View Full Version : unexpected ;

08-24-2004, 02:47 PM
ok it tells me there is an unexpected ';' on line 1497

1488: if($_REQUEST['do']=="topjournals")
1489: {
1490: $gettopviewed= $DB_site->query("SELECT journalname, journalist, journalist_id, journalviews, journal_id FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."journals WHERE active=1 ORDER BY journalviews DESC LIMIT 5");
1491: while($topviewed= $DB_site->fetch_array($gettopviewed))
1492: {
1493: eval('$topviewedbits .= "' . fetch_template('journal_top_viewed') . '";');
1494: }
1495: $getmostentries= $DB_site->query("SELECT journalname, journalist, journalist_id, entrycount, journal_id FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."journals WHERE active=1 ORDER BY entrycount DESC LIMIT 5");
1496: while($mostentries= $DB_site->fetch_array($getmostentries))
1497: {
1498: eval($mostentriesbits .= "' . fetch_template('journal_most_entries') . '";');
1499: }
1500: $getmostcomments= $DB_site->query("SELECT journalname, journalist, journalist_id, commentcount, journal_id FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."journals WHERE active=1 ORDER BY commentcount DESC LIMIT 5");
1501: while($mostcomments= $DB_site->fetch_array($getmostcomments))
1502: {
1503: eval($mostcommentsbits .= "' . fetch_template('journal_most_comments') . '";');
1504: }
1505: }

i dont see an extra ';' on line 1497:(

Colin F
08-24-2004, 02:49 PM
It's unexpected, because it expects you to close a (), '', {} or "" first.

In your case, you missed the ' before $mostentriesbits

08-24-2004, 04:52 PM
oh woops>_<