad_user.cr_110=0 WHERE userid=1
mysql error: Unknown table 'triad_user' in field list

mysql error number: 1109

Now, I followed the directions given for both the points and tt hack. For interest, I used the crude points hack that you posted.

Anyidea on what I can do??

07-31-2005, 04:36 AM
EDIT: Upgrade to the newest version to fix this problem.

the crude points hack contains instructions for putting them on the 'user' table, not 'triad_user'.

It says that both triad_user, and vb308_triad_user do not exist. did you get errors during install?

Remove what you put on triad_user, and put it on user.

EDIT: Upgrade to the newest version to fix this problem.

Jessika Olphus
08-01-2005, 03:23 AM
I did put the points in the user first. then just to try.. I put it in the traid_user

08-01-2005, 03:30 AM
EDIT: Upgrade to the newest version to fix this problem.

alright, i am finding a minor error which will affect those who use table prefixes...

first, if you have the points on the triad_user table, remove the column, and put it on user (otherwise the code I gave you to edit will not work). also, make sure the TT config (accessible from acp) is set to use the user table, and MAKE SURE TO ADD THE TABLE PREFIX TO THIS SETTING. so if you use vb3_, then make sure the option is vb3_user.

next, use my previous post to edit includes/functions_triad.php

then, check to see if your templates were installed. you can check this by looking in your style editor, and looking for a template category called Triple Triad Templates.

IF you DONT find this category, then your installer failed (which i think it did)
if this is the case, then download the file attached to this post, upload it to your admincp folder, and run it, making sure to click execute.

should solve your problem, will be fixed in next version >.<

EDIT: Upgrade to the newest version to fix this problem.

Jessika Olphus
08-01-2005, 03:58 AM
Ok, thanks, that fixed the problem. But now when I try to start an AI battle, I get this error..

Could not find phrase 'triad_notenocrd'.

I also just got that error when I tried to go the the purchase cards page.

08-01-2005, 04:11 AM
your phrases should all be there, i just checked the installation on a fresh install, using the files i have (and this time ive made sure to use a table prefix just in case) and all of my phrases are still there.

what i would suggest you do, is run the installer once more.

before you do that, run these queries: (add your prefix where required)

ALTER TABLE `language` DROP `phrasegroup_triad`
DELETE FROM `phrasegroup` WHERE `title` LIKE '%Triple Triad%'
DELETE FROM `phrase` WHERE `varname` LIKE '%group_triad%'

Then run admincp/triad_install.php again
Dont worry, it wont duplicate tables

see how this one goes, like i said i recreated your situation without lacking any phrases (including the one you seem to be missing)

Jessika Olphus
08-01-2005, 04:52 AM
geez.. I got it installed again.. I got it to load the purchase cards page, but it said i didnt' have enough points. so I went into mySQl and gave myself points, and now all the triad pages are nothing but a white screen -_-

I've never had this much trouble with hacks.. I guess its because I'm tired as ++++.. ohwell.. here is a link for reference..


08-01-2005, 04:54 AM
i have a feeling you forgot to set he configurations again (sorry forgot to mention)
mainly the ones about points

if its pure white, then it means you arent on a style the templates are on :-p
as a final fix to this...re-run the template-installer that i gave to you earlier in the post, but first check your on a style that lists the templates

and i apologize...you seem to be the only one to have anything messed up :ermm:
if theres any specific messages that its giving you, tell me

Jessika Olphus
08-01-2005, 04:58 AM
yea.. I forgot about the templates again.. xD

Ok, I have everything working now. But when I battle the AI. I don't know if its suppose to happen. But the AI's card's don't show up. Until the end of the battle. is that how its suppose to be done, or is it still missing up?

08-01-2005, 05:03 AM
well id like to see everyone with a working version of my hack :)

i dont understand how your installer managed to skip over inserting several phrases...it was all one query, and that file was never messed up, or changed from whats up there right now (so what you ran originally is what you ran again)

we seem to be narrowing things down, although i will be linking a temporary fix for those who use table_prefix (as the next version isnt quite done yet)

Jessika Olphus
08-01-2005, 05:08 AM
Ok, I have everything working now. But when I battle the AI. I don't know if its suppose to happen. But the AI's card's don't show up. Until the end of the battle. is that how its suppose to be done, or is it still missing up?

08-01-2005, 05:10 AM
by 'doesnt show up' do you mean it shows a cardback?

if this is the case, try turning off random rules and selecting specific rules which you are familiar with.

Open will hide the ai's hand cards until the end of the match
Blind will hide any cards that the ai controls that are on the board, until the end of the match (Blind is one of my own new rules)

i suspect this is a prime case of not knowing how a rule works :-p

Jessika Olphus
08-01-2005, 05:13 AM
No, I know the rules.. I just tried again, and it played the rules fine. The first time I played it, it didn't show any of the AI's cards. Of course... I don't think I was paying any attition aswell. I haven't played the actual game in a few years. xD.. Anyways.. the hack is working, and it seems to be going fine aswell. Great stuff. ^_^.. I'll be sure to post if I hit another problem, it seems my luck to get tons of problems when nobody else does.

08-01-2005, 05:19 AM
Excellent :) like I said, and I hope I've proved, I'm here to help anyone who needs it, until its fixed.

I've posted at the top some links to a couple prominent posts for anyone having issues with table_prefix as well (will be fixed in the new version)

as for the new version, ive completed the first of two feature goals i was going to do, as well as some potential bug fixes, and of course the new one.

and i was referring to my new rules, when i said you probably didnt understand what a particularly turned-on rule was doing (especially if it was randomly set) :)

and unless theres anything else, i think im going to hit the sack for now

more edits: ahhhh, thanks a bunch :up:

Jessika Olphus
08-01-2005, 05:23 AM
Ok, I edited my post.. xD..

Yea, I did't understand your rules arefirst, after actually reading them, I get the idea.. ^_^

08-02-2005, 11:52 AM

A way to disable the PM after a match ends either just for AI battles, globally, or user option.

A yes/no confirmation on purchasing cards incase of an "accidental" click.

The navbar on the left hand side at the Satdium Entrance, present on all Triple Triad pages.

A user info box along the top or something, with how many points you have.

When you play a match and choose random rules, when it goes to card selection, show the rules enabled for this match... otherwise the minus rule is murder against the AI as it seems to know it when it pulls it's cards, meanwhile you grab all your big heavy cards.

Loving this hack bro, this is sweet. Great work!

08-02-2005, 01:44 PM
The match results PM gives info for when you might not guess it (especially if you lost) and also a log of where your available cards are off to... so I dont know if/where I'll implement this. On a side note, displaying redirect messages are VERY useful, as I've included many bits of info, sometimes regarding bad input and I just refresh the page. Another example is the message over who was randomly chosen to begin the match.

Well, maybe, I guess I could make it popup one of them gray boxes. It used to have a confirmation thing, but it really slowed down the process, because you had to click everything twice :-p

Edit: ive put in one of those nice grey confirmation boxes on all links to it :) see it in next version.

The only page where the navbar isnt shown is the pages where it lists cards. It gets really crowded with the sidebar, and you could always click in the location thing at the top navbar, to get to the stadium :-p But I'll look into it..

Points were intended to be handled by another hack, and the sole inclusion of the only display it has within the hack (entrance) was for people who installed my crude points hack, as it has no display anywhere. Again, Ill look at the design for a comfortable place.

The rulebox might be useful, but you could always open up the pick-hand screen, and look at the hidden vars at the top :-p they list which rules are selected, even after randrules is chosen (matches arent created until the hand is chosen, in case something interrupts the process and causes insufficient data)...well, just kidding. And of course the AI knows everything :-p its just that good. (it beats me half the time!). Originally, the AI didnt know, and IT got screwed with reverse, so I suppose I could just level it completely :-/

I like a bit of this, and I'll try all of it to see if it looks good.

08-03-2005, 12:04 PM
I like the bot knowing the rules, just wish we could.

I'd just like the players to be able to know as well ;)

The points thing I completely understand, I'll prolly tie it into one of the navbar hacks where it shows a users post count, new threads, etc etc.

Navbar is cool, I'll likely be using the sidebar and can do a section in there that will be easy to cruise around on.

O and on the PM thing, maybe it's something the users can enable or disable? As I'm sure there are some that would like it. *shrug*

Totally appreciate your work man, this hack is awesome :) Definately my favorite hack that's been released in quite awhile.

08-05-2005, 05:30 PM
In the statistics template i have an odd error
you can see it in my screenshot.
It's for the custom style or not?

08-05-2005, 07:57 PM
that looks like you edited the template

the stuff on the side should be under it in the middle, the default style shows it just fine

yes, my guess is its a custom style difference from the vb base

08-06-2005, 08:35 AM
i didn't touched your template.
It's strange that if i activate the vbulletin style i have the same problem.
Maybe the style touched something.
I'll try to correct by myself, it's not a big problem! :)

08-06-2005, 05:57 PM
alright, if you find a problem with my template on the vb main style, please tell me so i can fix it, otherwise ill be looking into it myself (still dont see problems though) it might be a browser problem though.

some news: im close to the new version, maybe another day or two.
PixelFX has donated to me the final 15$, so I'll remove that message, but of course donations are still welcome :) and this means I can have this tested up for the new version, and work on the vb3.5 version. Many thanks to him, but this means I have to work on vbtopsite too :-p

08-06-2005, 11:16 PM
your welcome, can't wait to see vbtopsites :)

08-07-2005, 04:22 AM
Okay, I've fresh-installed the current version onto 3.0.8, and everything went off flawlessly :) SO I hereby brand this for 3.0.8.

Additionally, I looked at the stats screen of the fresh install, and there were NO unanticipated appearances. It also showed me a bug, which is fixed in the upcoming version :-p

08-09-2005, 05:39 PM
-Bugfixes: table_prefix, some rules, personal records, new card ordering, italics in catalog, one/difference override bug, removed some ai vulnerabilities

-Changes: vB Standard PHP/MySQL, various template tweaks, preparations for tournaments, removal of automated usercards links, better usage of globalize and actiontemplates etc, revision of pm alert system, reverse means selection is level or higher

-Additions: rulesbox on handchoose, wagers, confirm dialog on purchase, limit certain pm alerts, inventory addition function for new cards

And many more which I didnt keep track of....

-Download the zip file in the first post, and the upgrade zip in this post. Follow the instructions in the upgrade zip.

