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10-13-2005, 01:28 AM
Ok i have 1 Jr Admin and his user group is 9

//Set Staff groups
if (in_array( 5 ,$groups)) $userrole = ROLE_ADMIN;
if (in_array( 6 ,$groups)) $userrole = ROLE_ADMIN;
if (in_array( 9 ,$groups)) $userrole = ROLE_ADMIN;

He still can not get in?

Paul M
10-13-2005, 01:41 AM
Have you removed the group 9 entry from the banned section ?

10-13-2005, 01:49 AM
Have you removed the group 9 entry from the banned section ?

Racejunkie hangs his head in Shame.. :tired:

Thanks man Iv'e been looking at this screen to long..lol

Paul M
10-13-2005, 02:06 AM
Racejunkie hangs his head in Shame.. :tired:

Thanks man Iv'e been looking at this screen to long..lol
Sorted. :up:

10-13-2005, 03:47 AM

Love the hack! I have a problem with my time stamping, it seems as though the chat timestamping is ahead by one hour for all users? I can't seem to figure out where to fix this?

I tried modifying the flashchat config file line:
'timeOffset' => 0, //sets server time offset (needed only to correct server timezone problem), minutes

and changing the 0 to -1 or +1 and saving it, but nothing changes, the time stamps are still 1 hour ahead of everyones real time?

The time stamping in my vb forum are correct. Any suggestions? TIA.

Paul M
10-13-2005, 07:42 AM
Any suggestions? TIA.If you have questions about Flashchat in general, their forums are here (http://www.tufat.com/phpBB2/index.php).Their forum really is the best place for flashchat functionality problems. :)

Mike Bedford
10-13-2005, 10:32 AM
after install i just get a white screen ?

10-13-2005, 10:55 AM
Great mod. A Ihave found Flashchat because of it, also. Its right what my users need. So thank you very much!
The only thing is that it doesn't add "Chat" to the main menu, but I've found a way, so anyway...

Mike Bedford
10-13-2005, 11:13 AM
thats just the question i was going to ask, how do i add CHAT to the menu

its ok i found it


10-13-2005, 03:25 PM
Their forum really is the best place for flashchat functionality problems. :)

Thanks Paul, I just thought the time stamp problem was somehow part of the integration with the vbulletin, because it seems that everyones timestamp is only one our off of the vb time.

I'll post the question over there :) Thanks again for a killer hack!

10-14-2005, 01:39 AM

I have installed the FlashChat and made all the modifications on your patch. I first installed it to intergrate with vB3.5 stable R3 and when I signed into the Forum the Chat menu appeared, clicked on it and went straight to a room. It was great. The less my members have to log in to features the better.

Then all of a sudden it stopped allowing me to enter without logging in, no matter if I was logged into vB or not. I tried not intergrating, I tried freestyle. Now when I re-install it I see no rooms. No matter what I do now something is different. I think I have been at to long. I know it will work, but I am doing something wrong and I can't see it. Please advise. :tired:
I looked in the TuFat site for an upgrade but didn't see one.

Don McLaughlin

Paul M
10-14-2005, 03:08 AM
Things never just stop working, there is always a reason, something has been changed.

Please read the "support" note in the first post and PM me the appropiate details. Also, you are not currently showing as having this hack installed, please click install if you require support, thanks. :)

10-14-2005, 04:23 AM
Things never just stop working, there is always a reason, something has been changed.

Please read the "support" note in the first post and PM me the appropiate details. Also, you are not currently showing as having this hack installed, please click install if you require support, thanks. :)

I couldn't agree with you more. That's why I feel it is something I am doing. I went over the editing of the patch and it looks correct. But things change when you stare at it to long. Anyway I reinstalled it, logged into vB53 and clicked on the flashchat button and went straight to a room, got out of it and tried to get back in and the login dialog box pops up. Look for a PM with information on site. This is deeply appreciated

Don McLaughlin

Mike Bedford
10-14-2005, 10:38 AM
This is prob a really dumb question and may have been answered many times but i cant find it.

It does not seem to be transfering the username and password from the forum, i have to login manualy.

10-14-2005, 01:51 PM
Nice hack....2 problems

1. When a i'm logged into my vbulletin and i goto the chat....i see that whole login page (with the different login methods, acme widgets demo etc).....should it be doing this???? i want it to go straight to chat

2. if anyone member or not is on that chat/index.php page they can access the admin part of the chat......what do i do???



10-14-2005, 02:24 PM
This is prob a really dumb question and may have been answered many times but i cant find it.

It does not seem to be transfering the username and password from the forum, i have to login manualy.

You may have been doing what I have been doing. When I log into the forums I wasn't checking the "Remember Me" box. This will create a cookie so the FlashChat will see you as well. Now when I do this and click FlashChat I go right to a room. I hope this helps.


10-14-2005, 02:44 PM
fixed my issue. Also deleted index.php from the chat page so people cant get there too.....



10-14-2005, 03:25 PM
Well Im having different issues, I modified the files went to my website and ran the install I picked VB3.5 and got to section 2 when I hit next the screen went blank and nothing else happens. I cannot get past this part..

10-14-2005, 03:52 PM
Well Im having different issues, I modified the files went to my website and ran the install I picked VB3.5 and got to section 2 when I hit next the screen went blank and nothing else happens. I cannot get past this part..

You need to install your flashchat within the forums directory. Example:


I hope that helps.


10-14-2005, 04:19 PM
You need to install your flashchat within the forums directory. Example:


I hope that helps.


You can also change your path within the "vbulletin35CMS" file.....

$vbpath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__));
require_once $vbpath . '/../../../includes/config.php';

and change the vbpath to a path that leads to your vbulletin config file.


10-14-2005, 05:19 PM
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /usr/local/home/httpd/vhtdocs/dsvr.claretandbanter.co.uk/chat/inc/classes/chatServer.php on line 112

I get this when going to the admin section.

Install didn't give me any errors tho. Using the latest version of flashchat 4.3.3

10-14-2005, 05:26 PM
^^Go back to the "in inc\classes\connection.php ;" file and make sure the edit change is correct.


10-14-2005, 07:00 PM
//Touch connection
$stmt = new Statement("UPDATE {$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref']}connections SET updated=NOW() WHERE id=?");

//Touch room


$this->id = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
$this->userid = ChatServer::isLoggedIn( $args );
$this->roomid = $this->getAvailableRoom($GLOBALS['fc_config']['defaultRoom']);

$color = $GLOBALS['fc_config']['themes'][$GLOBALS['fc_config']['defaultTheme']]['recommendedUserColor'];
if($color == null) $color = 0xFFFFFF;

$this->color = $color;
$this->state = 1;
$this->lang = $GLOBALS['fc_config']['defaultLanguage'];

// Paul M - Real ip detection
$realip = ''; $proxyip = '';
$ignoreprivate = true; // Set to false to allow private 'real' ip's //
if ($_SERVER['HTTP_FROM'] != '') $proxyip = $_SERVER['HTTP_FROM'];
if ($_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED'] != '') $proxyip = $_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED'];
if ($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'] != '') $proxyip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];
if (preg_match("#\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}#", $proxyip, $iplist))
$proxyip = $iplist[0];
if ($ignoreprivate and preg_match("#^(127|10|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])|192\.168|169\.254)\.#", $proxyip)) $proxyip = '';
else $proxyip = '';
if ($proxyip == '') $realip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; else $realip = $proxyip;
$this->ip = ($args['ip'] == null)? $realip : $args['ip'];

Taken from my connection.php

Paul M
10-14-2005, 08:22 PM
You may have been doing what I have been doing. When I log into the forums I wasn't checking the "Remember Me" box.
This is due to the very annoying change the the default action for "remember me", Jelsoft in their infinite wisdom have decided to turn it off by default, and most people simply don't notice, and it breaks things like this.

I'm working on a new CMS file that should eliminate this problem, it also removes the need to enter your vb licence number in the file (and also updates your location in the vb session table when you login).

If anyone would like to test it please drop me a PM with your e-mail address.

Carl Anderson
10-15-2005, 12:34 AM
This is because they don't log out properly, but just close the browser. It mainly affects non IE users (see posts 150 & 151).

I turned off blocking popups in firefox and that works - logs me out by just closing the page.

When I use my IE 6 I used to get nothing so I turned off the popup blocker in that. Now as I close it I get a pop up that just hangs and stays there and never closes or logs me out?

Any ideas?

Paul M
10-15-2005, 11:10 AM
If anyone would like to test it please drop me a PM with your e-mail address.Well, it seems no one is interested. So apart from my own site, it will be untested when released.

Carl Anderson
10-15-2005, 01:19 PM
Well, it seems no one is interested. So apart from my own site, it will be untested when released.

I would like to test it I wilkl leave a PM...

Thanks for this great well supported hack..............

10-16-2005, 08:55 AM
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /usr/local/home/httpd/vhtdocs/dsvr.claretandbanter.co.uk/chat/inc/classes/chatServer.php on line 112

I get this when going to the admin section.

Install didn't give me any errors tho. Using the latest version of flashchat 4.3.3

same problem here, but error on line 22 in chatserver.php :speechless:

Paul M
10-17-2005, 04:15 AM
I have uploaded the new version.

New in version 2.47;

* The users location is now displayed in "who's online".
* The CMS file no longer requires your vb licence code to be entered.
* Automatic login now works even if a member has not ticked "remember me".
To upgrade from previous versions ;

Import the plugins as a product using the vb Product Manager.
Upload the new vbulletin35CMS.php to the flashchat /inc/cmses/ folder.

If you use custom usergroups, edit the new CMS file to give them access (note, the section to edit is totally different and near the bottom of the file).

10-17-2005, 05:04 AM
Great fix and great upgrade. Thanks Paul :D

BTW Sorry I didn't see the request for wanting to test it first.


10-18-2005, 08:06 PM
I've gotten FlashChat and the integration with vB3.5 installed and working. This seems like a great program and the integration went very smooth. I did have some trouble following the instructions as most of FlashChat's directions were for older versions of vB but finally got on the right path.

Thanks very much for this mod!

