View Full Version : Forums Size Modification Help

08-14-2003, 01:09 AM
Hello... I am VERY grateful I have found such a wonderful community and I hope that there will be some help offered for my problem.

I've used the Category images mod I found here.

If you look I've marked what I want to do. The Top left / right Category images I would like to be able to keep them at their current position but pull in the actual forums from the maroon markings to the green.

It's just a rough sketch but I want the width of the forum listing to be pulled in to the corners of the category images.

How (if possible) might I go about doing this?

Edit (SaintDog): Attachment added and image removed from post.

08-15-2003, 01:26 AM
I didn't want to make a second reply to my own topic without receiving a response. I was hoping that I could get this figured out on my own but I've been unsuccessful.

I'm facing two problems... I need to change the width of the table where the forums are listed.

Furthermore, after installing the Category Bottom Image mod it adds a set of bottom images under the "Members, Threads, Posts" area which throws off the flow.

I desperately need help with this. Any insight would be most beneficial.


08-17-2003, 05:17 AM
I was hoping that it was my lacking in clarity that caused the lack of answers to my troubles. So I drew up an image of how I need the tables to work.

Category Top
Category Bottom

I need to manipulate the tables like in this image. Please help me... somone.