Just because I decided against automated usercards, doesnt mean your hack cant use them.
If you are interested in creating new cards/decks for this hack, or for creating special unique cards for a particular hack user (Usercards) then download the attached card creation kit, and read the text file in it.
If anyone would like to create a new cardset for my hack, or even a new board, feel free to do so, and I'll see about including it in new versions (or having whole new decks) Many sites do this, just don't steal their images and resize them :)

Be sure to click install!

A second version of a card creation kit, along with more detailed instructions for the actual creation of the images, has been attached, thanks to AllenSam

08-11-2005, 11:58 AM

Im using vBulletin 3.0.1
I installed TripleTriad just as u said to do.
Then i installed the "Crude Points System" (well, just altered the "triad_user" table with "points")
In the AdminCP i changed the settings to "triad_user" and "points", templates are installed correctly too.

Now when i try to play (go to the stadium for example) i get following message:

Ungueltige SQL-Abfrage:
SELECT triad_user.*,
triad_user.points AS points
FROM triad_user
LEFT JOIN triad_user ON triad_user.userid = triad_user.userid
WHERE triad_user.userid = 1

mysql error: Not unique table/alias: 'triad_user'
mysql error number: 1066

Can anyone help me?
thx ^^

Edit: In the CP i changed "triad_user" to "user" and it now seems to work... but im not too sure if this fix is correct ;)

08-11-2005, 03:17 PM
Yes, thats exactly what I was going to say. I'm going to edit the post with my points hack, to specify NOT to put the points onto the triad_user table.

For those who would understand why: doing so would be left-joining a table unto itself, which you can't do :-p And this saves a query, so I see no reason to change it (especially when I keep stressing that I wanted the points to be handled by another hack)

Good work Schansche

Version 2.7 is well under way, and the items planned for release: (I won't tell you what's already done!)

AI Limitation System (for users who play my ai instead of each other)
A Newly Designed Personal Scorecard (Cause the original is ugly, and not efficient)
Stadium Leaderboard (yes, see whos better than who)
'Various Stats' statistics page (such as the amount of cards in play, and other fun stuff)
AI Chooses its hand unless its random (instead of always random)
Nice recoding to be more efficient in places such as saving data
Admin pruning tools (Instead of the cron, which would be too intensive. This will remove bad matches/trades for reasons such as deleted cards/users, or you can specify a prune for abandoned matches)
And lots more... Should be done in less than a week, hope 2.6 is holding up well to your expectations :)

Any further suggestions, and I will consider them as well.

Also, I plan that after this version, I will complete the tournament section. Right now I've been setting up in various places where some tournament links/display will go, but the actual tournament hack in its completion will be after this version. Once that is done, only thing left to do is phrasing, wol locations, and maybe adminhelp/faqs for the hack, and then I label this as completed. :)

Tifa Lockheart
08-17-2005, 12:22 PM
Thanks Darkwaltz4

Installed without too much confusion. Really looking forward to the tournament feature.

Keep up the good work!

08-18-2005, 02:22 PM
-Bugfixes: various game/trade/acp bugs, reverse+bonus bug, added some globals in some functions, one alert-blocking bug

-Changes: some heavy and some light template tweaks, optimizations for all stats pages, removed need of backcards in colored folders, moved many match and trade related things into functions

-Additions: match/trade pruner/rebuilder for the acp, usage stats, leaderboard stats, ai limitations system, trades track more data, new record storing, take_cards checker, guest-friendly browsing capability

And many more which I didnt keep track of....

-Download the zip file in the first post, and the upgrade zip in this post. Follow the instructions in the upgrade zip.

I removed the cron idea because it would be too server-intensive, and also harder to control. Therefor I created handy match/trade processors for the ACP, which you must use upon upgrading, to convert your data into the new datatypes used by the new version. So DONT forget to do that last step!

Be sure to click install!

I've also updated the bluecards zip, the screenshot zip, added some updated screenshots to the first post, and ordered up the features listing for the first post.


DS MrSinister
08-19-2005, 12:18 AM
can any one help me to get this hack to work with ushop/ucash hack..

i am not sure what to put in the config fields.. I am using prefixs if that helps at all..

Thanks for any help.

08-19-2005, 02:44 AM
the table and column ucash uses is



replace [dbprefix] with whatever you chose when you were installing ie "vb3_" etc

08-19-2005, 08:59 AM
Hey there, sorry to bother you but I have an error while trying to get anywhere on the main pages. It just displays an error page with this:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.8:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT triad_user.*,
FROM triad_user
LEFT JOIN PF_TABLE ON PF_TABLE.userid = triad_user.userid
WHERE triad_user.userid = 1

mysql error: Table 'flegacy_forums.PF_TABLE' doesn't exist

mysql error number: 1146

I've been away from using vBulletin for a very long time and have just recently come back, so please forgive my being dumb. :o

08-19-2005, 02:20 PM
Thanks for your help rsj1!

In order to use this hack, you need a preexisting points hack installed already (to handle getting points, etc). Its bolded on the first post.

If you dont have one, I wrote an extremely simple one you can install, located at

On a side note, if you are wondering why I require you to include the prefix for the table name, is that how am I to know for sure if the points hack you are using fully obeys table prefix rules?

Hope everything has gone well for everyone, I'm working on tournaments :)

08-19-2005, 10:00 PM
I wondered if this hack works in 3.5, too?

08-19-2005, 10:18 PM
this hack currently does not have a port for vb 3.5, however i intend for matches, trades, and inventories to be interchangable between the two as soon as there is one. Ive had some trouble working with the rc2 product system, and i suspect they will be fixed in rc3, so ill begin working on it then.

some features for tournaments being worked on:
unlimited tiers
unlimited rounds
cap level
prizes per tier as points/cards

and some more stuff :-p just to keep everyone interested in updating

DS MrSinister
08-20-2005, 01:10 AM
the table and column ucash uses is



replace [dbprefix] with whatever you chose when you were installing ie "vb3_" etc

thank you very much

08-20-2005, 02:26 AM
Thanks for your help rsj1!

In order to use this hack, you need a preexisting points hack installed already (to handle getting points, etc). Its bolded on the first post.

If you dont have one, I wrote an extremely simple one you can install, located at

On a side note, if you are wondering why I require you to include the prefix for the table name, is that how am I to know for sure if the points hack you are using fully obeys table prefix rules?

Hope everything has gone well for everyone, I'm working on tournaments :)

Works.. I missed one little detail. XD
Sorry for being an idiot.

08-20-2005, 04:59 AM
Works.. I missed one little detail. XD
Sorry for being an idiot.

sounds cool, do you have any screenshots of recent changes or they pretty much the same, I plan to install it soon. Just bought a new 64bit system still formating it .. so I'm a tad out of commission for a day or so ..

08-20-2005, 10:45 AM
this hack currently does not have a port for vb 3.5, however i intend for matches, trades, and inventories to be interchangable between the two as soon as there is one. Ive had some trouble working with the rc2 product system, and i suspect they will be fixed in rc3, so ill begin working on it then.

some features for tournaments being worked on:
unlimited tiers
unlimited rounds
cap level
prizes per tier as points/cards

and some more stuff :-p just to keep everyone interested in updating

Wow, that sounds incredible. Can't wait to use it on my 3.5

08-20-2005, 12:21 PM
well that makes the number one problem failure to configure/install a points hack :-p maybe ill do a new error message on the triad pages if it finds that the defaults are still set...i just assumed the db error spoke for itself :-/

PixelFX: well, to see the lists of changes, see the first post for the links to the update posts. the screenshots on the first post, and the zip posted on the second post, contain the screenshots of the current [2.7] version.

I'm working on tournament templates.

08-21-2005, 10:41 PM
well that makes the number one problem failure to configure/install a points hack :-p maybe ill do a new error message on the triad pages if it finds that the defaults are still set...i just assumed the db error spoke for itself :-/

PixelFX: well, to see the lists of changes, see the first post for the links to the update posts. the screenshots on the first post, and the zip posted on the second post, contain the screenshots of the current [2.7] version.

I'm working on tournament templates.

kewl can't wait to see it
just merged two of my sites :)

08-21-2005, 11:54 PM
Here is the crude points system, easy enough, just follow the directions :)What is a good default amount to start everyone off with?

08-22-2005, 02:13 AM
it depends on several things. basically, how many CARDS do you want users to start out with. if you want the immediate 5, then work with your pack cost amout to come up with a beginning amount. you are most free when using only the crude points hack, as you can make everything cost essentially 1 point per card, and then have 5 points on reg :-p

so step one is figure out how much cards you want available to a user to start out with. if you want someone to gain points through playing with the AI, then work with your ai entrance fee formula to determine some low-level costs and you can add them with your initial-cards amount.

Then they could play against the ai for more points, have something for use in wagers against others, and/or resort to gaining points for posting. If you use an existing points hack, then expand the above plans to what you are currently allowing (some multiplication should suffice). so if you normally grant 1000 points for registering through your points hack, you can charge 400 per pack with 5 cards each, for a total of 10, and 200 points to invest in :)

hope that was something that wasnt overly complicated to comprehend.

08-22-2005, 02:53 AM
it depends on several things. basically, how many CARDS do you want users to start out with. if you want the immediate 5, then work with your pack cost amout to come up with a beginning amount. you are most free when using only the curde points hack, as you can make everything cost essentially 1 point per card, and then have 5 points on reg :-p

so step one is figure out how much cards you want available to a user to start out with. if you want someone to gain points through playing with the AI, then work with your ai entrance fee formula to determine some low-level costs and you can add them with your initial-cards amount.

Then they could play against the ai for more points, have something for use in wagers against others, either/or resort to gaining points for posting. If you use an existing points hack, then expand the above plans to what you are currently allowing (some multiplication should suffice). so if you normally grant 1000 points for registering through your points hack, you can charge 400 per pack with 5 cards each, for a total of 10, and 200 points to invest in :)

hope that was something that wasnt overly complicated to comprehend.Nope that helped alot - thanks!

08-22-2005, 08:55 PM
- I followed your instructions to make new cards but the cards aren't displayed although they work as intended
- Will the dimensions of the cards stay the same?
- Will there be any changes in the cards themselves? Or can I start making new cards while waiting for the 3.5 version?