10-18-2005, 09:12 PM
Was just about to install this hack with 4.33 when i saw that 4.40 beta is out...and they added the hacked CMS and made it install with vB3.5 automatically. :)

One thing i was wondering, i'd like to get it setup so that those logged into the forum get auto login (like it is now) but that unregistered users can still enter the chatroom as a guest (eg. Guest001)...is that possible to do by modifying the CMS yet again?

I know that i could have it not linked to the forum, but if it would be possible to do it the above way that would be even better!

10-19-2005, 04:26 AM
ok, I think there is something wrong here. I completly wiped everything out and uploaded a fresh Flashchat 4.3.3 and then over wrote the file with the edited files that are provided here and when I install the flashchat, even if I remove all the "stock" chatroom names during the install they are still there when the install is done and flashchat_users never is created in the database. I even tried editing the consts.php file and moving "user" to the top of the list and it still doesn't add it. Here is what I tried:
//Create DB tables
$db_tables = array(
"users" => "CREATE TABLE {dbpref}users (id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, login varchar(200) NOT NULL default '', password varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', roles int(11) NOT NULL default '0', profile TEXT default NULL, INDEX(login), PRIMARY KEY (id))",
"bans" => "CREATE TABLE {dbpref}bans (created timestamp(14) NOT NULL, userid int(11) default NULL, banneduserid int(11) default NULL, roomid int(11) default NULL, ip varchar(16) default NULL, INDEX(userid), INDEX(created))",
"connections" => "CREATE TABLE {dbpref}connections (id varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', updated timestamp(14) NOT NULL, created timestamp(14) NOT NULL, userid int(11) default NULL, roomid int(11) default NULL, state tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1', color int(11) default NULL, start int(11) default NULL, lang char(2) default NULL, ip varchar(16) default NULL, tzoffset int(11) default 0, INDEX(userid), INDEX(roomid), INDEX(updated), PRIMARY KEY (id))",
"ignors" => "CREATE TABLE {dbpref}ignors (created timestamp(14) NOT NULL, userid int(11) default NULL, ignoreduserid int(11) default NULL, INDEX(userid), INDEX(ignoreduserid), INDEX(created))",
"messages" => "CREATE TABLE {dbpref}messages (id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, created timestamp(14) NOT NULL, toconnid varchar(32) default NULL, touserid int(11) default NULL, toroomid int(11) default NULL, command varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', userid int(11) default NULL, roomid int(11) default NULL, txt text, INDEX(touserid), INDEX(toroomid), INDEX(toconnid), INDEX(created), PRIMARY KEY (id))",
"rooms" => "CREATE TABLE {dbpref}rooms (id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, updated timestamp(14) NOT NULL, created timestamp(14) NOT NULL, name varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', password varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', ispublic char(1) default NULL, ispermanent int(11) default NULL, INDEX(name), INDEX(ispublic), INDEX(ispermanent), INDEX(updated), PRIMARY KEY (id))",
//users to do
I'm assuming without the users table it won't auto-login.

I'm alil lost on this one. I'm using PHP version 4.3.11 and MySQL version 4.0.25-standard, if that helps any.

10-19-2005, 06:58 AM

I had to re-install vBulletin v3.5 Gold and the Flashchat intergration somewhere in the process I either forgot something or did something wrong. I can't get the Who's Online box to show up on the bottom of the page. Chat works great.

Smack me in the back of the head.... :o


10-19-2005, 07:03 AM
Never mind Paul....

Dah.............Really :o

I forgot to import the whos_talking.xml file

As always Great Job..


10-19-2005, 08:05 AM

I am still stuck. I installed a couple of new styles and the Who's Online isn't visiable. How do I do that.


Paul M
10-19-2005, 09:35 AM
Was just about to install this hack with 4.33 when i saw that 4.40 beta is out...and they added the hacked CMS and made it install with vB3.5 automatically. :)While that is true, the CMS file supplied with 4.4.0 is an old version. Also, even with the latest CMS, without the edits to senlogininfo.php, usergroup banning will not work.

One thing i was wondering, i'd like to get it setup so that those logged into the forum get auto login (like it is now) but that unregistered users can still enter the chatroom as a guest (eg. Guest001)...is that possible to do by modifying the CMS yet again?I'm not sure how that would work, I am sure it would create a lot of problems.

Paul M
10-19-2005, 09:37 AM
I'm assuming without the users table it won't auto-login.

I'm alil lost on this one. I'm using PHP version 4.3.11 and MySQL version 4.0.25-standard, if that helps any.You are assuming incorrectly. When integrated, it uses vbulletins user table, so doesn't need it's own.

10-19-2005, 09:38 AM

I'm a bit confused :nervous:

I've installed Flashchat, works great.
I've installed Paul's VB integration, seems to work fine - only registered users can log into Flashchat.
I've installed Paul's Who's Chatting, works fantastic :banana:

When it's integrated should a link to the chat page appear anywhere on the forum home page or do I have to put this in manually?

Thanks for any advice :)

Paul M
10-19-2005, 09:39 AM
When it's integrated should a link to the chat page appear anywhere on the forum home page or do I have to put this in manually?
Manually, usually in the navbar.

Paul M
10-19-2005, 09:41 AM

I am still stuck. I installed a couple of new styles and the Who's Online isn't visiable. How do I do that.

DonEdit the forumhome template as per the instructions in the who's chatting hack.

10-19-2005, 09:46 AM
Manually, usually in the navbar.

Cheers, Paul, and thanks for the great integration :)

I'm a bit new to VBulletin so I'll need to have a quick root around the forum to find out how to do this :nervous:

Paul M
10-19-2005, 09:55 AM
See http://www.tufat.com/docs/flashchat/vbulletin.html

Also, please click on the install link in this thread to indicate you have installed it. :)

10-19-2005, 10:31 AM
Edit the forumhome template as per the instructions in the who's chatting hack.

I just did it....:) I kew I read it some where and I couldn't remember until just now.


Thanks Paul

10-19-2005, 06:09 PM
I have installed the FlashChat with integration into vB as well as the whose in the chat room stuff. Everything works great.

One thing though, I cannot seem to find a way to remove some of the FlashChat rooms.

I can't find anything in the vB control panels. Loading the admin.php supplied by FlashChat into my browser displays a blank page.

I've been able to customize lots of the vB stuff and the FlashChat stuff but cannot find a way to remove rooms.

Should I be looking at the vB control panel for admin functions for FlashChat? It doesn't show up in the Manage Product panels, only the Who's in FlashChat program does.

I would like to be able to remove all but the first room and then change that room's name to something like Live Chat.

Paul M
10-19-2005, 07:17 PM
I can't find anything in the vB control panels. Loading the admin.php supplied by FlashChat into my browser displays a blank page.
If you get a blank page, Press F5 (Refresh the page). This is a known "feature" of the Flashchat admin area.

10-19-2005, 07:44 PM
I tried the refresh but it doesn't help

Should I be using FlashChat admin or vBulletin control panel to administrate FlashChat's rooms?

Paul M
10-19-2005, 09:20 PM
I tried the refresh but it doesn't help

Should I be using FlashChat admin or vBulletin control panel to administrate FlashChat's rooms?Flashchat, there is no flashchat admin facility in the ACP.

10-20-2005, 12:30 PM
The supplied CMS file assumes that you are installing Flashchat in your forums root folder - this is the same folder as your usercp.php file and includes folder. Installation will fail if you do not do this.

Excuse my question... How can i install the flash chat into my forums home? I have 2 files index.php and 2 files profile.php (1=forum, 1=chat).

Or do i have to install it to /forums/CHAT ?

10-20-2005, 12:46 PM
Thanks Paul, now I know that I really need to look a FlashChat to get the Admin up and running. Appreciate your help!

As to Wachtmeister's question, if your website forum is:

then your chat files need to be in:

Hope that helps!

10-20-2005, 12:53 PM
Thanks dgallek :)

10-22-2005, 08:53 AM
Having installed flashchat 4.3.3 over a previous instalation for integration with vb3.5 gold my users are always promted to login (which works if they enter their details) and can't autologin. Please help me troubleshoot this problem...


Paul M
10-22-2005, 04:12 PM
Support: Please check your file edits, the vast majority of problems reported are due to an error made in editing the files. If you are still stuck and want me to take a look then feel free to PM me your site address, an admin user and ftp access details (as well as details of the problem).

10-22-2005, 04:44 PM
do I have to have flashchat firest?

Trevor Hannant
10-22-2005, 05:44 PM
See http://www.tufat.com/docs/flashchat/vbulletin.html

Also, please click on the install link in this thread to indicate you have installed it. :)

Paul, is this mod the same as the one that's done via the installation process or seperate?

Have installed the chat and used the instructions on tufat.com as opposed to this - if they're the same, I'll still hit the installed link!

The Realist
10-22-2005, 08:01 PM
Is this compatable with 3.5.0 gold and FlashChat_v440 thats been installed into a seperate database?


Paul M
10-22-2005, 08:56 PM
Is this compatable with 3.5.0 gold and FlashChat_v440 thats been installed into a seperate database?

LatersNo. It relies on flashchat being in the same database.

10-22-2005, 09:48 PM
Hey Paul - thank you so much for this! You are a star mate. I just installed Flashchat 4.4.0 and i see they included your stuff in their install files.

It worked a charm!

Top man!

Paul M
10-22-2005, 10:53 PM
Hey Paul - thank you so much for this! You are a star mate. I just installed Flashchat 4.4.0 and i see they included your stuff in their install files. Yes, I see v2.47 is included. There is actually a very minor error in that, which is why 2.48 is the latest. I also have a new (unreleased) version specifically for the 4.4.0 beta, which includes the new Moderator role added to flashchat.

10-23-2005, 12:11 AM
Sorry if this should be clear, but I seem to be missing it.

how do I include a link to the chat on my forums navigation bar? I'm sure this should be simple, I just don't know how to do it.


Paul M
10-23-2005, 03:06 AM
do I have to have flashchat firest?Erm, yes .....

Paul, is this mod the same as the one that's done via the installation process or seperate?

Have installed the chat and used the instructions on tufat.com as opposed to this - if they're the same, I'll still hit the installed link!This is basically the same as what is now included in Flashchat 4.4.1 and above. Tufat (Darren) has added my integration to the released product (with permission of course :)).

