View Full Version : Table errors on skin

08-03-2004, 08:04 AM
Tables have never been my strong point. I'm getting a pretty nasty table here, that I just can't pinpoint. Dreamweaver indicates that it would be due to missing or overlapping td, tr, or table tags...but that didn't help me much.


I've added a side column hack from vb.org. It works perfectly, it's a simply install. If you choose "vBulletin Classic" from the list of available styles, you'll see how it is supposed to display.

Can someone either pinpoint where the error has to be, or give a tip on how best to narrow it down? This has been kickin' my arse all over the place for the past hour or so. Just when I think I've got it...it turns up "empty" as a solution.

I believe the header and footer are fine, and the problem may be in the FORUMHOME or one of its "sub" templates. When you go to the forumdisplay, it appears fine (in the problem style)...it just looks jacked up when viewing forumhome.

Thanks in advance for any help/advice you are able to offer. ;)