Ideas for future versions
- any plans for working on Tetra Master? :D
- there should be some sort of a item-shop system where users can by a specific dard
- option to see how many users have a specific card
- tournamen modest: K.O.-system, leagues and groupes with single-elimination rounds after the league
- different card decks
- get extras when completing a card deck
- purchase different types of card packs, not just the standard card pack. For example buy a FFVIII or a FFX card pack
- cheap card packs with lower level cards and expensive card packs with high-level cards
- allow trades of cards between players
- card auctions (like ebay)
- AND of course fully optimised for vb 3.5: phrased, installer or plugin

If everything works fine in 3.5 I'll be happy to donate^^

08-22-2005, 10:31 PM
Your questions:
-Check the catalog. If everything went well, they WILL be there, check around the level that you added it to (the end if they were UC).
-Yes, they were made to fit the backboard. (105x130)
-You can add new cards, but you will have to edit some values once I do the deck support system. (But at least what you put in now will not be lost)

-not really, but if so, will be its own hack
-I specifically hate that idea, and have deliberately not done it. Sorry ;) (I want people to play each other to collect cards)
-Right now you can see the top owned card, similar system. I might do something like this for the catalog though...
-I don't understand what you mean with this one (too complicated)
-Deck support is planned for the version after the tournament version :) You'll be pleasantly surprised with the scope I am thinking up :)
-See above
-See above, maybe
-YOU CAN ALREADY DO THIS!!!! Both trade your own cards, and offer points to them. Set up links as in the instructions in things like profiles and posts, then the rest will work. Didn't you see even the options to TURN OFF trading in the configuration page? :-p Called 'Trades'
-YOU CAN ALREADY DO THIS!!! (See above) Called 'Point Offers'
-I intend final things like full phrasing etc, once all of the other features are done first, that way I'm not running everywhere finding things I forgot, and having to add/delete things between version, which could have waited until afterwards. I hope you understand, and I do feel bad about some of the non-english sites that I've found have installed this...

I've also submitted my problems to the vb team, and it should be fixed in RC3, so I can work more on products.

I've also run into an aesthetic problem while working on tournaments. For tiers, say you have 4 of them (so 16 to start off with). Is the initial tier called tier #1 or tier #4? I've found evidence to support both, but I really want to avoid confusion for everyone else if they want to you use.

08-22-2005, 10:51 PM
- Well, I can play with the cards (so they are there) but they show up with no image (not even a placeholder or broken links)

- I'll be surprised with your deck idea? Would you mind telling us? :)

- the reason why I didn't notice the trade option was because I installed an old vb 3.0.8 on a testserver just to see your hack. And because I was the only user there I couldn't play against somebody else as your AI :)

- the language isn't really a problem as everybody who usws the internet should be able to speak english. But it looks nicer /stylisher if everything is in the same language ;)

- are you using AJAX?

08-22-2005, 11:38 PM
- Well, I can play with the cards (so they are there) but they show up with no image (not even a placeholder or broken links)

- I'll be surprised with your deck idea? Would you mind telling us? :)

- the reason why I didn't notice the trade option was because I installed an old vb 3.0.8 on a testserver just to see your hack. And because I was the only user there I couldn't play against somebody else as your AI :)

- the language isn't really a problem as everybody who usws the internet should be able to speak english. But it looks nicer /stylisher if everything is in the same language ;)

- are you using AJAX?

finally getting to where Id want this on my main site, however wondering if I should wait for your next update with the tournanment system or how much of an upgrade will their be aka should I wait till next week before adding this to my site :)

08-23-2005, 12:08 AM
-Can you link me to this? Or a screenshot? Both of it not appearing (lol) and the 'empty' place in your inventory which claims you have it. I dont think it was a problem with the image uploader, as it errors if its not there, not the right size, and not a gif. (So it wouldnt have saved unless it was satisifed with the images)
-Even with one user you can still use the AI, it would just be less interesting for things like the leaderboard :-p
-Like I said, I plan full phrasing once I have a finite list of what needs them :)
-Maybe for the 3.5 version, for at least one thing which isnt in this version I want to do with ajax

The tournament system will be more like an addon, so dont worry about large changes that would be annoying to update; Not that my installers are very painful to use anyway :-p I hope so...

Deck support....you know, deck support :-p You can set up cards to fit under a deck you define, with maybe some other stuff. Hard to really describe 'features'. More like functionality :-p

Still want some help with the tier numbering idea. It has nothing to do with coding, just wanted to be clear when people use it >.<

08-23-2005, 04:15 AM
Here is an "add-on" of sorts. After installing Triple Triad to the forum, many users were asking about the game, so I decided to add this to the Navbar links for Triple Triad:

In the NAVBAR template locate the following code:
<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="triad_cards.php?$session[sessionurl]do=buycards" onclick="return check_buy()">Purchase Cards</a></td></tr>
and on a new line AFTER add the following:
<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="#"onClick="MyWindow=window.open('http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_Triad','MyWindow1','toolbar=yes,location=ye s,directories=yes, status=yes,menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=ye s,width=700,height=700,left=50,top=50'); return false;">About Triple Triad</a></td></tr>

08-23-2005, 04:36 AM
i never realized wikipedia had a good tutorial :) i posted it in the first link, maybe i could work it into the hack somewhere (but i might not since i plan to have my own faqs in the final version, especially as i have new rules)

As for the tier thing, i think tier one is called the champion tier :-/ so meh...

08-23-2005, 08:19 AM
I have had some ideas for future versions of this hack if you are interested:

User Shops:
Users can resell their spare cards to other users for whatever price they choose.

Extra Rules:
No Duplicate Cards (Each user can only choose one of each card - useful when using random rules)
Minumum Card Level (specify the minimum - as well as maximum - card level in a battle)
Memory (similar to blind but all cards - even your own - will only remain visable for one move)
Wager Card(s) (wager a card of an agreed level on the outcome of a match - this way you only lose the card(s) you wager rather than risk losing your played cards

New Game Mode:
More game board sizes (also links in with below) - 4x4, and 5x5. This could make things a lot more interesting for advanced players who have plenty of cards to use and it could breath some life back into the game for those bored of the short 9 move games.

2x2 player battles - Four people battling (2 on each team) on a 5x5 board. I think thise would have to be for money only as card swapping could be a bit of a nightmare (people annoyed as they wanted the card their team mate chose)... alternatively each player could wager a card (mabey more) on the outcome of the battle, or use the normal card trading rules - if your team wins you divide up the cards taking it in turns (with whoever placed cards on the board first out of the team) picking the first of the won cards. (This idea needs a little polishing but I think it could be great fun)

Ability to add new elements:
I have not actually had a chance to take a look at the code yet as this is something I could do myself. In some of the decks I have downloaded it seems they have a drakness element or something like that - it would be nice to be able to add this in

An easier way to add new cards:
I don't know how easy it would be for the database side of things, but would you be able to mass upload an entire deck of images (mabey ftp to a directory on server then have them inserted into the correct directory - or renamed to the numbers automatically) and then go though putting in the level, values and element for each each. Personally I would find this a lot less intensive than having to click 220 times just to load the images for a new deck, having to preview the card to get the values and then having to check after uploading to make sure the images are correct and the values are correct...

================================================== =========

Now for a quick question ;) I saw in your first post you are interested in making paid hacks. There was a hack I used to have on my old invision board which I would love to have converted to work with VBulletin - I have got permission from the hacks creatorto get it converted and all he has said is that his copyright must remain if any original code is used. It is quite a large hack and I have been told that it is likely to need a complete recode to get it working with VB... If you are interested (and from what i have seen of this hack you are more than up to the job) my request thread is here https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=94524 PM me for more information.

Also, if you wanted to know about the database structure for the triple triad game on RPG Inferno I also have that hack installed on my forum - again, PM me for more information. (BTW for all those wondering if the hacks worked together - they do! I actually replaced ZT's one with this one ;) No offence ZT but this one has rules! lmao)

08-23-2005, 01:03 PM
user shops: not sure how needed this one is, the only difference being someone can POST the amount they wish to offer a card for...if this is the case then i would need more slots for data. right now when someone who isnt you views your inventory, they can select some of your cards, and offer you points for them, and you accept/deny. basically this is what would happen in a user shop anyway, so this idea needs some thorough explanation

all the new rules should be feasible to some extent
Note for minimum:
I left this out because i figured why would someone complain if their opponent chose sucky cards? Just an easy win. Also, when you choose reverse, the card cap becomes a level minimum already :)

different board sizes would require an enormous recode. everything from the rulecheckers to the ai to the saving system, depend on everything being nine slots. now, the rulecheckers and the ai have a set of directions they can read from, but i dont know the extent of changes this would require

same thing with multiple players, and yeah figuring out a winner system would be considered a challenge :-p

There is a way to add new elements, as i decided against a formal method of it before, simply because there was no need to

1) create your image, in a large format in the middle of a clear gif 105x130. (For examples, look i your images/triad/elements folder)

2) SELECT MAX(element) FROM triad_card

3) Add 1 to this, and make that the new name of your element, remember what it was, and put the image in with the other elements. If you never added elements before, this number would be 9.

4) In include/functions_triad.php find:
'8' => 'Holy'
add after it
, '#' => 'NewElementName'

Noting the comma. # is the number you named the element

5) Create your card as usual, and select the new element for it. The game will take care of the rest :)

Well, I could possibly allow you to specify a source directory, but there is really no way around at SOME point you having to go through each and every image to do something. simply because php cant read what are on images, so you would have to do that yourself. Also the cardid isnt known until the card is actually saved in the database, so it wouldnt know which image belongs to which cardid after the fact. To make it easier for the system to recognize the connection would STILL require you to have previously gone through and say named each image as something indentifyably different :-p

08-23-2005, 02:51 PM
Thanks for that tip about the elements! I guessed it would be that simple - but I was not sure if it was hard coded or not ;) I had figured that the different size boards would require a massive script update - still mabey something for those long boring winter months :P

As for user shops, the reason I suggest this is so people can choose they cards they want to offer to other members rather than the other members randomly offering for any card they wish.

