View Full Version : Need a database restored...

04-03-2005, 06:29 PM
And i can't seem to figure out what i'm doing wrong.

here is the command i am using

mysql -u username -p -h localvb.fightrice.com < /home/***/sql/restore.sql

then it gives me an error 1046 at line 19, no database selected.

Anyone know how i can restore this or if they want to restore it for me, that would be great too

04-03-2005, 07:33 PM
mysql -u USERNAME -p vbDATABASE < /home/USERNAME/path/to/sql.sql

04-03-2005, 07:52 PM
if u still having problems m8 bang the sql file on your ftp and send an email to the host with login details etc and they will do it for you.

My hosts does anyway.

04-04-2005, 04:02 AM
Thanks for the help, first time restoring a database through SSH

figured it out, i forgot the db name after the host name.