View Full Version : how to make forums shorter on FORUMHOME?

08-23-2004, 10:48 PM
How can I make the forum heights smaller on the FORUMHOME page?

I have 2 sites, w/ 2 different skins.

This first one, I need to make shorter heights:

The 2nd one, is fine:

I didn't code the skins, so I'm not sure how to decrease the height. Would changing the font size make it smaller? I'm not really sure the best way to fix it...I just know that the forums/font appear too big for my tastes, and I want to try to get it closer to the onlinedebate.net site's layout on FORUMHOME.

08-24-2004, 02:10 AM
the font size will definetly decrease it depending on how little you go with it.

In all style options go to alt1 and alt2 and mess with the font sizes there... maybe try 10px or 9px?

I don't really see that big of a difference in the two unless you look at it hard...

Tony G
08-24-2004, 04:36 AM
As Jonathan said, font sizes should do the trick if you are desperate in making that shorter.