Minumum - Might be useful if someone wanted to battle another person with only say level 5 cards or for use with the random rule! My experience with that is nearly always level 1-3 cards while my opponent gets level 5+ (at least in the ff8 game lol - I havnt tried it out in your hack yet) I think this is because most people have a LOT more of the low level cards

08-23-2005, 06:50 PM
elements either match, or dont match :-p

long boring winter months?! i have a girlfriend you know!

i might be able to do something with user shops. i like that idea slightly better than with a general shop.

as for minimum, the key to beating random in ff8 (and indeed in vbtt) was to get rid of all of your low-level cards :) then you couldnt help but get better cards, but it also locked you into the higher difficulty levels. the tradeoff is yours to make, and i still dont think its something that is actually needed. you can still change my mind on this one

09-01-2005, 02:48 PM
Any plans to develop this to 3.5? :)

09-01-2005, 02:56 PM
yep :) its in the works, although atm im devoting most time to completing vbtopsite (maybe a week left)

09-02-2005, 01:00 PM
Awesome news bro!! can't wait :)

09-02-2005, 09:30 PM
Nice new addition for my forums, I hope my users like it.

One question, is there any way to reset the TT? As in delete all cards a user has, plus all the statistics?

09-02-2005, 09:34 PM
One question, is there any way to reset the TT? As in delete all cards a user has, plus all the statistics?

There has to be. Just use PHPmyAdmin and use the UPDATE query.

09-02-2005, 09:47 PM
There has to be. Just use PHPmyAdmin and use the UPDATE query.

I was hoping not to use phpmyadmin so I don't mess it all up :P I guess I'll just have to try.

09-02-2005, 09:52 PM
Well, you can run the query from the ACP if you want to^^
But in the end you will have to do it via query.

Hmm I just looked into it and this would have to be a damn long query^^"

09-02-2005, 10:58 PM
I did it without queries ;)

Just selected the triad_user and deleted all the cards I had. Then deleted the battles via admincp :) Its all good now :P

09-02-2005, 11:31 PM
the stats are all created live, so to delete them would be to delete all of the matches. a simple chore of running 'delete from triad_match' using your prefix if you are. there is really no need to delete matches from what i believe :-p as for deleting ALL owned cards....

it would need a script, but if you have only a couple users it would be better to just fix them by hand with phpmyadmin. if you need specialized help, pm me and i might be able to fix it using your phpmyadmin

edit: okay, great, makes it easier on me :)
i found your site btw, and its a great implementation of tt from what i can see. i hope your large userbase uses it a lot :)

09-13-2005, 07:20 PM
I got a question about the points system...

Well, you know how when you move a post from a forum that counts posts towards user post counts to a forum that doesn't, it deducts the post from their postcount? How could I get it to deduct the points they got for the post as well?

I'm pretty sure it would go somewhere in postings.php here:

// Update Post Count if we move from a counting forum to a non counting or vice-versa..
if (($method == 'move' OR $method == 'movered') AND (($foruminfo['countposts'] AND !$destforuminfo['countposts']) OR (!$foruminfo['countposts'] AND $destforuminfo['countposts'])))
$posts = $DB_site->query("
SELECT userid
WHERE threadid = $threadinfo[threadid] AND
userid <> 0
$userbyuserid = array();
while ($post = $DB_site->fetch_array($posts))
if (!isset($userbyuserid["$post[userid]"]))
$userbyuserid["$post[userid]"] = 1;

if (!empty($userbyuserid))
$userbypostcount = array();
foreach ($userbyuserid AS $postuserid => $postcount)
$alluserids .= ",$postuserid";
$userbypostcount["$postcount"] .= ",$postuserid";
foreach($userbypostcount AS $postcount => $userids)
$casesql .= " WHEN userid IN (0$userids) THEN $postcount";

$operator = iif($destforuminfo['countposts'], '+', '-');

SET posts = posts $operator
WHERE userid IN (0$alluserids)

But, I don't know much PHP so I'm not sure what to change or add...

If anyone can help out with this, I would be grateful...thanks.

09-13-2005, 08:35 PM
as i said when i first posted the points hack, its very very crude and meant to provide only the minimum needed to get the job done.

this is one thing i dont think my points hack needs to do im afraid, i suggest you use a conventional points system, such as ucash. (if you want to disable any extras from such a hack, like the shop part, then remove all links to it, and remove any extrenal files. keep in mind this might remove functionality such as donating. i really dont know for sure)

09-15-2005, 03:05 AM
Thanks, I got the uCash installed and I asked the same question in the uCast/uShop forum.

Another question:
Sorry if this has already been covered, but the matches keep coming up as Invalid Match ID. Any idea why?

09-15-2005, 04:17 AM
are the matches listed in the browse screen?

If you arent running the newest version, you should upgrade, because there was a bug concerning displaying unactivated matches (which would not load with triad_match [intended behavior]) fixed in the latest version. if things like AI matches are turning up invalid, then I'll take a look.

Edit: yes, you are running v2.6, and current version is v2.7, please follow the link in the first post for upgrade files.

Also, if you created the member Triad BOT, it is unnecessary, as the bot is an independant entity, not a hijacked user :)

09-15-2005, 01:23 PM
Ok, thanks. The bot matches are working, but the PvP matches are giving invalid ID when you go to browse matches and click on the match number. I'll upgrade, hopefully it fixes it...

So, for the PM Alert Sender UserID in the admin options, do I put a non existant userID? At first I had it set to 1, which is my ID, but I thought it would send PM's under my name so I made the Triad BOT user...

09-15-2005, 01:28 PM
OOOOh i understand what you mean :) yes doing that would be a bit interesting. (although my original intent was to set it as the main admin, such as people could just hit reply when they had questions/concerns over the alert itself -- the message even directs them to do so)

Again, please upgrade and tell me if that fixes the problem. Keep in mind that un-accepted matches will NOT be available for viewing, and shouldnt be listed in the browse screen (you can tell the status of EVERY match by going to the acp and the match manager, and looking at the list of matches in the dropdown under 'pending'. These cant be displayed, only canceled by you.)

Edit: clicking install allows you access to the upgrade messages i send out, so you probably would have noticed it sooner :)

09-16-2005, 02:39 AM
I think you need to add better Admin CP support. Like the ability to delete matches and stuff like that. I'vehad some problems with some matches and things. And wish I could delete them.

09-16-2005, 02:53 AM
Hey, Vengeance. XD (You are the one from RPGP right?)

Yeah, that would be nice...those matches that said invalid ID stole my cards. ;_;

I need to finish my upgrade, I'll edit this post when I'm done...

EDIT: Done. The matches were reset so the ones that were saying invalid ID are gone. I need to do a test battle...

EDIT: It works, thanks alot man. ^^

09-16-2005, 04:02 AM
um, did you even look in the ACP?

the acp has a settings page, for setting up info, you SHOULD have visited it if you are using the hack

below that is a link for card and match manager, allows you to edit/delete/add cards, as well as reset/delete specific matches (as i believe AllenSam found correctly)

and below that is a match and trade processor. this is a mass-action script which updates/corrects/recounts as well as prunes/resets matches and trades based on time or now-missing information (such as deleted cards or users who appear in a match.trade)

Not only does this have what you said it didnt, it has much more o.o

Note: the majority of above is newly in the current version (2.7)

Also thats wonderful AllenSam :) again, if anything else arises, dont hesitate to ask, i probably want to see my code working correctly on your installation more than you do :-p

imported_Vengeance2k0, you also are not running the current version of vbtt, which explains why you are missing some features :) again, clicking install will help keep you on top of errors/missing features which others find and get subsequent updates

09-18-2005, 08:00 AM
Awesome hack, I love it!

The only suggestion or thing I can't figure out how to do is to set it so that some of the cards are rare. The character cards, a few bosses, and then the GFs.

By rare I mean like there's only one Seifer card on the forums...once someone gets it, they have the only one there is, and someone else has to win it from them or it needs to be given to them. I believe thats how it worked in FF8...there was only one seifer in the entire world.

Is this possible?

09-18-2005, 08:08 AM
You can set the cards to "UC" level and they won't appear in packs. Then you can just give out one Seifer card in a special event or something and it will float around from there. Or just give yourself a Seifer card and see if someone can win it from you.

EDIT: What are the MIDI's for, that come in the images folder?

Also, is there a way to change the element names?

09-18-2005, 08:51 AM
You can set the cards to "UC" level and they won't appear in packs. Then you can just give out one Seifer card in a special event or something and it will float around from there. Or just give yourself a Seifer card and see if someone can win it from you.

Ah okay, that would work, good idea. How exactly do you set a card to "UC"? That part is confusing me.

09-18-2005, 04:13 PM
hmmmmmmmmm, right now support is not added to change levels once you set them (this will change in the future)

But for right now, go to your tt settings page, and look at the value you have for 'Numeric Usercard Level' or something like that

Go to phpmyadmin, and into the triad_cards table.

scroll through to find the card you want (the names are right there) and edit the level value to whatever you had for that setting you were supposed to look up.

That should do it :)
midis play in the background of vbtt during active matches and when you win. they are the originals. they play only once per pageload, and you can stop them by clicking stop. if you wanted to remove them i could give you the instructions
follow the instructions in this post for adding elements
although youll notice that the names for the rest of them are right there, so you can edit them that way

09-18-2005, 10:55 PM
Hmmm...I never hear the MIDIs...could it be because I'm on dial up and they take time to load?

I don't have phpmyadmin because a friend is hosting my vB, but couldn't you just delete the card and remake it? Since you assign the level when you create them.

EDIT: Nevermind about the MIDI's, they just don't work on FireFox.

09-19-2005, 03:01 AM
Okay, I set the level 10 cards to level 20 (to make them UC in the database) and now i get this error if I try to play a level 10 match with the AI:

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /mywebsite.com/httpdocs/forums/triad_main.php on line 987

The cards you select to play with are then eaten and no longer in your card inventory.

Okay, I've determined that I can't set cards to "UC" by changing their level to 20 in the database (which matches my Numeric Usercard Level).
What am I doing wrong?

And if it's possible, how can I set it so that the AI doesn't use multiples of cards like Squall?

Final question: I'm trying to give people back the cards that were eaten by the system, I know the names of the ones they lost - but how do you send someone a specific card out of thin air?

Thanks for any help!

09-19-2005, 04:09 PM
AllenSam: yes, deleting and re-adding would probably do the trick o.o
and yes, firefox requires a plugin to hear background midis :)

lonely: the system currently requires at least one card per level, otherwise itll search forever, hence the error. im thinking of working on deck support first, as itll address all of the issues that are coming up, as well as aiding with more advanced editing (like changing levels or adding elements) as well as remove some of the hard-coded dependancies that you have.