The only things not included are the language file update and the plugin for the WOL display. Also, at this moment in time, the CMS file here is slightly more recent (2.51) as opposed to 2.47. The difference is a minor bug fix and ROLE_MODERATOR support.

I will be updating this thread for pre/post 4.4.1 versions shortly.

how do I include a link to the chat on my forums navigation bar? This link is still valid for 3.5


10-23-2005, 05:20 AM
Thank you for the link Paul. I really appreciate your help. The hack is great


10-23-2005, 09:07 AM
I dont quite understand a couple of the steps in the notepad document could you please give me a little bit more detail

Paul M
10-23-2005, 12:48 PM
I dont quite understand a couple of the steps in the notepad document could you please give me a little bit more detailWell not unless you give more detail in the first place.

10-23-2005, 04:21 PM
After installing this my forum is acting up. It seems everypage works except for the forum display page. You can read threads, read the forums if you have the direct link but if you go to www.mywasteoftime.net and click on forums it gives you a blank page.

10-23-2005, 04:26 PM
After installing this my forum is acting up. It seems everypage works except for the forum display page. You can read threads, read the forums if you have the direct link but if you go to www.mywasteoftime.net and click on forums it gives you a blank page.

Okay apparently it was the "members in chat" plugin that was causing the problem. I disabled it and it works fine.
And downloading the newest file from that thread and uploading it solved the problem.

The Realist
10-23-2005, 04:32 PM
Clicking forum works at my end, try pressing Ctrl + F5


After installing this my forum is acting up. It seems everypage works except for the forum display page. You can read threads, read the forums if you have the direct link but if you go to www.mywasteoftime.net and click on forums it gives you a blank page.

10-23-2005, 04:33 PM
I figured it out soon after posting that, I posted what the issue was.

Paul M
10-23-2005, 06:07 PM
Corrupted plugin ?

10-23-2005, 06:15 PM
I don't know, it was working fine before I updated the flashchat software to 4.4.1 but I guess that's possible. I'm just happy it's working and only took a couple minutes to figure out! :D

10-24-2005, 04:55 AM
ok well it doesnt seem to work. do i upload it into a flashchat folder? or in the main forum folder? If its in a flashchat folder it doesnt seem to connect to the folders right beacause its in a different folder so it doesnt work

10-26-2005, 09:59 PM
One more thing - which I must add to the instructions - remember to put your vb licence number in the vbulletin35CMS file.
Where in that file? I don't see it marked?

10-26-2005, 10:00 PM
I've got flashchat installed - it was installed before - but with the upgrade, when it loads, its not coming up with any chat rooms.

http://www.pilotsofamerica.com - link is at the top of the page

At the moment, I have the forum turned off for upgrades - would that affect?

Paul M
10-26-2005, 10:09 PM
Where in that file? I don't see it marked?
Thats an old quote.

From the first post ......

vB 3.5 integration allows ;

* Authorised members to be automatically logged in.
* All non authorised members are locked out (both are based on usergroup membership).
* If enabled, the users location is now displayed in WOL (use the plugin to avoid "Unknown Location").
* The CMS file no longer requires your vb licence code to be entered.
* Automatic login now works even if a member has not ticked "remember me".

Paul M
10-26-2005, 10:10 PM
At the moment, I have the forum turned off for upgrades - would that affect?Nope, won't make any difference.

10-26-2005, 10:26 PM
Hmm. Well the chat loads all the load bars and then just opens up to a blank blue screen. Wierd.

If you have any suggestions, I'm all ears. But I'm gonna keep lookin around. :)

10-26-2005, 10:34 PM
Never mind. It was a IBTK error... (I changed the wrong stuff in the CMS file)

10-26-2005, 10:40 PM
ok, here's a real one now - I've got 3 rooms defined in the database, and flash chat is opening up with those rooms, PLUS the default rooms I told it I didn't want during the install...

ANy idea where its getting those extra rooms from?

10-27-2005, 04:21 PM

I´ve run into the same problem as Tim did before. Only difference - I had a fresh install. Now index.php is just blank page.
While installing flashchat the installation resulted in a blank page, too, after choosing the cms vb3.5 and clicking "continue"..

I would really appreciate, if you could have a look into that ? Further details are coming with a PM.

Paul M
10-27-2005, 04:37 PM
ANy idea where its getting those extra rooms from?From the database, obviously you have six rooms defined.

10-27-2005, 11:25 PM
Thanks very much for the great integration and add-on!
After a fresh install of the latest FlashChat 4.41 with the built-in vB 3.5 integration, as well as the WOL add-on, everything works great! No problems at all...the directions are straight-forward and easy to follow.

Well deserved Kudos to Paul!

10-28-2005, 12:31 AM
From the database, obviously you have six rooms defined.
No, I don't. I've checked the tables twice and there are only three listed in _fc_rooms:

mysql> select * from _fc_rooms;
| id | updated | created | name | ispublic | ispermanent |
| 1 | 2005-05-17 13:10:22 | 2005-05-17 13:06:08 | Hangar Talk | y | 1 |
| 3 | 2005-10-24 08:27:36 | 2005-05-17 13:06:08 | Tech Support | y | 3 |
| 5 | 2005-10-25 06:40:38 | 2005-05-17 13:09:42 | Flight Training | y | 2 |
3 rows in set (0.05 sec)

10-29-2005, 08:46 PM
Hi all where do i put the vbulletin35CMS.php file, so i can change the permmisions, im using vb3.5.
ive installed flashchat, its installed and working i just want to change the permissions

As yet i have not edited any files except EN.php for the message.



Paul M
10-29-2005, 09:51 PM
the CMS file goes in /chat/inc/cmses/

10-29-2005, 10:01 PM
sorry i found that, i just pmed you

Paul M
10-29-2005, 10:27 PM
sorry i found that, i just pmed youYep, logged in and fixed for you, your problem was a small editing error. :)

10-30-2005, 02:45 AM
I downloaded FlashChat 4.1.1 today, and tried to install it on top of a vB 3.5 upgrade I also did today.

I installed your patch, and still cannot get by the "You do not have permission to enter the chat" error - and cannot log into the admin.

The install seemed to go through without error.

Any ideas?


10-30-2005, 03:22 AM
Everything's working fine here...thanks for the hack, Paul. :)

One thing I would like, however, but can't figure it out for myself...

On the standard FlashChat login page, there is a "Popup Login" option, where the chat is opened via js in a 800x600 window separate from the browser (ie, not in a window or tab).

Currently, I have my vB navbar set up with the Chat link as a dropdown menu (a la "Quick Links") where users can choose from the usual fullscreen flashchat or a "wrap" version where I embedded the chat within my site template in an iframe. Is it possible to add a direct link to the Popup Login option as well, when not using the stateless CMS mode? The majority of the time I have very little use for the popup login, but for the times I do need to use it, it would nice to be able to access it directly, without having to go to /forums/flashchat/ and typing in my username and pw.

Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated. TIA.

10-30-2005, 08:35 AM
Thank you Paul M, work's fine!

Paul M
10-30-2005, 11:36 AM
I installed your patch, and still cannot get by the "You do not have permission to enter the chat" error - and cannot log into the admin.

The install seemed to go through without error.

Any ideas?

I had a look, with the login details you supplied, and have fixed your issue.

Basically you hadn't done Step 5 (setting the access for your usergroups). On a standard vB installation, Usergroup 8 is the "banned" group, however, on your forum it is a members group that most people are a part of. You had not moved group 8 in the CMS file from the banned list to the user list, so anyone who was a member of this group was not allowed access. :)

10-30-2005, 11:54 AM
Thanks for your help Paul. I really feel like a putz :confused:

I must have looked at those group numbers a dozen times last night!


11-02-2005, 04:57 PM
FlashChat 4.4.2 is out now ;)

Thanks Paul M

Paul M
11-02-2005, 05:34 PM
FlashChat 4.4.2 is out now ;)

Thanks Paul MYes, I downloaded it this morning. It still has the older 2.47 CMS file in it .......

11-02-2005, 07:49 PM
Oh, now this is getting irritating.
I just downloaded latest version of flashchat, earlier I had version 4.33 installed with old version of this plugin, things were working fine...

Now I just uploaded all new files except config and config.srv...nothing worked, it shows me /chat/ as blank, even flashchat.php as blank..

I tried to install the thing again, made changes in lang/en file and also uploaded cms file into cmses..

I selected vbulletin 3.5 while installation and on step 2 - everything blank..nothing happens...

any idea how to get it working?


11-02-2005, 07:59 PM
aah never mind...I found the problem..it was wrong path for my config.php in vbulletin35CMS.php


Paul M
11-02-2005, 08:58 PM
aah never mind...I found the problem..it was wrong path for my config.php in vbulletin35CMS.phpAs in this bit ....

The CMS file assumes that you are installing Flashchat in your forums root folder - this is the same folder as your usercp.php file and includes folder. Installation will fail if you do not do this.

11-02-2005, 09:06 PM
Yup, exactly...and I somehow managed to forget it :D..sometimes we do make silly mistakes ;)

11-02-2005, 10:04 PM
we have installed this and now it lets just staff in but no other users..and I cant find the control for it in the ACP of Vbulletin 3.5...so how do I unban regular members if I have no cms or ACP ??

Paul M
11-02-2005, 10:20 PM
we have installed this and now it lets just staff in but no other users..and I cant find the control for it in the ACP of Vbulletin 3.5There is no access control in the ACP, the final step of both versions tells you ;

Edit the relevant section at the bottom of the vbulletin35CMS.php file to change the access options.:)

11-03-2005, 12:09 AM
Is there anything in the acp where can change the options same as roomnames and so on paul? Sorry for asking but now I'm searching for a hour but don't find anything.
Thank you.

Paul M
11-03-2005, 02:58 AM
Is there anything in the acp where can change the options same as roomnames and so on paul? Sorry for asking but now I'm searching for a hour but don't find anything.
Thank you.No. Flashchat has it's own admin system.

