View Full Version : CSS in forum_home_level2_nopost (or whatever it is exactly)

09-24-2002, 02:25 AM
Yeah... I'm trying to add the "Glow" effect in CSS using the span tag to some of my text (To make it more visible). It hasn't been working. I put the span tags inside the other formatting, around the variable.

Am I doing something wrong? Or am I trying to do the impossible?

Tony G
09-24-2002, 05:47 AM
Think your supposed to add the CSS code via style sets. Not sure..:/

09-24-2002, 10:09 AM
It's for the Forum Description. Any idea under which little deal in the Style setup that we be?

Tony G
09-24-2002, 10:41 AM
Well if you add it to Style Sets for example if you added CSS for dropdowns to me different colors etc. it affects all of that type.

09-24-2002, 07:55 PM
NM, I figured it out. I'll make a new tag in "replacements" (which I didn't know you could do, or what they were!!).

So that should fix the errors of my ways.


Tony G
09-25-2002, 12:03 AM
Replacements are some of the things that are set in the Style Settings put into some code. These are used to add graphics etc. and so you can call them with ease, I think. Don't use it much besides for hacks.