View Full Version : Boarder doesnt show

09-27-2002, 06:54 PM
I have been designing a welcome panel for the forums at one of my sites. If you look at the welcome panel @ www.princess.roffle.com/forums you will see that the tableon the left which is the table for the avatars doesn't have a boarder aruond it. I used the $logincode in replacement of $avatarimage and it would work, yet when I use the $avatarmiage code it won't show. Anybody know why?

If you want the code, or think you can solve this problem by looking at it I have posted it with this thread.

09-27-2002, 07:00 PM
$avatarimage is a PHP varible that will only show up if you have the template/php stuff in the correct php file. which is a hack.

09-27-2002, 07:30 PM
I took the $avatarimage variable from a welcmoe panel I found on vbulletin.org. I had to reinstall the forums after messing it up but saved the style set. That's probably why i'm getting errors, I havent reinstalled the $avatarimage variable.

Thanks for pointing that out for me :)

09-27-2002, 07:52 PM
Ah, hehe, classic mistake;)
No problem