11-03-2005, 04:31 AM
I Keep getting this error i keep changing it to what it says

Warning: main(/home/ausnrl/public_html/forums/../../../includes/config.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/ausnrl/public_html/forums/flashchat.php on line 7

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required '/home/ausnrl/public_html/forums/../../../includes/config.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/ausnrl/public_html/forums/flashchat.php on line 7

i tried

and i tried editing the xml

11-03-2005, 04:45 AM
well, it looks like you have vriable vbpath as well as relative path added in the config.php path string...

try somehing like this...

require_once '/home/ausnrl/public_html/forums/includes/config.php'; in your vbulletin35CMS.php file

or simply

require_once $vbpath . '/config.php'; sine you have both in the forums folder.


11-03-2005, 07:17 AM
Now we get this error

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: statement in /home/ausnrl/public_html/forums/flashchat.php on line 19

11-03-2005, 09:23 AM
okay to me it looks like that you have just copied flashchat.php from chat folder to main forums folder...

Copy whole chat folder as it is in the forums folder so your flashchat.php will be in forums/chat/flashchat.php

and then you can edit the path of forum config file in vbulletin35CMS.php as

require_once '/home/ausnrl/public_html/forums/includes/config.php';


Paul M
11-03-2005, 03:42 PM
Just follow the original instructions and notes (which clearly tell you to install flashchat inside your forums folder) so you will have a chat folder with your admincp/modcp/includes etc folders. No editing of any path is required if you do it right in the first place. :)

11-04-2005, 06:18 AM
I did that and i get an error with the statements

Paul M
11-04-2005, 08:36 AM
Well you seem to have have made a mistake somewhere. Please refer to the support section in the main post, and have a read of my signature.

11-05-2005, 01:17 AM
Ok i did the install thing.Il copy my whole document


// Paul M v2.51 - for vB 3.5.0 //
// For Flashchat v4.4.1 and above only //

$vbpath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__));
require_once '/home/ausnrl/public_html/forums/includes/config.php';

class vBulletinCMS {

var $userid;
var $loginStmt;
var $getUserStmt;
var $getUsersStmt;

function vBulletinCMS()
$this->getUserStmt =
new Statement("SELECT userid AS id, password, salt FROM {$GLOBALS['vbulletin']['prefix']}user WHERE username=? LIMIT 1");
$this->getUserStmt =
new Statement("SELECT userid AS id, username AS login, usergroupid, membergroupids FROM {$GLOBALS['vbulletin']['prefix']}user WHERE userid=? LIMIT 1");
$this->getUsersStmt =
new Statement("SELECT userid AS id, username AS login, usergroupid FROM {$GLOBALS['vbulletin']['prefix']}user");
$this->getUserForSession =
new Statement("SELECT userid FROM {$GLOBALS['vbulletin']['prefix']}session WHERE sessionhash=? ORDER BY lastactivity DESC LIMIT 1");
$this->updateSessionForUser =
new Statement("UPDATE {$GLOBALS['vbulletin']['prefix']}session SET lastactivity=?, location='$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]' WHERE userid=?");

$this->userid = intval($_COOKIE[$GLOBALS['vbulletin']['cookie'] . 'flashuserid']);
if($this->userid == 0)
$this->userid = intval($_COOKIE[$GLOBALS['vbulletin']['cookie'] . 'userid']);
if($this->userid == 0)
$rs = $this->getUserForSession->process($_COOKIE[$GLOBALS['vbulletin']['cookie'] . 'sessionhash']);
if($rec = $rs->next())
$this->userid = intval($rec['userid']);
setcookie($GLOBALS['vbulletin']['cookie'] . 'flashuserid', $this->userid);
setcookie($GLOBALS['vbulletin']['cookie'] . 'flashuserid', $this->userid);
if($_POST['t'] AND $GLOBALS['vbulletin']['sessupdate'] AND $this->userid > 0) $ru = $this->updateSessionForUser->process(time(),$this->userid);
if($this->userid == 0) $this->userid == NULL;

// Auto Login
function isLoggedIn()
if($this->userid > 0 AND $GLOBALS['vbulletin']['sessupdate']) $ru = $this->updateSessionForUser->process(time(),$this->userid);
return $this->userid;

// Manual Login
function login($login, $password)
$rv = NULL;
$login = utf8_to_entities($login);
$rs = $this->loginStmt->process(utf8_decode($login));
$rec = $rs->next();
$password = utf8_to_entities($password);
if(($rec['password'] == md5(md5(utf8_decode($password)) . $rec['salt']))) $rv = $rec['id'];
if($rv > 0 AND $GLOBALS['vbulletin']['sessupdate']) $ru = $this->updateSessionForUser->process(time(),$rv);
return $rv;

// performs logging out for actual user
function logout() { }

function getRoles($usergroupid)
$groups = explode(',',$usergroupid);
$userrole = ROLE_NOBODY ; // Set default access
foreach ($GLOBALS['vbulletin']['users'] as $group) if (in_array($group,$groups)) $userrole = ROLE_USER; // Check Allowed groups
foreach ($GLOBALS['vbulletin']['mods'] as $group) if (in_array($group,$groups)) $userrole = ROLE_MODERATOR; // Check Moderator groups
foreach ($GLOBALS['vbulletin']['admin'] as $group) if (in_array($group,$groups)) $userrole = ROLE_ADMIN; // Check Admin groups
foreach ($GLOBALS['vbulletin']['banned'] as $group) if (in_array($group,$groups)) $userrole = ROLE_NOBODY; // Check Banned groups
return $userrole;

function getUser($userid)
if(($rs = $this->getUserStmt->process($userid)) && ($rec = $rs->next()))
$rec['usergroupid'] .= ",".$rec['membergroupids'] ;
$rec['roles'] = $this->getRoles($rec['usergroupid']);
$tagencoded = entities_to_utf8($rec['login']);
if(strlen($rec['login']) > strlen($tagencoded)) $rec['login'] = $tagencoded;
else $rec['login'] = utf8_encode($rec['login']);
return $rec;
return null;

// returns an object of vBulletinUsersRS class - an iterator on all existing users/admins
function getUsers()
return $this->getUsersStmt->process();

// returns URL of user profile page for such user id or null if user not found
function getUserProfile($userid)
return ($this->userid == $userid) ? "../profile.php?do=editprofile" : "../member.php?u=$userid";

function userInRole($userid, $role)
$user = $this->getUser($userid) ;
if($role == $user['roles']) return true;
return false;

function getGender($user)
return NULL;

$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db'] = array(
'base' => $config['Database']['dbname'],
'user' => $config['MasterServer']['username'],
'pass' => $config['MasterServer']['password'],
'pref' => $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'],
'host' => $config['MasterServer']['servername'].":".$config['MasterServer']['port'],

$GLOBALS['vbulletin'] = array(
'cookie' => $config['Misc']['cookieprefix'],
'prefix' => $config['Database']['tableprefix'],

'sessupdate' => true, // Update vB session table when user speaks.
'users' => array( 2,9 ) , // vB usergroups allowed access to chat.
'mods' => array( 5,7 ) , // vB usergroups allowed access as chat moderators.
'admin' => array( 6 ) , // vB usergroups allowed access as chat administrators.
'banned' => array( 1,8 ) , // vB usergroups banned from accessing the chat (requires updated sendLoginInfo.php to work).

$GLOBALS['fc_config']['cms'] = new vBulletinCMS();

//clear 'if moderator' message
foreach($GLOBALS['fc_config']['languages'] as $k => $v)
$GLOBALS['fc_config']['languages'][$k]['dialog']['login']['moderator'] = '';

Paul M
11-05-2005, 01:49 AM
Sorry, but that really doesn't help.

As it says in the support section, if you want me to have a look then I need ftp access and an admin login to the forum, otherwise there is little I can do.

Ky Kiske
11-07-2005, 07:33 PM
My members are having problems getting in. I have alot of different usersgroups what can I do?

Paul M
11-07-2005, 09:37 PM
My members are having problems getting in. I have alot of different usersgroups what can I do?Edit the CMS file to give your usergroups access.

11-08-2005, 01:12 AM
I really don't know why that I got this error:
Warning: chdir(): No such file or directory (errno 2) in /home/vietshar/public_html/chat/flashchat.php on line 15

Any helps? Thank you!

11-08-2005, 06:40 AM
I have a couple questions before I take the plunged and install this.

#1. Do I have to install the pre 4.4.0 versions before I install 4.4.1+ ?

#2. Since it looks like everyone is creating their hacks as plugins now can we get a list of what the plugins install and any tables they may add to the database.

#3. Is this hack uninstallable? It would also be nice if it was mentioned in the decription if there was an uninstall feature.

Thank You

Paul M
11-08-2005, 06:50 AM
I have a couple questions before I take the plunged and install this.

#1. Do I have to install the pre 4.4.0 versions before I install 4.4.1+ ?

#2. Since it looks like everyone is creating their hacks as plugins now can we get a list of what the plugins install and any tables they may add to the database.

#3. Is this hack uninstallable? It would also be nice if it was mentioned in the decription if there was an uninstall feature.

Thank You

1. No.

2. Not unless someone supplies one. This adds no tables.

3. Any vb product is uninstallable, thats a standard part of vb.

11-12-2005, 02:17 AM

I have everything installed, but I am , well, completely confused by all of the conflicting directions. Is there a single install/readme somewhere for flashchat 5 + vb3.5.1? I got the chat v5 + vb plugin from their site. If I do that, do I still need any of the files from the plugin here at vbulletin.org? Should I be substituting some of these files and directoins for theirs? Where does the CMS file go? Earlier in this thread it sad inc/cmses which didn't exist until I created the path.... maybe the main forums folder like the chat? I seem to have most of this worked out on my own, but when I click the chat it comes up but gets stcuk on loading skins with no errors in my apache log file. (WNYPoker.com -> Navbar -> Chat)


Paul M
11-12-2005, 12:15 PM
Is there a single install/readme somewhere for flashchat 5 + vb3.5.1? I got the chat v5 + vb plugin from their site. If I do that, do I still need any of the files from the plugin here at vbulletin.org? Flashchat 5 ?

If there is a new version 5 then I know nothing about it atm, I wasn't aware a new version had been released.

This certainly hasn't been tested with it, so I cannot answer your questions.

11-12-2005, 12:33 PM
Does anyone here have the version 4 download available?
Only version 5 is available from their web site.
I'd rather go with what works than latest and greatest.


Paul M
11-12-2005, 12:36 PM
Um, the latest version on the website is 4.4.2 , where are you looking ??

