View Full Version : vB3 with a vB2 look

12-30-2003, 01:29 PM
Hello. :)

I've just bought a vB license, and I'm planning on converting a big phpBB community forum. I've recently just experimented with vB, and have so far found out that: 1) I love vB3's functionality, and 2) I love vB2's look.

In other words, I would like to have a vB3 forum with a vB2 look. I don't like vB3's post functionality (threaded mode) and the fact that you have to click on a username to see the username etc.

This is how I want my vB3 forum to look like:

This is not how I want my forum to look like:

I want the post to include the profile/email/web buttons and such, I think you get my point. Is there a template/style out there that can make me happy? :)

12-30-2003, 05:30 PM
why not just modify the templates?

theres a legacy style that would look like my forums

www.digitalkore.net/vb3 (http://www.digitalkore.net/vb3)

just customize the postbit more

also almost all options such as threaded mode have the abilitie to be disabled via the ACP :)

Tony G
12-30-2003, 11:09 PM
If you're familiar with XHTML, you can do that yourself. Using the legacy postbit style, and then just adding a few touches to make it the same as the first picture in your post.