View Full Version : Problem displaying page correctly, footer not at foot

04-09-2005, 10:29 AM
I am having a little problem and don't know what the solution is, if there is one.

I have a php program that has 2 parts. Part 1 displays a basic form asking the user to select a member name for reporting upon. This then passes the selected user back into the same php program that then runs part 2, that produces the report output.

In both cases I make use of a basic vBulletin base template in order to have the output display looking like part of the Bulletin Board.

Part 1, runs through and correctly displays the Bulletin Board {i.e. BB Header, ?my output?, BB Footer/Trailer}.

Part 2, however, displays the BB Footer / Trailer to the right of ?my output? instead of at the bottom.

A quick explanation of the main php file:
All the ?doing? is done inside the SWITCH statement. The first time through the DEFAULT is executed. The second time through, CASE 1 is executed. In Case 1, I have tried (with no difference to the output) putting Form and Body tags around the output report

Here be all the code:

This be the vBulletin Template (http://www.smjunwin.demon.co.uk/Development/temp/SMJU_Base_Template.htm)

This is the php code file (http://www.smjunwin.demon.co.uk/Development/temp/Site_Games_Member_List_v1a.php)

and here be screen shots of the results:

This is the correct result from the SWITCH, DEFAULT (http://www.smjunwin.demon.co.uk/Development/temp/ScreenShot012.png)

Incorrect display of SWITCH CASE 1 {left hand side of screen} (http://www.smjunwin.demon.co.uk/Development/temp/ScreenShot013.png)

Incorrect display of SWITCH CASE 1 {right hand side of screen} (http://www.smjunwin.demon.co.uk/Development/temp/ScreenShot014.png)

As mentioned above I have no idea why, if anyone has any suggestions as to how to fix ?Part 2?, I would be very greatful.

04-09-2005, 01:37 PM
it's your html ...

04-10-2005, 09:25 AM
Care to give me a clue?

Marco van Herwaarden
04-10-2005, 10:02 AM
Difficult to tell if we can't see the actual code.

04-10-2005, 12:55 PM
me runs to the cellar and gets me a crystal ball

04-10-2005, 03:20 PM
That's why I provided a link to the various bits of code ...

However, I have since upgraded the program to add an additional facility on "Switch case 1", and the problem has been solved.

Still don't know WHY, but I guess it must have been a logic problem as I did not change any of the html, just moved it.

That's life I guess.

Many thanks to those who took the time to look.