In fact, given some of your other comments, are you sure you are looking at the right product ?

11-12-2005, 12:45 PM
123flashchat.com ?


Paul M
11-12-2005, 12:49 PM
123flashchat.com ?



11-12-2005, 12:59 PM
Thanks! I'll give that chat a try :)


11-12-2005, 03:05 PM
That was painless enough. I have the correct flashchat installed now, along with the who is chatting. The automatic login to the chat and everything seems OK. One question, I don't seem to have any section for the main flashchat settings in my AdminCP. I do see the who's online options under forum home page options. (Yes, I installed both XML's) Is there a main section that is supposed to be in the left navbar? Just checking before I make any more changes. Thanks!


Paul M
11-12-2005, 03:52 PM
There are no ACP settings for flashchat, all it's main settings are in it's config.php file. It does have it's own very limited admin function as well.

11-14-2005, 02:44 AM
Am getting this error :(

Fatal error: Class 'Statement' not found in H:\localhost\xampp\xampp\htdocs\Vbulletin\FlashCha t\vbulletin35CMS.php on line 19

Please help me..

Paul M
11-14-2005, 03:38 AM
Try re-uploading the file, it sounds like it's corrupted.

11-14-2005, 02:29 PM
i don't know if this question has been answered yet.. i haven't had much time to look over the whole thread. i only want registered user to access the chat. how can i deny those who have not completed their registrations ( usergroup id3 is "Users Awaiting Email Confirmation") I have people creating usernames for the purpose of the chat room and not completing their registrations.. thanks

Paul M
11-14-2005, 04:05 PM
i don't know if this question has been answered yet.. i haven't had much time to look over the whole thread. i only want registered user to access the chat. how can i deny those who have not completed their registrations ( usergroup id3 is "Users Awaiting Email Confirmation") I have people creating usernames for the purpose of the chat room and not completing their registrations.. thanksThe default installation does this anyway.

11-14-2005, 05:20 PM
Paul, have you ever looked into vb integration with the socket server? I was thinking I might dig in and see if it is doable, but didn't want to duplicate effort.

I'm thinking it might take some code hacks to the flash client to get the session cookie and send it to the socket server... unless there's a way to get the client as it is now to take some value from the initial http hit when it gets the socket server config info and pass that to the socket server..

Paul M
11-14-2005, 08:06 PM
Paul, have you ever looked into vb integration with the socket server? I was thinking I might dig in and see if it is doable, but didn't want to duplicate effort.Yes, I actually have a working beta on my test forum.

11-15-2005, 02:59 AM
for whatever reason i cant get it to run correctly...anyone willing to install this for me?

please pm me

thanks in advance

11-15-2005, 03:21 AM
Where can I find flash chat for vb3.51? I don't have any versions installed yet. I need the fresh install. Thanks!

11-15-2005, 06:51 AM
Hi Paul,

i want allow guests to chat. My Chatversionn is 4.2.2 - vBulletin 3.5.1.

And i've made the changes in vbulletin35CMS.php. Usergroup 1 is guests (not registered).

My changes:

'users' => array( 1,2 ) , // vB Benutzergruppen, denen der Zugang zum Chat erlaubt ist.
'mods' => array( 5,7 ) , // vB Benutzergruppen, denen der Zugang als Chat-Moderatoren erlaubt ist.
'admin' => array( 6 ) , // vB Benutzergruppen, denen der Zugagng als Chat-Administratoren erlaubt ist.
'banned' => array( 8 ) , // vB Benutzergruppen, denen der Zugang zum Chat nicht erlaubt ist (dies erfordert eine aktualisierte sendLoginInfo.php um zu funtkionieren).

But it won't work. Guests can't enter the chat. Are there any changes to make in the sendLoginInfo.php ?


Harry :squareeyed:

Paul M
11-15-2005, 08:40 AM
Hi Paul,

i want allow guests to chat. My Chatversionn is 4.2.2 - vBulletin 3.5.1.

And i've made the changes in vbulletin35CMS.php. Usergroup 1 is guests (not registered).

But it won't work. Guests can't enter the chat. Are there any changes to make in the sendLoginInfo.php ?
Guests will never be able to enter. The nature of vB integration means that only registered members can enter. It would need some big changes to the integration to change this (or you could have guests using members names etc).

Paul M
11-15-2005, 08:45 AM
Where can I find flash chat for vb3.51? I don't have any versions installed yet. I need the fresh install. Thanks!www.tufat.com

11-15-2005, 09:46 AM
Guests will never be able to enter. The nature of vB integration means that only registered members can enter. It would need some big changes to the integration to change this (or you could have guests using members names etc).

Ok Paul - thx for the fast answer.

11-15-2005, 12:51 PM
doesn't work..

flashchat version 4.4.2
vb 3.5.1

moderators aren't recognized.. the chat work fine but moderators are recognized like normal users..

my forum is installed in


and the chat in


i've edited and putted the cms file in the path


with this string ---> $vbpath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__));
require_once $vbpath . '/includes/config.php';

but doesn't work.. any idea?

tnx for support

Paul M
11-15-2005, 01:03 PM
Are those urls made up ? they don't work.

As for support, you are not showing as having this installed yet (click the install link).


11-15-2005, 01:35 PM
no the real link is www.gameskeepers.com -_-

Paul M
11-15-2005, 03:43 PM
Hmm, reading your post again ;

1. You don't need to edit the path in the CMS file - restore that back to the default or it won't work.

2. I think you have put the CMS file in the wrong place, it goes in ../forums/chat/inc/cmses/ (to replace the one already in there).

I, Brian
11-17-2005, 01:46 PM
Apologies if not understanding this correctly, but is this for a standaline vb 3.5.x install, or must it be part of a CMS install on top of vB 3.5.x??

Paul M
11-17-2005, 04:51 PM
This is for any installation of vb 3.5, any reference to CMS is flashchats way of referring to vbulletin.

11-17-2005, 08:56 PM
I've been fighting with Flashchat and my windows server for a long time now - finally, I get it to work, but I have a couple of quick questions (questions that I might be able to find if I read through all 27 pages of this thread, but I'm asking for someone to throw me a bone, please?)

I've uploaded the php file to the correct CMSES folder and also imported the plugin to vBulletin through the Add/Import product.

1) What does the plugin do exactly? After I've installed it, I still have to tell flashchat to log me in (by either clicking the auto-login button or entering my login info.) I'm running the latest flashchat at v4.4.2 and v3.5.1 of vB - am I missing something?

2) Shouldn't my users be able to login automatically? So if I create a menu item at http://forum.opiophile.org/chat - shouldn't they log in right from there, without having to enter in additional info?

Thanks for any help....

Paul M
11-17-2005, 09:35 PM
If you have to log in then you have an error in the integration somewhere.

11-17-2005, 09:43 PM
If you have to log in then you have an error in the integration somewhere.

I'm not sure that gives me much to go on. How can I check if the integration went through or not? It looks as if my users are able to login and use the chat using the link below - is there something from the plugin that I'm missing? (what's the expected result of adding the plugin?)

It appears that I can create a menu item linking to http://forum.opiophile.org/chat/flashchat.php and I'm able to login with a click - this must be the way it's supposed to work? (Rather than going to /chat and expecting an auto-login?)


Paul M
11-17-2005, 10:07 PM
Like the first post says ;

* Authorised members to be automatically logged in.
* Automatic login now works even if a member has not ticked "remember me".

If users are not automatically logged in then the integration is broken.

The plugin is purely for the WOL display, nothing else.

* If enabled, the users location is now displayed in WOL (use the plugin to avoid "Unknown Location").

When you installed flashchat you should have ticked the CMS integration box and then chosen vBulletin 3.5. If you did not do this then it is not integrated (and auto-login will not happen) You can easliy test this by logging in as any username you like, with any password you like.

11-17-2005, 10:11 PM
Like the first post says ;

* Authorised members to be automatically logged in.
* Automatic login now works even if a member has not ticked "remember me".

If users are not automatically logged in then the integration is broken.

The plugin is purely for the WOL display, nothing else.

* If enabled, the users location is now displayed in WOL (use the plugin to avoid "Unknown Location").

When you installed flashchat you should have ticked the CMS integration box and then chosen vBulletin 3.5. If you did not do this then it is not integrated (and auto-login will not happen) You can easliy test this by logging in as any username you like, with any password you like.

What's does WOL mean? Wake on Lan?

Using the link I supplied above, users are logged in regardless of whether or not your plugin was enabled. In fact, all I did was go through the install process provided by Flashchat and then clicked './chat/flashchat.php' to auto-login. My problem was when I was simply going to ./chat (not adding the flashchat.php then asks for login information.)

I guess I'm more or less trying to figure out what you're plugin does...? I've modified my templates to auto-tick the remember-me box - so is that it?

Paul M
11-17-2005, 10:35 PM
What's does WOL mean? Wake on Lan? WOL = Who's OnLine (display) :)

Using the link I supplied above, users are logged in regardless of whether or not your plugin was enabled.

I guess I'm more or less trying to figure out what you're plugin does...? Like I just told you, the plugin is purely for the WOL display, nothing else.

In fact, all I did was go through the install process provided by Flashchat and then clicked './chat/flashchat.php' to auto-login. Yes, that is the correct path for autologin, I'm a bit confused by your statements, are you saying that does autologin, or doesn't ?

My problem was when I was simply going to ./chat (not adding the flashchat.php then asks for login information.)That's not a problem, that's by design. That page is supposed to show a login screen. You would not normally link to it.

11-19-2005, 11:00 AM
All is well here, except the "Live Support" mode of FlashChat is not working. I have done everyting right per the FlashChat instructions. I think the CMS file is missing something about "customer roles" whatever that is. ... ??? I am using your VBulletin35CMS.php file. But I see others are having problems with the one that comes with FlashChat. So maybe you're not the right person to ask?

