View Full Version : Skin Help

04-15-2004, 04:42 AM
First and foremost - I know HTML as well as anyone, and I know a lot of php. That said, I have been searching for quite a while on where to start when making my own custom skins. I've done it on phpBB, and its time to move on to better things. So, is there anyplace that I can learn how to make one? Maybe I'm not searching hard enough, but I just can't find anything.

- [Jet]

Tony G
04-15-2004, 08:05 AM
There really is no tutorial that can tell you how to make a style. It all depends on your knowledge, not a tutorials. It doesn't exist, I'm afraid.

The best thing to do is learn the templates. Learn the vB variables, and it's not very hard either. Create a new style and play around with the code, see what templates effect what areas of the forum skin, things like that. Once you know what effects what and have some basic knowledge of the template system and vB variables, you'll be set.