View Full Version : Modding Cateogory BG's and things For Forum Display.

04-22-2003, 12:11 AM
Ignore me, I'm a stupid newbie. I pretty much figured it all out.

04-22-2003, 07:34 PM
I should probably clarify my questions a little bit more. I see there's a lot of tutorials for tweaking and designing the front page, but what I'm looking for are tutorials on how to tweak and design all the pages of the forums so that they look consistant with the front page, and what templates I have to modify.

Also I am looking at Yaxay, and I see how the cateogory images aren't just straight line images, but they have specific images on the top left and right corners


That's an example of what I mean. I saw one tutorial on Pixel Junction but his sample HTML files aren't there, so it doesn't help me out that much.

Any direction on these tutorials would really help me out. Thanks.