A suggestion for others: Edit config.php to cause a logout from FlashChat to return you directly to your VB forum home page instead of displaying the login box (comments removed):

//Logout behavior
'logout' => array(
'close' => true,
'redirect' => true,
'url' => 'http://xxx.yyy.com/forum/index.php',
'window' => '_self',

11-19-2005, 11:24 AM
Hmmm... i have no problems with this integration. Works great on our board. :nervous:

Paul M
11-19-2005, 04:28 PM
All is well here, except the "Live Support" mode of FlashChat is not working. I have done everyting right per the FlashChat instructions. I think the CMS file is missing something about "customer roles" whatever that is. ... ??? I am using your VBulletin35CMS.php file. But I see others are having problems with the one that comes with FlashChat. So maybe you're not the right person to ask?I supplied all the vbulletin35CMS files, including the one that comes with Flashchat ;)

There is no 'Live Support' support in any vbulletin CMS file.

A suggestion for others: Edit config.php to cause a logout from FlashChat to return you directly to your VB forum home page instead of displaying the login box (comments removed):

//Logout behavior
'logout' => array(
'close' => true,
'redirect' => true,
'url' => 'http://xxx.yyy.com/forum/index.php',
'window' => '_self',
You can shorten the url to just /forum/index.php , close should be false. :)

11-20-2005, 01:58 AM
There is no 'Live Support' support in any vbulletin CMS file.

OK, well I might tackle this. The idea is to cross-reference a VB usergroup with the "customer" identification in FlashChat. In FlashChat there is an option for "Live Support" (not in VB). It operates by creating a separate private "room" called Support for each logged in user in FlashChat that is identified with this "customer" group in FlashChat. The moderators get to see all of the private support rooms as separate rooms in thsir view. Thus, a mod or admin can give private live support to multiple users without others jumping in. I wanted to offer this only to my VB users who are in my "Customer" usergroup. I'll poke around in the FlashChat stuff, as well as your xml file, and see if I can weave it together.

You can shorten the url to just /forum/index.php , close should be false.

Yeah, but I put a full URL there in the example for generality. I didn't know what close was, so I tried it as true and it worked so end of research :squareeyed: I'll fix it in my file. Thanks for the neads-up.

Thanks for making FLashChat-VB integration so easy!

Paul M
11-20-2005, 02:50 AM
OK, well I might tackle this. The idea is to cross-reference a VB usergroup with the "customer" identification in FlashChat. In FlashChat there is an option for "Live Support" (not in VB). It operates by creating a separate private "room" called Support for each logged in user in FlashChat that is identified with this "customer" group in FlashChat. The moderators get to see all of the private support rooms as separate rooms in thsir view. Thus, a mod or admin can give private live support to multiple users without others jumping in. I wanted to offer this only to my VB users who are in my "Customer" usergroup. I'll poke around in the FlashChat stuff, as well as your xml file, and see if I can weave it together.Well the first bit is easy, only two lines are needed to add the definitions for the customer role. When I did this, the member (customer) did indeed get their own private room that mods/admin can see, but the conversations seemed to default to Private Messages rather than in the actual room - is this how it is supposed to work ?

11-20-2005, 05:04 AM
I checked two boards with this mod and it does not appear to work with Firefox 1.07 browser. Any plans to fix this? I'd like to install this mod.

Paul M
11-20-2005, 11:00 AM
I checked two boards with this mod and it does not appear to work with Firefox 1.07 browser. Any plans to fix this? I'd like to install this mod.Nope, I don't use Firefox 1.07.

It works in the version I have (1.5) and IE6, and anything else people seem to use, maybe firefox 1.07 has a bug.

11-20-2005, 02:57 PM
I just installed 1.5 Firefox and it still doesn't work on a board with flashchat 4.3.3. Do you have a URL where it works?

Firefox is more secure than IE and much faster.. it would be hard for me to go back to IE for this mod.

11-20-2005, 03:03 PM
Well the first bit is easy, only two lines are needed to add the definitions for the customer role. When I did this, the member (customer) did indeed get their own private room that mods/admin can see, but the conversations seemed to default to Private Messages rather than in the actual room - is this how it is supposed to work ?
Not to my knowledge, but then I haven't seen it work in real life yet :disappointed: I'm just starting this now, and it would be great to see what 2-line mod you did to get it that far. I am such a neophyte with PHP, VB, Flash itself, and FlashChat... I have some serious "just-in-time learning" to do... I did look at statelessCMS.php and see the new ROLE_CUSTOMER. However the intro comments at the top of that file say only that

FlashChat 4.4.0 and higher support a new user role: ROLE_MODERATOR
Please edit the getUser and getRoles function if you need use of
the new moderator role. This change has not yet been applied.

This is the hint I was going to start with, after learning what ROLE_MODERATOR and then ROLE_CUSTOMER are supposed to do. Then look at getRoles()... despite its name, it appears to return only a single ROLE_XXX and the tests (in your CMS for VB) appear to be ordered to implement an escalating priority _USER, _MODERATOR, _ADMIN, _NOBODY (banned). I think I would add _CUSTOMER as the second test after _USER? Does ROLE_CUSTOMER mean that the user is a _USER and a _CUSTOMER? That's what I need to discover. And so forth.

By the way - I have a separate non-joinable usergroup "customer" representing my customers. Via forum permissions, they are able to see the Customer Support forum/subforums of the board, while regular registered users and guests don't even see them. Membership in the "customer" usergroup is what I want to cause live support to be enabled for the user.

I'm going to press ahead as today (Sunday) is a time window in which I have to do this, but if you happen to see this message and can post the 2 lines of code you tried, I'd appreciate it. I'll check back here periodically. Maybe between the two of us we can decode this stuff and get live support working.

Thanks for taking a look and diving in!

Paul M
11-20-2005, 03:53 PM
Firefox is more secure than IE and much faster.. it would be hard for me to go back to IE for this mod.Where did I suggest that ? It works fine in FF 1.5 for me.

I just installed 1.5 Firefox and it still doesn't work on a board with flashchat 4.3.3. Do you have a URL where it works?Actually, I just realised that I'm not sure what you are saying doesn't work. I thought this was the who is chatting hack, but it's the integration hack .....

Paul M
11-20-2005, 04:10 PM
I'm going to press ahead as today (Sunday) is a time window in which I have to do this, but if you happen to see this message and can post the 2 lines of code you tried, I'd appreciate it. I'll check back here periodically. Maybe between the two of us we can decode this stuff and get live support working.

Thanks for taking a look and diving in!I've attached the 2.52 file with experimental customer role support (lines 83 & 145). You need to edit line 145 for your customer usergroupid.

11-20-2005, 04:22 PM
I had figured out that _CUSTOMER is a superset of _USER and was heading to the same place!! Just starting my testing now, your timing is perfect. I'll use yours and go from there. Thanks so much for this!!

11-20-2005, 04:37 PM
Actually, I just realised that I'm not sure what you are saying doesn't work. I thought this was the who is chatting hack, but it's the integration hack .....

Ok.. I apologize.. I left out some details here... the initial loading screen works... all 3 things go to 100%.. then the screen goes blank and nothing happens.. I never get the login prompt that I see in IE.

Sorry for the confusion.

Paul M
11-20-2005, 05:25 PM
Ok.. I apologize.. I left out some details here... the initial loading screen works... all 3 things go to 100%.. then the screen goes blank and nothing happens.. I never get the login prompt that I see in IE.You should never get a login prompt (if you are logged into the forum) - that's the point of integration. Both things point to a broken integration file, have you edited it ?

11-20-2005, 05:42 PM
I saw a login on someone else's board with 4.3.3 and IE. Regardless.. the link on your site that you posted earlier and the other sites I go to go blank after the loading screen.. nothing ever loads. I have XP and Firefox 1.5 RC now. It did the same in Firefox 1.07.

11-20-2005, 06:05 PM
Well this is interesting Paul... ironically I just got a popup on my toolbar that there was a new version of the flash plugin available.. I downloaded and now I see the login on that other site I was talking about. That's a good sign. I went to your site, but I think you took the link down?

Paul M
11-20-2005, 10:00 PM
Tufats forums are now vb 3.5, register there and try your new plugin.


11-20-2005, 10:11 PM
Ugh.. Check out the screenshots.. firefox doesn't load all the way, even after several minutes. (2nd pic is IE)

Paul M
11-20-2005, 10:17 PM
Well I'm afraid you seem to have a problem with your local installation.

It works fine for me (on FF 1.0 & 1.5) and our site has 20%+ Firefox users (1.0 & 1.5).

11-20-2005, 10:27 PM
When you say local installation do you mean my browser?
Because if you see the URL in those screenshots you will see it is your site I am on.

Found this in my Javascript Console:

Error: plugin.SetWindow is not a function
Source File: javascript: function jsScriptObject(obj) { this.wrappedJSObject = obj; } jsScriptObject.prototype = { evaluate : function(expression) { return new jsScriptObject(eval(expression)); } }; var plugin = document.embeds['flashchat']; plugin.SetWindow(new jsScriptObject(window),510669848);
Line: 1

Paul M
11-20-2005, 11:05 PM
When you say local installation do you mean my browser?Yes.

Because if you see the URL in those screenshots you will see it is your site I am on.No it isn't.

From the main hack post ;

Finally, I am not Tufat.com (http://www.tufat.com) nor anything to do with the Flashchat (http://www.tufat.com/s_flash_chat_chatroom.htm) product - which means I'm not here to answer questions about them. If you have questions about Flashchat in general, their forums are here (http://www.tufat.com/forum/index.php).
I am satisfied your problem has nothing to do with this hack, you need to take it up with Tufat.

11-20-2005, 11:14 PM
Paul -- Success! Only one tweak: You need to test the value of 'liveSupportMode' if you want that setting in the FlashChat config.php to have any effect. As you sent it, it's always on regardless of that setting:

if ($GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']) {
foreach ($GLOBALS['vbulletin']['customer'] as $group) if (in_array($group,$groups)) $userrole = ROLE_CUSTOMER; // Check Customer groups
Sadly the Live Support mode in FlashChat is a bit lame. With it on, any ROLE_CUSTOMER person gets trapped in their Support room, with no way to enter any other room for general chatting with others. I have confirmed on the FlashChat fdorum that this is the case, and posted a wish-list item for it.

Anyway, the vbulletin35CMS.php file you sent me works with the addition of the above conditional test. Turning off liveSupportMode in FlashChat's config.php stops people from becoming ROLE_CUSTOMER types and thus being trapped. Apparently, that setting in FlashChat's config.php doesn't really turn Live Support off all the way. You also have to prevent people from getting into ROLE_CUSTOMER.

