View Full Version : Private Messages light bulb

11-15-2002, 12:57 PM
Is it possible to have that Private Messages 'Light Bulb' (telling me if there's a new private message), on every page/level on the forum?

I know, that with every page loads, VB checks if you got new messages, and shows an alert box if you have one. So a graphic (just like the lightbulb) should be possible i guess?

Can somebody help me out here?

11-15-2002, 01:22 PM
Chances are that would require some sort of hacking on the file part of vBulletin; at least if you are wanting it to appear on every page and use a graphic instead of a Java Pop-Up box.

Try asking over at vBulletin.org, the hackers there may be able to help you out a little more than over here since most of the edits here are strictly template editing; aside from a few basic alterations to the database.

11-15-2002, 02:22 PM
It will require hacking; I've looked into this before and you wouldn't believe how crazy the PM system is globally.

What you can do instead is replace the new PM popup with the code to generate the lightbulb then force everybody's PM popup option to on.