View Full Version : Member Profile Question

07-06-2002, 06:49 PM
I'm a little confused. :)

I've made the template mod for the Member Profile and I'd like to add a couple of icons to it. Specifically, I'd like to add the e-mail icon and PM Icon under the "User Contact" section, as well as an MSN icon that I've created.

The PostBit is using these Icons:
E-Mail Icon = $ post[useremail]
PM Icon = $ post[pmlink]
MSN Icon = $ post[msn]

I've tried copying and pasting the above variables into the getinfo template, but it hasn't worked. After looking at the variables in the getuser template, I changed the "$ post" to "$ userinfo" and that hasn't worked either.

Now for some of you, this may be a no brainer, but clearly I just don't understand how these variables work, nor what they are actually calling. :p

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

07-06-2002, 06:56 PM
View the original getinfo template, it will show you what is what (as far as the default goes). You an also check the one at the URL below, it is basically the same one that is used here at vBT:


If you are looking to create your own variables, you will need to persue vBulletin.org as variable creation would require file modifications, something that is not supported here at vBT.

07-06-2002, 07:07 PM

Thanks for the fast reply!

I've installed the template mod that you linked me to already. I'm just wanting to add a couple of buttons that are found in other templates (see attachement).

I could simply put a link to the actual image, but I know that there has to be smarter way to do it and I don't think it would take a hack.

07-07-2002, 12:03 AM

07-07-2002, 01:24 PM
Boy, I hate begging... ;)