A workaround you could use for that, is removing the option for a level 10 match from the newaimatch template, and then selecting the new BONUS level that appears, and it will allow you what you want.

the cards you select are moved into a match, and are no longer 'available' to you. this ensures that you cant resell or trade away a card that you are using. this is normal behavior, and you recieve the cards back at the end of a match, whether its played through or rejected by your opponent (and depending on if you didnt lose them because of a prize rule!)

there is not a 'no multiples' rule currently, but there might be on in the future (if i am convinced of its merit)

as per the issue i explained above, you dont need to 'return' the cards to the user if they selected to use them in a trade/match, as they will be returned automatically once they are done being used. however the deck support update might include an inventory editor.

09-19-2005, 04:19 PM
Darkwaltz4, do you plan to port this hack to vb3.5 ?

09-19-2005, 06:27 PM
yes, in fact i just got finished gathering stuff from the how-to forum on conversion :-p

but before i do that ive been implementing some better caching ideas, since some queries in the hack could potential grab lots and lots of data, and i want to make it better.

also, i want to reduce the amount of plugins for the hack to possibly even 0 (its very non invasive in the first place) but id have to add another small thing to it

short answer: yes, of course :-p

09-19-2005, 08:19 PM
lonely: the system currently requires at least one card per level, otherwise itll search forever, hence the error. im thinking of working on deck support first, as itll address all of the issues that are coming up, as well as aiding with more advanced editing (like changing levels or adding elements) as well as remove some of the hard-coded dependancies that you have.

A workaround you could use for that, is removing the option for a level 10 match from the newaimatch template, and then selecting the new BONUS level that appears, and it will allow you what you want.

the cards you select are moved into a match, and are no longer 'available' to you. this ensures that you cant resell or trade away a card that you are using. this is normal behavior, and you recieve the cards back at the end of a match, whether its played through or rejected by your opponent (and depending on if you didnt lose them because of a prize rule!)

there is not a 'no multiples' rule currently, but there might be on in the future (if i am convinced of its merit)

as per the issue i explained above, you dont need to 'return' the cards to the user if they selected to use them in a trade/match, as they will be returned automatically once they are done being used. however the deck support update might include an inventory editor.
Ah okay, that seems to have worked like a charm so far.

I still have one more thing that's bothering me though -
How do I assign people one of the UC cards, or ANY card for that matter. I see how to make new cards, and give those to people, but I want to be able to send someone a specific existing card.

If this can only be done in the database right now, where in phpmyadmin could i go to assign someone a card? The triad_user table is really confusing to me, it doesn't seem to match up with the people playing.

Anyway thank you for your responses Dark :D

09-19-2005, 08:22 PM
oh nice, I'd be looking forward to this.

be sure to send an update when you release the vb3.5 version.

keep it up !

09-19-2005, 09:26 PM
you bet i will :)

yeah, again, an inventory editing thing im working on.
for now, find the card you want in the triad_card table (or select to edit it in the card editor thing in ACP, im pretty sure 2.7 has the id:X thing, but the first method is foolproof) and look for its rowid. now in the triad_user table, find the userid row of the person, and a column cr_X where X was that rowid. Its a big table (might change) edit that column for that user, as a number available for that card for that user

09-30-2005, 01:51 PM
Is there a way to close this off to certain users/usergroups? I have a temp banned usergroup that I still allow to view the foums, they just can't post or anything...So, I want to deny them access to TT.

Also, I think I found a bug...either that or something I messed up when I installed.

When I go to view someone's statistics, it shows my stats (userid 1) under "Available Inventory Statistics" no matter who I'm viewing, except Usercards. The Usercards number is right, but the other stuff like "Collection: xx/xx (xx%)", "Standard Cards", and "Most Available Cards" show only my stats, even if I'm looking at someone else's score card.

EDIT: I take that back...It's not using my stats for everyone...some people have my stats, but one user has "Collection: 188/138 (136%)". =\ I think maybe it's adding my cards in with theirs or something...

09-30-2005, 04:00 PM
hmm that last one does sound like a bug, ill look into it. (it might already be fixed since the stats sections have been heavily optimized in the version i am working on)

find out the usergroupid of your banned usergroup (its in the ACP)

in the tops of the TT files in question, and underneath this

// ################################################## ######################
// ######################### START MAIN SCRIPT ############################
// ################################################## ######################

put this, where X is the usergroupid you just looked up

if ($bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == X)

i might incorporate a permissions thing for the next version

10-05-2005, 10:12 AM
can't wait for 3.5 update, seems I've updated everything to that now .. but miss these hacks :( but I know your busy .. so its all good

DS MrSinister
10-12-2005, 03:35 AM
any word on this bad boy yet? I hope it will be out soon.

10-12-2005, 01:58 PM
i am recoding a bit of it as well as infusing the deck support system, this is about half done. i also am setting up a website which will host a demo of triple triad, and yes that forum is 3.5, so this should be a good sign for you :-p

version 2.8 will be the vb3.5 version 1.0, im still learning the apis for 3.5 :)

DS MrSinister
10-12-2005, 09:22 PM
i am recoding a bit of it as well as infusing the deck support system, this is about half done. i also am setting up a website which will host a demo of triple triad, and yes that forum is 3.5, so this should be a good sign for you :-p

version 2.8 will be the vb3.5 version 1.0, im still learning the apis for 3.5 :)

sweet thanks m8! cant wait!

:banana: :banana:

10-12-2005, 09:50 PM
Sounds good, looking forward to seeing what you changed :) Have a good one

10-13-2005, 02:52 PM
Awesome news Darkwaltz4!! You will so get my vote for hack of the month if this gets on the poll! :)

10-13-2005, 03:16 PM
Oh, i just want to let those of you who want to upgrade to vb3.5, do NOT worry about leaving this hack installed on your system until the product is ready.

The changes, even those made to the vbulletin files, will not even be used on the 3.5 product. Also, the 3.5 version will be compatible with the data saved from vb3.0 version 2.8 of vbtripletriad.

And thanks for the support :) Im working on this heavily this weekend, I have some vacation from school :D

DS MrSinister
10-15-2005, 02:50 AM
Oh, i just want to let those of you who want to upgrade to vb3.5, do NOT worry about leaving this hack installed on your system until the product is ready.

The changes, even those made to the vbulletin files, will not even be used on the 3.5 product. Also, the 3.5 version will be compatible with the data saved from vb3.0 version 2.8 of vbtripletriad.

And thanks for the support :) Im working on this heavily this weekend, I have some vacation from school :D

Sweet! Dont use up all your free time on this.


Jedi Blaze
10-17-2005, 01:01 AM
Donated. :)

10-23-2005, 01:07 AM
Is this still in the works? Someone told me you guys gave up on the 3.5 version...

DS MrSinister
10-23-2005, 01:39 AM
Is this still in the works? Someone told me you guys gave up on the 3.5 version...

I hope it still in the works.

10-23-2005, 02:42 AM
you guys? o.o its just me working on this ! and no this is completely not given up !

right now i am upgrading the current version to a vb3.5 friendly version, which will convert more easily to 3.5. this will (and is already 75% finished) have MANY new things, especially for those who want multiple AI types, card packs, and most importantly: decks. stuff you can download and upload as XML files. also incorporating some ideas people have suggested to me, such as being able to sell your cards without someone applying for them.

as for release date of 2.8 and the corresponding 3.5 version i dont know :( ive done as much as i can as i have time, but please be patient as i cant put all of my time towards this with college. even the rpg hack has no 3.5 version yet, and revan doesnt have school i believe. and yes, just cause this isnt as widely distributed as the rpg doesnt mean its any smaller :-p so just be patient, and make sure you click install because ill be sending an alert to that so you wont have to watch over the new releases (although i know you all do anyway, lol)

thanks for the support :) especially Jedi Blaze

DS MrSinister
10-23-2005, 03:59 AM
wooot .. its great to hear a update on this..

I never gave up hope.

LIke i never gave up on Hidden & Dangerous 2. :nervous:

11-04-2005, 11:45 AM
How goes it Dark? Need a beta tester for the 3.5 version? :)

DS MrSinister
11-23-2005, 03:54 AM
how close are you beening done with this bro?

11-23-2005, 07:18 AM
how close are you beening done with this bro?

he said he had some time to work on his scripts next month, he's been pretty busy with school. but don't quote me

11-27-2005, 12:02 PM
I have got one question about your points system. I first thought that 300 points for registering are enough but now I think 3000 are good. I changed it in the Database but its not changing in my Profil for example. What shall I do, so all Users have 3000 Points at the startup? :(

/e: Also have Problems with the update to 2.6:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: ALTER TABLE triad_options DROP uc_change, DROP uc_changecost, DROP uc_cost, DROP usercards
mysql error: Can't DROP 'uc_change'. Check that column/key exists

mysql error number: 1091

Date: Sunday 27th of November 2005 03:04:03 PM
Script: http://www.c-arena.com/vbulletin/admincp/triad_upgrade1.php
Username: XXXX
IP Address: 81.XXX.1.XX

12-15-2005, 08:40 PM
I wonder how far you are with upgrading vBTripleTriad to be compatible with vB 3.5.x. I wanna upgrade to vB 3.5.x after your hack (and RPG Integration) has been finished.

I have got one question about your points system. I first thought that 300 points for registering are enough but now I think 3000 are good. I changed it in the Database but its not changing in my Profil for example. What shall I do, so all Users have 3000 Points at the startup? :(
If you have phpMyAdmin you can change the default value of uttpoints (it's in the user table). If you change it to 3000, newly registered users will start with 3000.

12-16-2005, 01:14 AM
Sorry for the delays, ive been horrendously busy, and i got a job :-p pays $7.75 an hour (yay)

Yes, Datenpapst has been helped already with his problem :-p i assume through PMs

As for updating, im on vacation as of now :-p for an entire month too! (from school i mean) and yes, im going to spend the old school/homework time working on many overdue scripts :-p this being one of them....

so with luck, well see some new versions and new scripts out of me in time for christmas :)

thanks everyone for your patience and understanding!

Notes: as some of you have realized, you generally get faster service by contacting me directly, either by PM, or email :-p (both accessible by links right over there *points to postbit*)

12-19-2005, 03:48 PM
Awesome news!! Can't wait :)

Grats on the job :)

01-12-2006, 05:01 PM
/me peeks around...

