View Full Version : What do you think?

11-06-2002, 09:41 PM
What is the "best" program to edit templates?

I've used netscape, but it replaces the varables.
I've tryed FrontPage, but it doesn't seem to dysplay anything other then the html, making it useless to me

Basicly I'm looking for a program that will allow me to edit the display, it generates the html, and keeps the varables.

Is there such a thing?

Tony G
11-07-2002, 03:06 AM
Just use your browser. Thats how I edit my Templates, via the CP.

11-07-2002, 12:11 PM
Take note though, the variables are not going to display as they should in the browser unless vBulletin is parsing them, regardless; so you will see basically just HTML or a "raw" form of the template unless you just modify it and check it out for yourself.

11-07-2002, 02:16 PM
I'll keep coping my template to wordpad, and netscape
and remember to change the varables.

I was hping there was an easer way :/