Thank you very much!

Paul M
11-20-2005, 11:33 PM

I saw you post at tufat and added the IF test.

v2.53, with this added, will become the current version when I next do an upload.

11-21-2005, 01:18 AM
I posted this early but I can not see where it went, I must have click the wrong button.


What does this hack do that Flashchat 4.4.2 doesn’t do already? I have flashchat installed into my vB 3.5.1 site right now and it lets Authorised members to be automatically logged in and All non authorised members are locked out (both are based on usergroup membership).

What will I benefit from installing your hack if I were to do it?

Paul M
11-21-2005, 02:44 AM
What does this hack do that Flashchat 4.4.2 doesn?t do already? I have flashchat installed into my vB 3.5.1 site right now and it lets Authorised members to be automatically logged in and All non authorised members are locked out (both are based on usergroup membership).

What will I benefit from installing your hack if I were to do it?I believe the note in the main post covers this ;

The latest version of Flashchat now includes my integration as part of the Tufat supplied files. However, the currently bundled vB 3.5 CMS file is v2.47 - the latest version available here is v2.53 - this has support for the new Moderator Role and also the Live Support 'Customer' Role. This hack also includes the Who's Online (WOL) Plugin.

11-21-2005, 04:27 PM
Some users are getting a 'Banned' message when they try to login to the Flashchat. I'm confident that it is installed properly as I can use it OK and others get automatically logged in OK. I've been reading some past posts in this thread and someone mentions 'Local Installations' referring to browsers.

What might be common browser problems that users should update in FF and IE? ie, change security settings, trusted sites, etc.

Paul M
11-21-2005, 05:56 PM
Some users are getting a 'Banned' message when they try to login to the Flashchat. I'm confident that it is installed properly as I can use it OK and others get automatically logged in OK. You are using custom usergroups and have not edited the access section of the CMS file for them.

11-21-2005, 08:49 PM
Installed it and working very fine. Buth how can I manage Flashchat from my Admin Control Panel? or maybe it's not possible?? How can I grant access to users and other controls??

11-22-2005, 04:03 AM
@Paul M - I got it to work. It was my flash plugin, not your mod. ;)
Clicking install now.

Paul M
11-22-2005, 04:44 AM
@Paul M - I got it to work. It was my flash plugin, not your mod. ;)
Clicking install now.:up:

11-22-2005, 06:36 PM
If you use anything other than .php as your file extenstions, you will have to edit the install file...it's looking for config.php ...that will cause the second setep to appear to hang.

11-23-2005, 08:30 PM
I know this is *technically* in the Tutfat/Flashchat realm... (and if this was already answered here, please direct me.)

I'm trying to get rid of the "dirty word censor" (I mean the site is for Problem Adults, for cryin out loud!). According to this page (http://www.tufat.com/phpBB2/about10494.html&highlight=word) , I simply remove the arrays in "badwords.php".

Well, no go. If I so much as alter one letter of those words my chat.php page goes blank! (I'm using this and noppid's Flashchat on vBulletin Page (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=100317&page=3&pp=15) hacks.

Help? I've installed and uninstalled everything and checked everything I can!!!

Paul M
11-23-2005, 09:35 PM
Replace the code in badwords.php with this and it should be ok.

// Dummy badwords //
$GLOBALS['fc_config']['badWordSubstitute'] = 'dummy';
$GLOBALS['fc_config']['badWords'] = array(
'dummy' => 'dummy'

11-24-2005, 02:20 PM
I'm a bit confused. You say to "Upload the product via the Product Manager using the supplied XML file." Do you mean the "Manage PRODUCTS" or "Plugin MANAGER" option?

Also, is there an option on the admincp to set up any settings?

This one is different than the hack I used in the past.


11-24-2005, 03:37 PM
1) I have installed the flashchat integration and it all works fine overall EXCEPT for the WOL status... I get an error as follows in the status readout.

Unknown Location /vb3/cmps_index.php3 @ 12:33 PM

I thought I edited everything ok....any thoughts?

2) I have noticed that just dismissing the chat window doesn't seem to remove the user from chat...is this correct? i.e. If I dismiss the chat window then the status still shows that user logged on to chat. Maybe this is a flashchat issue.


Paul M
11-24-2005, 06:03 PM
You say to "Upload the product via the Product Manager using the supplied XML file." Do you mean the "Manage PRODUCTS" or "Plugin MANAGER" option?Product Manager = Manage Products.

Also, is there an option on the admincp to set up any settings?Nope, this has no settings to alter.

This one is different than the hack I used in the past.Um, well yes, it's a new version. :)

1) I have installed the flashchat integration and it all works fine overall EXCEPT for the WOL status... I get an error as follows in the status readout.

Unknown Location /vb3/cmps_index.php3 @ 12:33 PM

I thought I edited everything ok....any thoughts?
Yes, it's nothing to do with this hack, that's a cmps problem.

2) I have noticed that just dismissing the chat window doesn't seem to remove the user from chat...is this correct? i.e. If I dismiss the chat window then the status still shows that user logged on to chat. Maybe this is a flashchat issue.A well known Flashchat feature;

See https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=782246&postcount=59

Also, please click install (schuelerd). :)

11-25-2005, 12:31 AM
Replace the code in badwords.php with this and it should be ok.

// Dummy badwords //
$GLOBALS['fc_config']['badWordSubstitute'] = 'dummy';
$GLOBALS['fc_config']['badWords'] = array(
'dummy' => 'dummy'
Mr. Marsden, you are not a Master Coder....
You are a god. :speechless:

I just went straight with your integration hack, and it works like a charm. It doesn't seem to like noppid's integrated page, and I'll let him know. But now my gang can curse their black little hearts out. THANK YOU!!!! :banana:

11-25-2005, 07:20 AM

My english is not very fine, but i try to explain ;)

When i want to make a shout directly to a user, i click the avatar in front of the nickname in the chatterlist. Then there is the nick in the text-input-field and i can make a shout to the user.

It looks like:

hubix i give you a shout

But i want a @-character below or in front of the nick, so that it looks like:

@hubix i give you a shout

In which file i got to add the @-character??

I hope you understand me!?!? ;)

thx and greetz

Paul M
11-25-2005, 07:41 AM
You need to ask this in the Flashchat support forums.


11-28-2005, 03:48 AM
Now 4.4.2 is out
is this integretion still working well ?

11-28-2005, 05:03 AM
I have 4.4.2 in my site and the integretion went without a hitch.

11-28-2005, 08:27 AM
I have 4.4.2 in my site and the integretion went without a hitch.

Overall it works well. I did have to update functions_online.php to recognize CHAT in WOL though. There is one annoying thing that is a problem with flashchat but it show up in the integration. Users must LOGOUT using the flashchat red button. If a user dismisses the window under Windows, the logout doesn't happen and the user still shows as logged on.

This is a poor way to handle this IMHO.

Paul M
11-28-2005, 11:50 AM
Overall it works well. I did have to update functions_online.php to recognize CHAT in WOL though. There is one annoying thing that is a problem with flashchat but it show up in the integration. Users must LOGOUT using the flashchat red button. If a user dismisses the window under Windows, the logout doesn't happen and the user still shows as logged on.

This is a poor way to handle this IMHO.This hack includes a plugin for WOL, so why did you have to update functions_online.php ?

Logging out is nothing to do with this hack, as I have repeated more times than I care to remember, that is standard flashchat functionality - which btw has nothing to do with Windows or any other OS - it is purely down to your browser blocking popups.

Paul M
11-28-2005, 11:52 AM
Now 4.4.2 is out
is this integretion still working well ?Yes.

11-28-2005, 12:35 PM
This hack includes a plugin for WOL, so why did you have to update functions_online.php ?

Logging out is nothing to do with this hack, as I have repeated more times than I care to remember, that is standard flashchat functionality - which btw has nothing to do with Windows or any other OS - it is purely down to your browser blocking popups.

As I said in the note, it's a problem with flashchat but it shows itself in the integration. (I'm agreeing with you ;) ) . When I went to WOL, it showed unknown location. It was looking for chat.php and when someone is in flashchat is seems to produce getxml.php as the file executed. I change chat.php to getxml.php and it now shows those users in chat. Should I have done something else?

Paul M
11-28-2005, 02:40 PM
When I went to WOL, it showed unknown location. It was looking for chat.php and when someone is in flashchat is seems to produce getxml.php as the file executed. I change chat.php to getxml.php and it now shows those users in chat. Should I have done something else?The product/plugin supplied in the zip file of this hack looks for getxml.php, did you import that at all ?

What you have done is actually edit some built-in vb code (yep, for some reason there is code in the stock vb code for chat.php - even though there is actually no such functionality within vb).

John Lester
11-28-2005, 07:12 PM
Wow...ANOTHER simple install. Works great.


John Lester
11-29-2005, 04:01 AM
OK, question.

According to this: http://tufat.com/docs/flashchat/admin.html

I should be able to use an admin function to " add and remove rooms, view messages, control bans and ignores, and much more."

I realize I need to use the ACP for vBulletin to manage users and bans. But how do I add/remove rooms or view messages?

Paul M
11-29-2005, 04:42 AM
goto ..../chat/admin/index.php on your forum.

John Lester
11-30-2005, 03:01 AM
goto ..../chat/admin/index.php on your forum.

Cool. Thank you for the help.

11-30-2005, 06:07 PM
anyone have a problem with auto-login after enabling socket server?

Paul M
11-30-2005, 06:27 PM
anyone have a problem with auto-login after enabling socket server?Socket Server cannot do auto-login with any of the current CMS files (not just vbulletin).

That said, I have an experimental (beta) 3.5 CMS file I have been working on, that can ......

11-30-2005, 06:39 PM
Socket Server cannot do auto-login with any of the current CMS files (not just vbulletin).

That said, I have an experimental (beta) 3.5 CMS file I have been working on, that can ......

oh crap, didn't read that anywhere. so how do we go about getting this mysterious file?