03-14-2006, 08:45 PM
Got permission from Dark :)

I'm going to try to port his current code over to 3.5

* Cyricx crosses his fingers!

If I get it done, I'll post it in this thread :)

DS MrSinister
03-19-2006, 01:06 PM
Got permission from Dark :)

I'm going to try to port his current code over to 3.5

* Cyricx crosses his fingers!

If I get it done, I'll post it in this thread :)

I will cross both fingers and toes :cool: .


03-20-2006, 08:48 PM
Cool, I can't wait. :)
Good luck with converting it.

03-21-2006, 06:46 PM
So I'm pretty freaking close to having this done. A few of my users are going to help me test it all tomorrow and make sure I didn't fubar any of the error messages because the format all changed with the version switch....


I see one major problem with people installing this..

And that is people with info already in store. If your up for deleting what you have already there and starting from scratch, rock on.. otherwise...

The problem will be with a few things...

The error phrases needed to be vastly redone with the new {1} {2} etc format instead of hardcoded variables in the phrases...

Second and truly the biggest problem, is that the triad_user populates from the user table, matching up user ids, so pretty much anyone who has joined the site since you upgraded to 3.5 and lost the use of this hack, would NOT be in the triad_user table...

I'll try to come up with an uninstall script, it shouldn't be too rough, just mimic his uninstall script.

However, as far as how to do an upgrade from 3.0.8... I've got no clue. I could do it all except for how to populate that damn user table with the missing userids :(

Anyone have any ideas on how to do that? if so, contact me. Otherwise I should (stress should... have a real busy home life right now :) ) have a 3.5 compatable version out by Friday.

03-21-2006, 06:49 PM
O and with this version I'm also going to toss in a usergroup permission thing in there, thanks to Andreas how-tos :)

It'll be just a global can access switch. Not going to get tooo complex with it yet since it's not my own hack :)

DS MrSinister
03-22-2006, 04:20 PM
its all good. just would like to see it work once again. :)

thanks for doing this.

03-23-2006, 08:41 PM
Well.. I got it working and bug free as far as me and my handful of testers can see...

Problem I still have is I see noway that I know of for how to make a script to upgrade it.

Problem being the user table missing all the userids :(

I'm gonna run it by one of my php/mysql buddies and see if he can help me figure out a way before I release it.

03-24-2006, 04:53 PM
My brain hurts :)

Okay.... lotta fiddling and fedabbling around... I have Dark's permission to post this so...


Okay, now that the warning is done....

Attached is the zip, don't forget to grab the zip of extra images from the second post in this thread. All the bugs I could find have been sufficiently whipped to submission.. hopefully you all won't give me headaches with problems installing this ;)


03-24-2006, 06:37 PM
bah! bug found in deleteing matches from the admincp.. fails on the extract cards function. I'm trying to fix it now =/

03-24-2006, 09:15 PM
I know you're working on a bug, but I'm too excited about this. :nervous:

I'm having a whole ton of problems with the sql part of the product. :surprised:

Edit: Might want to remind people to set the permissions.
There aren't enough arguments for line 405 in triad_main.php for the construct_page_nav function.

DS MrSinister
03-27-2006, 04:31 PM
Cyricx have you fix the bug yet?

03-27-2006, 06:46 PM
Any plan to separate the 3.5.x hack from the 3.0.x? Anyways, I'll see if I can find any other bug.

Error when installing product:
Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /home/xxxxx/public_html/forums/admincp/plugin.php(1305) : eval()'d code on line 253

03-27-2006, 08:19 PM
Thanks Cyricx for releasing this version. I'll try to install it asap.

Has there changed much to the SQL tables? Cause I want to put all the users (and matches maybe too) back in place with a backup.

03-28-2006, 10:11 AM
Just installed it. Had the same error as forte when importing the product.

But when I access triad_main.php I get the following error:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare sendpm() (previously declared in /xxx/xxxxxxxx/forums/includes/functions_warning.php:23) in /xxx/xxxxxxxx/forums/includes/functions_triad.php on line 286
I think the Advanced Warning System and this hack collides with each other.

03-28-2006, 06:56 PM
Ack, they must be trying to use a function named the same thing...

I'll try to take a look at this soon.

No guarantees.. I'm good at tweaking code, but suck outright when it comes to writing something from scratch hehe.

Looks like its the sendpm function. I had started to convert the vbtripletriad pm system over to using the pm class manager, but had discounted it due to time constraints.

That may be the issue. I'm going to load up a test site from scratch and test uploading the product without any other hacks installed there. If I don't get any errors looks like it'll be an issue with those two working together.

Forte, do you also have the advanced warning hack installed?

After I locate where the issue with the product install is at, that's when I'll start working on the pm system.

No ETA. Closing on a house and looking for a house this week, so RL is balls to the wall :)

03-28-2006, 07:01 PM
I installed it in a newly installed vbulletin, same problem.

DS MrSinister
03-28-2006, 09:59 PM
to make this work i had to had to run this ALTER TABLE usergroup ADD tripletriadpermissions INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL ; and also disable Advanced Warning System hack.

only bug i see is this. i get this when i browse matches.

Warning: Missing argument 3 for construct_page_nav() in /includes/functions.php on line 1840

Warning: Missing argument 4 for construct_page_nav() in /includes/functions.php on line 1840

all my data is still there.

if you like to check it out



04-02-2006, 07:34 AM
I downloaded the 2.7 version for vB3.5

After uploading and installing TT, I went to Triple Triad in my admincp.

I get the following error:

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.4:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM sm_triad_options;

MySQL Error : Table 'XX_forum.XX_triad_options' does not exist
Error Number : 1146
Date : Sunday, April 2nd 2006 @ 10:14:43 AM
Script : http://forum.MYDOMAIN.com/admincp/triad_admin.php?do=editoptions
Referrer : http://forum.MYDOMAIN.com/admincp/index.php?do=nav

*"MYDOMAIN" and "XX" are edited in post

So, what should I do?

04-03-2006, 05:08 PM
Sorry for double-post, but I have to refresh for people to see... no one answered in more than 24 hours

DS MrSinister
04-04-2006, 03:58 AM
is this a upgrade or fresh install?

04-04-2006, 02:03 PM
is this a upgrade or fresh install?
Fresh install.

DS MrSinister
04-04-2006, 05:40 PM
see if this helps you.. i have upload zip tripletriad tables.sql file. not sure if this going to work or not.

04-04-2006, 08:39 PM
see if this helps you.. i have upload zip tripletriad tables.sql file. not sure if this going to work or not.
sorry, but what exactly do I have to do with this... (sorry... I'm a noob :/ )
I mean.... where to save/upload/extract this?

04-04-2006, 08:43 PM
Just a note, I somehow to get it working but there are still a few problems like, it won't notice how much money you have. Cyrix, it keeps telling me that I have 0 points why I have a LOT. Can you check the problem?

DS MrSinister
04-05-2006, 02:25 AM
sorry, but what exactly do I have to do with this... (sorry... I'm a noob :/ )
I mean.... where to save/upload/extract this?

log into your phpmyadmin and run it from there. import

04-05-2006, 10:18 AM
log into your phpmyadmin and run it from there. import
It worked in some way, thanks.
I'm now one step closer. The I can change the options in the Triple Triad manager, but when I go to Usergroup options, and give a group a permission to view the Triple Triad on the forum, I get another error.
I need to fix something in the SQL script

DS MrSinister
04-05-2006, 02:57 PM
It worked in some way, thanks.
I'm now one step closer. The I can change the options in the Triple Triad manager, but when I go to Usergroup options, and give a group a permission to view the Triple Triad on the forum, I get another error.
I need to fix something in the SQL script

need to run this in phpmyadmin.

ALTER TABLE usergroup ADD tripletriadpermissions INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL ;

04-06-2006, 09:55 AM
It would be nice if this was successfully ported to 3.5.x as most people are using it now, and put in the 3.5.x forum.

04-06-2006, 10:00 AM
It is successfully ported, only problem is that Cyrix is too busy. And for the others, I have fixed the product, only problem is that Cyrix has the permission, not me...

04-06-2006, 10:51 AM
Well i just installed and it wouldn't work, it don't look like it's properly configured for Table Prefexes.

04-06-2006, 11:08 AM
Try the attached product. I think Cyrix won't mind.

04-06-2006, 11:45 AM
Nope, still didn't work, gives me this when i go into triad_main.php

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.4:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT sf_triad_user.*,
user.vbbux AS points
FROM sf_triad_user
LEFT JOIN user ON user.userid = sf_triad_user.userid
WHERE sf_triad_user.userid = 1;

MySQL Error : Table 'StarFyrez.user' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Date : Thursday, April 6th 2006 @ 05:42:41 AM
Script : http://www.*****.com/triad_main.php?
Referrer : http://www.*****.com/forum.php
IP Address : **.**.***.***
Username : Replicators
Classname : vb_database

I also get this at the very top..

Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated - argument passed by value; If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of elemize(). If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file. However, future versions may not support this any longer. in /***/**/*****/htdocs/includes/functions_triad.php on line 917

04-06-2006, 12:42 PM
Do you have any table prefix? If you do, add it in the user table option found in the settings.

04-06-2006, 01:50 PM
Ok, i have vbbux installed, and want to use that points system, i did put in vbbux into the COLUMN name, but shows people of only having 0 cash.

I believe beccause of that is the reason i am getting
Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated - argument passed by value; If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of elemize(). If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file. However, future versions may not support this any longer. in /***/**/*****/htdocs/includes/functions_triad.php on line 917

04-06-2006, 01:54 PM
I also use vbbux and I have the table prefix "forum" and my user table "user" so what i put in the user table in the triple triad settings is "forumuser". It works for me right now. If it still wont work, try reinstalling using the product i attached earlier.

04-06-2006, 02:12 PM
almost got it up and running last problem i have at the moment is when i click any of the links it says i do not have the correct permissions to view this page.

could someone tell me how i would set this up (i am the board admin)


04-06-2006, 02:12 PM
None of the above worked for me >8(

@kurt You need to go into the usergroups>Usergroup Manager then click on the usergroup you wanna give permission to, and go near the bottom, there should be a yes/no for triple triad near the bottom.

