View Full Version : Where's this < br > coming from?

07-30-2004, 08:36 PM
Where's that extra line on top coming from? I'm using vb 2.3.5

Here's my entire "forumdisplay_loggedinusers" template
<normalfont>Browsing this Forum: $browsers</normalfont>

And here's the part from the "forumdisplay" template
<center><table width="723" border="0">
<td width="115" valign="top"><div align="left">$newthreadlink</div></td>
<td valign="top">
<div align="center">$onlineusers</div></td>
<td width="215" valign="top">
<div align="right">$forumjump</div></td>

Please help me asap!

07-30-2004, 09:18 PM
The <br /> is occurring above this code it seems

<normalfont>Browsing this Forum: $browsers</normalfont>

07-30-2004, 10:22 PM
That's what i would have thought, but thats my ENTIRE "forumdisplay_loggedinusers" template. There's no < br > or anything above it.

Tony G
07-30-2004, 11:21 PM
Remove the align in the <td> tag for online users in forumdisplay, and see what happens.

07-30-2004, 11:58 PM
^I tried

<center><table width="723" border="0">
<td width="115" valign="top">$newthreadlink</td>
<td valign="top">$onlineusers</td>
<td width="215" valign="top">$forumjump</td>

but no luck......it can't be a template issue. Is it getting it from one of the PHP files?

07-31-2004, 09:10 PM
try pushing it up with some CSS? Like style="padding-bottom: 10px"

I know its kinda crude, but its what I do if somethings not aligned right.

08-01-2004, 04:11 AM
I may be wrong but I don't think you'll be able to get rid of it like that. The left cell is defined as being 115px and the right is defined as being 215px with your $onlineusers variable being in the middle; the problem is that $onlineusers is greater than the width available (notice the second line that has the "closed thread icon" extends past the right column). Try removing the 115 length from the left column to see if that helps out.