Paul M
11-30-2005, 06:42 PM
oh crap, didn't read that anywhereI don't think Tufat actually mention it anywhere ........

how do we go about getting this mysterious file?I guess you could try asking the author of it if he will let you trial a copy. ;)

12-02-2005, 12:59 AM
installed & work

12-03-2005, 10:53 AM
The product/plugin supplied in the zip file of this hack looks for getxml.php, did you import that at all ?

What you have done is actually edit some built-in vb code (yep, for some reason there is code in the stock vb code for chat.php - even though there is actually no such functionality within vb).

NO! My error and my apologies! I overlooked that! I reverted back to vanilla VB code and installed the product and all is well! Thanks.

12-03-2005, 08:18 PM
I guess I'm missing where the vbulletin35CMS.php is supposed to go, or what we do with it. I've had Flash Chat already installed. What do I do with the vbulletin35CMS.php file?

Paul M
12-03-2005, 08:53 PM
Replace the existing one - which is in ..../chat/inc/cmses/

12-04-2005, 04:50 AM
Thanks, that worked. Does anyone know what file edits would be necessary to create more usergroups?

There's these: 'banned' => array( 1,8 ) , // vB usergroups banned from accessing the chat.

I'd think you would have to add a row there, then add a file to layouts, and define it in common, but that didn't work. I'm sure this is possible. Does anyone know where all the file edits would be? I'd like to create permissions based on different levels of usergroups.

Paul M
12-04-2005, 09:32 AM
You don,t need to add any lines, you just edit the array section in each of the four lines to add extra usergroup permissions - i.e. in the example you gave 'banned' => array( 1,8,12,15 ) will ban usergroups 1,8,12 & 15.

12-04-2005, 02:07 PM
But what if I want each usergroup to have different permissions in the chat and not all the same? That's what I meant, but I know that you didn't write FlashChat so if you don't know that's fine. See what I mean though?

12-04-2005, 05:09 PM
What does this error mean?

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: statement in /home/oadmin/public_html/forum/vbulletin35CMS.php on line 22

12-04-2005, 05:34 PM
ok I had flash chat on my bord befor the upgrade to 3.5 so what steps should I take to get it back?

Paul M
12-04-2005, 07:29 PM
But what if I want each usergroup to have different permissions in the chat and not all the same? That's what I meant, but I know that you didn't write FlashChat so if you don't know that's fine. See what I mean though?No, I don't see, what permissions are you referring to ?

Paul M
12-04-2005, 07:31 PM
What does this error mean?It means you broke something.

12-04-2005, 09:46 PM
It means you broke something.

hey whats my name skip lol j/k
just wondering if you could tlle me the safest way to do this since i already had this befor the upgrade to 3.5

Paul M
12-04-2005, 11:06 PM
The safest way is to download the latest version and re-install it - then apply the 441+ hack.

12-04-2005, 11:35 PM
The safest way is to download the latest version and re-install it - then apply the 441+ hack.
do I have to remove anything befor reinstalling it?

Paul M
12-05-2005, 07:53 AM
I don't think so, but then I've never done it.

12-05-2005, 11:47 AM
I upgraded PHP on my server to 5.05 and now my Flashchat application no longer works. Has anyone else had this problem??

Paul M
12-05-2005, 12:51 PM
I upgraded PHP on my server to 5.05 and now my Flashchat application no longer works. Has anyone else had this problem??Sorry, I'm a long way from trusting php5 on a server. I think you would be better asking this on the flashchat forums, it's not really related to this hack.

12-08-2005, 12:19 AM
I'm looking to install this to a subdomain (chat.domain.com). Can you tell me what I need to change in order to make this work?

Great work by the way! Appreciate this mod very much. ^^

Paul M
12-08-2005, 02:40 AM
I'm looking to install this to a subdomain (chat.domain.com). Can you tell me what I need to change in order to make this work? Off the top of my head I'm not sure - I think you would be better asking this in flashchats forums.

12-08-2005, 11:42 AM

I tired to install Flashchat, but the vbulletin35cms.php cant read the config.php - data.
Always I've got the standard values.

The path is ok, i copy all files on /var/www/csc/forum/chat

In Forum are the usercp.ph and includes-folder.

Any hints for me?
Thank you

12-08-2005, 02:12 PM
I upgraded PHP on my server to 5.05 and now my Flashchat application no longer works. Has anyone else had this problem??
Yup, I had the same problem! FlashChat 4.4.2 doesn't work with PHP 5.0.5

12-08-2005, 05:10 PM
I have PHP 5.04 and it works fine. I don't think there were major changes that would make it not work.

12-08-2005, 07:07 PM
Will this one work on v 3.5.2 ?? :)

Paul M
12-08-2005, 07:33 PM

12-09-2005, 04:28 AM

I tired to install Flashchat, but the vbulletin35cms.php cant read the config.php - data.
Always I've got the standard values.

The path is ok, i copy all files on /var/www/csc/forum/chat

In Forum are the usercp.ph and includes-folder.

Any hints for me?
Thank you

Any Hints?

Paul M
12-09-2005, 05:48 AM
Any Hints?Not really - I would need access to your system.

12-09-2005, 09:34 PM
If you're using Andres' datastore plugin, this addon will give you trouble - flashchat will be blank. The only work around I've figured is to create another "config" file and remove the line:

require_once(CWD . '/includes/class_datastore_pluginsupport.php');

in the flashchat, dummy config file. Now just point flashchat to that file.

Note: in your true config file, keep the above line. :)

I tried using a variable, but for some reason it would only work some of the time. This will insure proper behavior.

12-10-2005, 01:16 AM
Worked fine prior to the upgrade to Flaschchat 4.42.... Now when I try to get in I get this error (<mypath> and <identifier> edited here for simplicity/security).

Warning: fetch(/<mypath>/forums/chat/inc/../templates/templates_c/<identifier>admin_index.tpl.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/quaboag/public_html/forums/chat/inc/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1251

Warning: fetch(/<mypath>/forums/chat/inc/../templates/templates_c/<identifier>admin_index.tpl.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/quaboag/public_html/forums/chat/inc/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1251

Warning: fetch(): Failed opening '/<mypath>/forums/chat/inc/../templates/templates_c/<identifier>admin_index.tpl.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /<mypath>/forums/chat/inc/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1251

Any idea what I've done wrong here? I'm an admin (usergroup 6) on th' system. TIA.

Manager, quaboag.net (http://quaboag.net)

Paul M
12-10-2005, 01:31 AM
Any idea what I've done wrong here? I'm an admin (usergroup 6) on th' system. TIA.
That's an error you have made on the upgrade, and nothing to do with vb or integration - you haven't made all the relevant directories chmod 777 when you upgraded (in this case ../chat/templates/templates_c)

12-10-2005, 02:34 AM
I shoulda thought of that, was thinking it was a vb permissions bit but of course that makes sense. For some reason the CHMODs didn't want to take in this process.... I got through the install so figured I had knocked that issue down.

Thanks for your quick assistance!

12-10-2005, 07:11 PM
Hi Paul,

Is there a way to set rooms based on usergroups and how about direct links to rooms instead of going to the default one?

I have created two rooms for both genders but the default room is automatically set to the Male room which makes it accessible to the female gender.


Paul M
12-10-2005, 09:00 PM
Nope, there is no ability to do either of these.

12-12-2005, 11:43 PM
where can i get a flashchat

12-12-2005, 11:54 PM
rb290, meet google.


12-13-2005, 06:28 AM
can u explain to me what the flashchat integration is really for? I already installed v4.42 flashchat (newbie) so does this replace and upgrade some files or what?

After installing it, i dont see a difference, where can i go to see the improvements?

12-13-2005, 07:30 AM
Thanks works great on our 3.5.2 board.

Paul M
12-13-2005, 07:56 AM
can u explain to me what the flashchat integration is really for? I already installed v4.42 flashchat (newbie) so does this replace and upgrade some files or what?

After installing it, i dont see a difference, where can i go to see the improvements?Have you read the first post - it tells you there. ;)

12-14-2005, 11:36 PM
So do I install FlashChat v4.4.2 first before I make these changes suggested here?
and I'm using vBulletin v3.5.1

Paul M
12-15-2005, 12:34 AM
So do I install FlashChat v4.4.2 first before I make these changes suggested here?Yes.

12-15-2005, 01:11 AM
can u explain to me what the flashchat integration is really for? I already installed v4.42 flashchat (newbie) so does this replace and upgrade some files or what?

After installing it, i dont see a difference, where can i go to see the improvements?

Samething here... I cant find any of the things the "Flashchat-vb-integration.txt" talks about....

The latest version of Flashchat now includes my integration as part of the Tufat supplied files. However, the currently bundled vB 3.5 CMS file is v2.47 - the latest version available here is v2.54 - this has support for the new Moderator Role and also the Live Support 'Customer' Role. It also has some user data caching to reduce the number of mysql calls to the user table (by over 50%). This hack also includes the Who's Online (WOL) Plugin.


Paul M
12-15-2005, 03:31 AM
Samething here... I cant find any of the things the "Flashchat-vb-integration.txt" talks about.... :disappointed:Such as ?

12-16-2005, 01:30 AM
Such as ?

Hi Paul,

thanks for the great integration work. Works very well here, except the autologin when using the socket server from flashchat (it works with the non-socket version).

Do you have any ideas how to get that workin'?

Thanks again for your work.

Paul M
12-16-2005, 02:36 AM
thanks for the great integration work. Works very well here, except the autologin when using the socket server from flashchat (it works with the non-socket version).There is no autologin support for socket server mode in any flashchat cms integration. I have an experimental (alpha) cms file that does it for vb 3.5 - but it's not for public use.

12-19-2005, 09:55 PM
** Clicks Install.. Awesome !! **

Deacon Frost
12-20-2005, 04:48 PM
Can anyone tell me why it works fine with Firefox, but IE tells me connection problems with socket server???

ok, some FF-users seem to have problems as well...it hangs after logging in...

why it is working fine with me?

when I set socket to "false" everything works fine...

Paul M
12-20-2005, 07:56 PM
Are you referring to flashchat in general, or something specific to this hack ?

12-22-2005, 07:57 AM
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: statement in /home/mysite/public_html/vbulletin35CMS.php on line 22



Paul M
12-22-2005, 08:07 AM
Erm, why is that file in your root folder, and what exactly are you trying to do with it ?