View Full Version : Codeing Images in HTML

03-26-2003, 02:17 AM
I need help badly, im getting so frustrated at these **** images :mad: I was just wondering if anyone out there may have the time to code what I placed below. Its not as bad as you might think it is lol I got pretty far but man im giving up. its been three days. Plus i don't know how to use DreamWeaver. :(

If you could that would be SOOOOO Great...

Thanks a lot

Heres is the PSD

Tony G
03-26-2003, 03:31 AM
You don't really need to use dreamweaver to code this, just some HTML knowledge and a text editor would do. :p

03-26-2003, 03:38 AM
Thats the problem i cant :(

03-26-2003, 04:18 PM
What would be the most user friendly program out there that will be able to code that for me?

03-26-2003, 04:25 PM
whenver i have html issues, i use frontpage just because its integrated into MS office which i use all the time

03-27-2003, 01:07 AM
\[]emesis']What would be the most user friendly program out there that will be able to code that for me?
Learning html for yourself + notepad.

Tony G
03-27-2003, 03:21 AM
Yeah, programs don't give you a good enough knowledge then reading through a HTML site and trying stuff in notepad.

03-29-2003, 08:53 PM
What do you need these images for? I may be able to help a bit once I know what you intend on using each section for.

Tony G
03-29-2003, 09:19 PM
I'd say it's most likely for his forum as it is vBT.com. ;)

03-29-2003, 11:56 PM
lol I meant where does he want each imagw to go

If that whole thing represents a post or group of forums then I wouldnt be able to do it since there is an image along the side also, which I have not learned yet.

I meant what it actually represents...

03-30-2003, 01:44 AM
Its for the Forumsdisplay. I Think i got it down. When im done the style i will show you guys. This is a heavly graphic style :(