04-06-2006, 03:47 PM
None of the above worked for me >8(

@kurt You need to go into the usergroups>Usergroup Manager then click on the usergroup you wanna give permission to, and go near the bottom, there should be a yes/no for triple triad near the bottom.

thanks mate that bit worked fine, looks like im stuck where you guys are now though, i'll see if i can sort it and get back to here.

04-07-2006, 10:05 AM
ok i got it working :)
Hacks installed on my board:
- uCash + uShop (points system)
- Advanced Warning
- Multiple Logins Detection
- RPG Intergration Hack (update 3)
- vbTripletriad

To get it working follow the instruction for the 2.7 release fully, use the xml posted by forte (here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=45260&d=1144325285)) and install as you would normally.

after you have done this you will need to edit the advanced warning php script

This gets rid of the line 286 error.

to get the table error fixed, goto your admin panel, find the triple triad menu in the left frame, and goto 'configure game settings' (under 'post icons' in acp).

change the points table to 'user' (or whatever you put in your points system settings)
change the points field to 'ucash' (or your points system equivilant)
change the points name to 'Gil' (or what ever you called it in your points system)

don't forget to add the permission in your usergroup manager to allow your seleced usergroups to view triple triad.

I haven't had any scripts errors since, and the pm system works a treat.

I hope this helps people out :)


04-07-2006, 12:18 PM
Thx KurtBMX, creds work now, my only problem now is i get this....
Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated - argument passed by value; If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of elemize(). If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file. However, future versions may not support this any longer. in /***/**/****/htdocs/includes/functions_triad.php on line 917
at the very top of my screen, can anyone give me a fix for this?

04-07-2006, 01:03 PM
Does it show on all pages?

04-07-2006, 01:53 PM
Forte.. the product is working wonderful... thank you :)

04-07-2006, 02:05 PM
Does it show on all pages?

yes >8(

Also i just tried to play a game, and got a white page when it got to the battle screen.

04-09-2006, 10:21 AM
Anyone seen this error (3.5 update and with DS's product fix) when trying to update whether or not the usergroup can use TripleTriad.

Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /includes/class_core.php on line 635

DS MrSinister
04-09-2006, 02:04 PM
try this one


04-09-2006, 04:13 PM
I'm not sure if this has been covered, but i tried to install/upload some new cards, and even though i stuck to gif format at the right dimensions, the images wouldnt *properly* upload. It said that they had uploaded successfully, but hadnt been assigned anywhere on the database that i could find, and wouldnt display.

Has anyone else tried this/had this problem? Any help appreciated.

Otherwise this is a fantastic hack and our members greatly appreciate it! Its a classic game!

04-10-2006, 12:20 PM
Thank you KurtBMX! The hack works now, except for some php errors.

04-10-2006, 02:21 PM
try this one

That is the product I tried using. I can update the triad settings it seems, I just can't seem to activate user groups allowing them to play.

DS MrSinister
04-10-2006, 05:41 PM
That is the product I tried using. I can update the triad settings it seems, I just can't seem to activate user groups allowing them to play.

this should do the trick

ALTER TABLE usergroup ADD tripletriadpermissions INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;

04-10-2006, 05:44 PM
OK I think I have updated groups now. Trying to play a test match against someone. I got a PM saying it had been activated. What do you do from here to play though? I went to the stadium, entered 1 as the match number and I get the error:

vBulletin Message

Could not find phrase 'triad_invalididMatch'.

Also on Browse matches.

Warning: Missing argument 3 for construct_page_nav() in /includes/functions.php on line 1789

Warning: Missing argument 4 for construct_page_nav() in /includes/functions.php on line 1789

04-10-2006, 05:59 PM
OK it's working except that last error.

Warning: Missing argument 3 for construct_page_nav() in /includes/functions.php on line 1789

Warning: Missing argument 4 for construct_page_nav() in /includes/functions.php on line 1789

04-10-2006, 06:35 PM
Only admins can purchase card packs? I have all the correct user group settings to YES. So this is strange?

Arved Yagami
04-30-2006, 11:50 AM
Anything new about this hack? It looks pretty fine.

05-02-2006, 08:13 PM
A member of my forum is having a problem when buying a card pack. It says that he has not enough money, but he has enough.

Anyone else having this problem?

05-06-2006, 12:53 PM
Is it possible to install this hack into vB 3.5.4?

05-07-2006, 08:09 PM
Is it possible to install this hack into vB 3.5.4?The hack has been modified by Cyricx to work with vB 3.5.x.
Look here: www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=93123&page=10.

05-08-2006, 03:33 AM
And use the product found in here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=942880&postcount=159

05-14-2006, 06:20 PM
Thank you :) Now it works, but there is one mistake... The footer is not on the right place, its outside the window in the right.

Here you can see it:
http://img378.imageshack.us/img378/4638/headertt7gr.th.jpg (http://img378.imageshack.us/my.php?image=headertt7gr.jpg)

I hope you know an answer how I can fix it.

05-15-2006, 05:36 AM
I have a question...Im trying to use the "Crude Points System" which was just made for it to get working. Whenever I execute the query given in the text I get:
An error occurred while attempting to execute your query. The following information was returned.
error number: 1064
error desc: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
Im using the query straight from the text and yet I still have a syntax error. Ive looked around to see what was my syntax error but I still have NO clue. If anyone can get back to me on this, Id appreciate it. I really loved this game in FF8 and Id love to see it utilized on my forums because it is a gaming forum. Thanks in advance.

05-15-2006, 10:53 AM
An other question... is anywhere a german version existing of this modification?

05-18-2006, 02:53 AM
I have a question...is there a way to get a auto refresh script for it??

05-22-2006, 02:07 AM
I really like this hack and so do my members but there seems to be alot of problems within the hack itself which I have encountered. If I can get any help itd be greatly appreciated. The problems for me are:

Cant add new cards
Cant delete matches
Wanna add individual cards to a user
Adding stores
Auto refresh
And some minor problems

If anyone can help me set these up then Ill be really grateful. Im running 3.5.4 so that might be why some of the functions dont work because I think I was really sloppy installing it. Im not sure, but if I can get confirmed that others are having the some of the same problems then I know definitely what I need to fix. IS there somewhere on the 3.5.4 boards where this is supported because I have looked and found none. If I can figure out some of these on my own, Ill post what I did here for others having trouble.

05-27-2006, 06:51 PM
Is it possible to make a new option in a new version of this hack to choose the sitze of the playground? Maybe 4 x 4 and 5 x5 or sth. like this?

06-01-2006, 03:50 AM
<a href="http://www.trudaily.com/images/triad/" target="_blank">http://www.trudaily.com/images/triad/</a>bluecards/1.gif

the bluecards folder wasn't included with the download. anyone have it

06-02-2006, 09:29 AM
I really wish someone would make a new version for 3.5.4 supported and with little bugs. Not the one thats posted in the forum already but one thats released in the 3.5.4 board. I would try and do it but Im not a coder so it really sucks. Oh and real talk the blue cards are in the 2nd post of the thread. This is a great hack that should be supported. The coder who made this hasnt been online since December which is really a let down because I know alot of people on my forum and Im sure others really love this concept and the hack itself.

06-02-2006, 10:05 AM

the bluecards folder wasn't included with the download. anyone have it

Real Talk,

It's attached to this message Blue Cards (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=744458&postcount=2)


06-19-2006, 07:19 PM
Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated - argument passed by value; If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of elemize(). If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file. However, future versions may not support this any longer. in /xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/includes/functions_triad.php on line 916

got this on each page ....

Someone can help me thank.

06-21-2006, 10:21 AM
Im guessing this is not even supported anymore seeing how Darkwaltz hasnt even been on since last december. Too bad, this hack is one of the best hacks out there.

07-05-2006, 11:01 PM
ah! well my life has been just maddeningly busy, and it is poised to get worse. one of which is im being kicked out of my house by my step father :-p now... if you think about it, ill have unfettered internet access once i get my own apartment (although ill still be in debt) and provided work and school are taken care of, ill actually be able to work on stuff. as usual, no promises, and this wont be for 2 months or so, but something for you all to look forward to. i may or may not convert this to 3.5, and i have not seen the conversion which i did give my blessings to. i also might do some of my old ideas into real hacks, but its sad to see that in my absense vb itself has barely come in any new directions, lol, but i suppose its good that i have less to refresh myself with. NO PROMISES! but im still alive, and ill answer questions if i can get to a computer, but hope everyone is doing fine. again, i dont know much about the vb3.5 version, and any errors with that were not my fault (directly) lol. i did hear from cyrix and another person who was interested in converting it, that it was quite difficult, and i just hope anyone who has seen it would appreciate the difficulty of having created it in the first place, let alone conversions, or doing it over from scratch.

i dont even have a site anymore really...lol


07-06-2006, 09:02 PM
Thanks man, works fine on my FF forums! :D


07-07-2006, 03:06 PM
you appear to have pissed off your host dude ;)

my status is still pending: my laptop is packed up right now, still looking for a comfortable place to live. how many people have the 3.5 version? i still have my unfinished upgrade to this which ironically might have actually killed a lot of these bugs before being ported, in addition to being easier to port. does anyone still run the 3.0 version? :-p im just glad my license is still active until august, lol. amazing. i figured it would be easy to make a converter script, as for writing to update the missing users its just a simple comparison script...check the user table to see if it has a triad entry, if not, add it. voila, easy. in fact the new version which i already had done many monhs ago, would have eliminated adding users entirely, as they are added to the system dynamically. (they are seamlessly added to the system upon attempting to use any part of the hack) if i get a chance to, and if i think its good enough (i didnt at the time) i might at least post the newest upgrade, but the best plan is to get back to this completely :-p and work on other top-secret projects which are halfway done as well

07-07-2006, 03:34 PM
I am using the 3.5 version and its works fine (after a few edits). Please post the update :D

07-13-2006, 12:37 AM
i am thinking of installing cyrix's version for myself and fixing up the errors everyone has had and creating a converter for him, and then posting that as a placeholder in the vb3.5 forum. already i dont like version 2.7 of the hack, and i wont release 2.8 until i have a few more features put up in it. but for the sake of people using this i wouldnt mind putting up the port.

so, before i do that, i need to know concisely what all the problems have been, and the brief look ive had at forte's site, seems to have it okay (but i didnt like the sidebar always there but i suppose there was an issue which he had an easier time doing that!)

so, forte, list what those few edits were for me :-p and ill fix it up for everyone

07-13-2006, 04:23 PM
Well since the forums im on is still running 3.0.9, I will install this.

