View Full Version : Help needed - please...

09-11-2002, 05:31 PM

I've migrated a community over from phpBB, so I designed the vBulletin forum to be have some similar traits (such as the borders around threads) whilst also being unique.

I'm not here to show off my forum as such but to seek help on a niggle with it.

I have a fixed width forum like this one, however some posts push out the size of the tables messing it up.

I've removed the HTML nowrap commands where I've found them in the hope that the table contents would simply wrap but this doesn't always happen.

How can I stop this, I've also removed image code, to stop oversized images from being used, so I'm left with the issue of some text posts.

For example this post:


The title Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaarrrrrrrrrrrrggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh seems to have wrapped but not before it's first pushed the table beyond it's size limit in pixels.

If you move up a level to see the thread view in the .::Public Chat::. forum the same problem is evident.

Any other advice or comments on the design would also be welcome.

Cheers... HeadStAtE!

09-11-2002, 05:42 PM
BTW if I've posted this is the wrong section then please feel free to move it, my excuse is that I'm a newbie here, so be nice to me, I'm small, fluffy and easily wounded by nasty comments....

09-11-2002, 07:58 PM
There's not much you can do with that example. Because of the lack of a space, the text is going to fill up the total size allowed. After that it'll start wrapping. If it were something like "This is a very very very very very very very long title" then it would wrap better because there are spaces. Without the spaces you're going to run into problems.

All I can suggest is add additional tables to constrain elements of your postbit.