View Full Version : can someone knowledgeable help me with this?

12-29-2003, 08:18 AM

I would like to know if someone knows the vBulletin templates good enough to tell me if that can be done: I would like to modify the bg color of a text quoted without modifying the first and second alternating colors. I also would like to add borders to the quoted area. I wish I could do it myself but I have no idea how to make it. I have attached some gifs that should explain better than my words what I would like to achieve.

1: like it is right now
2: bg color changed
3: only the borders changed

I will try a mix between 2 and 3 to see what looks best.

Thank you very much if you can help me with that.


ooops... in my enthusiasm I think I have posted it in the wrong forum.

12-29-2003, 10:17 AM

that would be the template bbcode_quote, in which the layout of the quote box is defined

you could for example exchange the border setting:
border:inset 1px
with a new one like this:
border: solid #xxxxxx 1px;
with xxxxxx being the color of your choice to achieve a 1px wide border in your color around the quote box

for the backgroundcolor you would cut out the
and put something like
background: #xxxxxx;
with xxxxxx being the color of your choice
AFTER the border part that we just inserted, so that your tag would look like this:
<div style="padding:$stylevar[cellpadding]px; border: solid #xxxxxx 1px; background: #xxxxxx;">



12-29-2003, 10:49 AM
That works great!!! Thank you so much kreftt! That was really helpful. I hope I'll have the opportunity to be helped by you again.

Cheers :)


12-29-2003, 10:54 AM
I have one more question about this template: How could I change the font color? I guess it must be pretty easy but I have no knowledge in html/css.. Thanx a lot if someone can help me.



12-29-2003, 02:45 PM
search for $message

<font style="color:#xxxxxx">
with xxxxxx being the color of your choice in front of it and
after it



01-02-2004, 05:25 PM
Thank you very much. You are a great help! I hope you will help me with the other questions I'll have soon ;)

thumbs up!

thanx again.