Question what makes this mod stand out vs the one included in RPG Inferno? Just wondering if even I have the RPG, if I should disable triad and use this one. Or if the intergrated triad is better?

Otherwise, for now still installing this, once it works, Ill click install. =)

07-13-2006, 04:36 PM
I think the one in RPG inferno only have 2 rules for the game, but I'm not sure since I didn't bought it.

07-13-2006, 10:57 PM
one thing i do NOT like about the cyrix port, is the added usergroup permission thing...its something i deliberately left that way. to be honest, as a way for me to look at how well other people were implementing the hack :-p now i cant without registering everywhere. also so i could go look at the users site if they had problems, and could usually skip the registering part to see the error

07-14-2006, 05:13 AM
Actually it'll be the same since if the problem is in the battle, then you'll need an account to buy some cards, right? Anyway, just do what the other hackers do, tell them to make you a test account which you can use.

07-24-2006, 07:08 AM
Hey odd issue on 3.0x my users are having. If someone "Declines" a challenge. The challenger seems to lose their submitted cards? Anyone have a idea about this?

07-24-2006, 07:23 AM
well they lose the cards up until the other person makes a decision on the match, so that they dont sell them until then or something. the match is still probably just pending, so if you checked the admincp, you can cancel it to restore the cards. if thats not the case, feel free to pm me with access because this sort of thing has been thoroughly stamped out (logistics bugs)

07-31-2006, 06:47 PM
DarkWaltz, are you planning on releasing your updated version?

08-01-2006, 04:03 AM
yes :-p and its really much better than the current version, its just not ready to me...cause i want to finish a few of the major additions to it

08-04-2006, 10:53 AM
Which new features you will add to the new version?

And is it compatible with vB 3.6?

08-26-2006, 09:31 PM
Looking forward for this, I might add it to my site.

09-29-2006, 09:08 PM
I really like this hack and so do my members but there seems to be alot of problems within the hack itself which I have encountered. If I can get any help itd be greatly appreciated. The problems for me are:

Cant add new cards
Cant delete matches
Wanna add individual cards to a user
Adding stores
Auto refresh
And some minor problems

If anyone can help me set these up then Ill be really grateful. Im running 3.5.4 so that might be why some of the functions dont work because I think I was really sloppy installing it. Im not sure, but if I can get confirmed that others are having the some of the same problems then I know definitely what I need to fix. IS there somewhere on the 3.5.4 boards where this is supported because I have looked and found none. If I can figure out some of these on my own, Ill post what I did here for others having trouble.

I got the exact same problems when i goto add a card i get this
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.1:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT MAX(orderid) AS maxid FROM triad_card WHERE level =;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
Error Number : 1064

10-01-2006, 02:53 PM
I have fixed the problem with the adding of cards. Now, onto the next!

EDIT: Deleting cards is fixed too.
Deleting matches is fixed too

NOTE: Below are the files. triad_admin.php should be uploaded in the admincp folder and functions_triad.php should be uploaded to the includes folder.

SERIOUSLY NEEDED TO BE READ: These edits work but I am not sure if it is safe so try to make a backup just to be safe.

10-01-2006, 05:26 PM
Dude your awesome! they work a treat thanks man! what you gonna do next?

10-07-2006, 10:00 PM
Is it now compatible with vB 3.6?

10-08-2006, 01:48 AM
I am using it on 3.6 but I don't know if it will be okay for direct install in 3.6.

10-25-2006, 08:50 AM
ANy updates on the hack?

12-19-2006, 07:54 AM
dont tell anyone! its a secret! if they only knew.......

12-19-2006, 07:35 PM
drools ..................

12-20-2006, 02:52 PM
drools ..................
Drools more........ =)

12-20-2006, 03:58 PM
i have a month off, and 2 years of new experience under my belt (including new technologies!) if this means anything :-p

DS MrSinister
01-14-2007, 11:19 PM
looks good.. been waiting for the next version... :eek:

01-26-2007, 05:01 AM
I tried to install this hack on to a 3.0.8 forum but I could not install the simple point system Waltz posted because my SQL thing didn't recognize the commands in the query or something... And if I try to install it on a 3.5 forum I just get error after error, even after reading all through this thread and the fixes people made.

Could someone either translate the simple point system Waltz created to work with more modern SQL databases, or assist me in making this hack work with 3.5?

02-17-2007, 05:21 PM
Is it possible that you make some little updates of this hack with these new features you allready build? E.g. your new cardlist would be a great expansion.

02-19-2007, 04:55 PM
not really because its being redone from the ground up, including the design, as I gave a little taste of. I'm even redoing the AI to make it even better. Just don't tell my artificial intelligence professor that the final project I'm submitting was, for the most part, done 3 years ago :D

02-19-2007, 06:07 PM
Looking forward to release :D

Arved Yagami
02-27-2007, 09:01 AM
I already have RPG Inferno but a lot of my member just want to play Triple Triad without having to mess with the whole RPG System.

I'm really waiting for this one.

Amiga Harrison
02-27-2007, 01:34 PM
It is great news that you are working on an updated version. Any idea on a rough release date for the new version?

I've wanted to install this on my forum for some time, but as I am running 3.6.4 I wanted to wait for a proper updated version that directly supports the current version of vB.

02-27-2007, 03:58 PM
No release dates as of this time. I'm very bad at keeping them and I'd rather you all be excited when its unexpectedly done, as opposed to annoyed when its ungodly late :D

03-03-2007, 11:32 AM
Awsome mod.
I have iea that some users should make a small donate, to give you a reason to finish this/ make that compatybile with 3.6.5?
I really waiting for this mod, that was one of reason to buy a vb license ;)

03-15-2007, 06:52 PM
In our vBulletin 3.6.4 we have installed Triple Triad in the german language with Creatures und Characters from The Elder Scrolls and called it TES-Triad.

Here (http://www.scharesoft.de/joomla/forum/showthread.php?t=5723) you can find the discussion in german :)

03-16-2007, 02:42 AM
:-p release date is expected to be summer 07.

donations are welcome, and would, yes, help with "encouragement". for a frame of reference, my main programming job makes me 1200 which pays living bills, and when school lets out ill be working on side [paid] projects, so this would definately speed things up as it would move up priorities.

the new version will also be sure to be fully phrased, AND include fully integrated deck support (if you couldnt see a taste of it in the screenshot :-p) so i hope that will be of help

03-24-2007, 01:06 PM
I "encouraged" for vbtripletriad developing :up:
I hope it comes as soon as possible. (sorry for my english :p )

03-24-2007, 03:35 PM
vegetrunks -- thank you very much :) it is very appreciated!

tripletriad is now part of a large project that i will release in the summer, however it is still being developed at the core level right now, to allow for the greatest consistency and flow overall.

so, if anyone has any ideas for triple triad, please post them now while its least likely going to conflict with everything (thus be more possible to implement :-p) keep in mind that i might not think it flows with everything else, or i might have already done something which improves on the idea aleady but you just didnt know about it. if such happens, ill tell you about it :-p (thanks to scharesoft and his devteam for doing this already!)

with that said, everyone might want to start making sets of cards for their own decks :-p i will publish them with the hack if they are of high quality, and you will recieve full credit for them (both in-thread AND within each installation of triple triad -- see screenshots for an idea)

cards have to be 105 x 130 and be whatever format you wish (although if you want the most browsers to display them, gif, png, and perhaps jpeg is best)

they need to each have two versions (not necessarily a "red" and a "blue"). you should decide what they are called and their values, and any element that you wish (even new ones you come up with) also, you can make a matching CARDBACK and BACKBOARD image as well. these are all the same size as the current hack.

dont worry about the data -- if you submit your set to me now i will build it into a working deck for you and include it with the hack if you would like, otherwise you can use the built in deck creator when the hack is released. decks will be downloadable and sharable, much like all of the other vbulletin bulk data stuff.

if you have any questions, let me know!

03-29-2007, 05:40 PM
In our vBulletin 3.6.4 we have installed Triple Triad in the german language with Creatures und Characters from The Elder Scrolls and called it TES-Triad.
Maybe someone will be nice and explain us how to install this game on 3.6.5?
Summer is sooo far :(

03-30-2007, 03:16 AM
I also am very interested in this for 3.6.5

DS MrSinister
03-30-2007, 02:25 PM
you guys can try this. not sure if this will work for 3.6 or not..

download the file and upload


run this product.


03-30-2007, 03:15 PM
you guys can try this. not sure if this will work for 3.6 or not..

download the file and upload


run this product.


What point system do you reccomend using? Mine will be soley for this game.

DS MrSinister
03-31-2007, 07:23 PM
That would be up to you..

Maybe Icash



Nexia's POINTS system <-- i have this one installed..


04-01-2007, 12:37 AM
Think I will just end up purchasing the RPG Inferno. That way I can get customer support and all of that good stuff.
It has this included in it also.

04-19-2007, 12:19 PM
New images from our friend Darkwaltz4!

Go Darkwalz4, go!

Ps: What do you think to "encourage" the development of Triple Triad with a donation? ;)

04-25-2007, 06:20 PM
That looks really great :) More like it is in the game Final Fantasy VIII.

04-25-2007, 06:43 PM
:) theres lots more you can see. if anyone is interested in being a tester in a few weeks, PM or email me. i will probably need all those interested to sign up at a specific forum (you dont have to post anywhere and ill just set you up to help test)

04-28-2007, 12:40 PM
Wow! I'm looking forward to that. :D

04-28-2007, 03:00 PM
working on 3.6 ?

04-28-2007, 03:08 PM
the current version has a port to 3.5 which can be made to work for 3.6, but i did not make it.

i am working on the new version which will be for 3.6 :)

Amiga Harrison
05-01-2007, 12:22 AM
Any ideas on a rough release date for the new 3.6 release?

05-01-2007, 01:11 AM
Darkwaltz4 is working on it, I'm sure he'll annouce it once its ready, its a full rewrite and is much much better then the first build.

05-01-2007, 01:19 AM
ETS is early summer 2007. if you are interested to be a tester, please PM me. we will most likely be testing on PixelFX's site. for some screenshots of the new version, theres i think 3 a few posts back from this one. if any of you have ideas for the new version, tell me them now while the hack is still flexible.

05-21-2007, 02:21 PM
I offer me for test your Triple Triad :up: