View Full Version : Couple of things please :)

- nydus -
10-21-2002, 08:16 PM

If anyone could help i'd really appreciate it.

My first question is how can I put the logged in users avatar in a welcome panel i'm making and put a border around it.

Secondly, I'v made a couple of images for "Status: Online" and "Status: Offline" to go in the postbit. What I saw on there though was that it uses images used for New posts and No new posts on the forum homepage.

Lastly, anyone know of anywhere I can get a quick reply box for my vBulletin.

Any help is appreciated :)

- nydus -
10-21-2002, 08:21 PM
Sorry to ask again but also how do I add backgrounds to the catagory's and forum row's on the forum homepage. I'v managed it in the top bar which has "Forum" "Posts" "Threads" etc but don't know which template to find the rest in.

Thanks guys :)

Tony G
10-22-2002, 05:08 AM
1. I don't understand, if your logged in the Welcome Panel will display the avatar the user is using. (This is if you are using the hack)

2. You can just change the image it links to in postbit_online and postbit_offline

3. It's available at vBulletin.org. The one by FireFly (Like here) is very popular.

For category backgrounds, use this mod:


- nydus -
10-22-2002, 12:43 PM
Hey, Thanks a lot for your help :)

Time to start work, lol, hope it works :)