View Full Version : Mysql

07-04-2004, 08:01 AM
Well, I've made a backup with phpmyadmin on my old host of all tables of my database which resulted in a file of 140 mb .sql

Since I have no more access to my old host the file is way too big to be ran with phpmyadmin, I was wondering if any of you knows a way to do this that will work? :) Like perhaps a php script that will run it or something.

I thank you alot in advance, I've been trying all kind of things this week but was all uncesseded. My last hope is that one of you may be able to help me :)

07-04-2004, 10:25 PM
you can do it with shell access to your site.

upload that 140meg sql file to your site
log in to your site via a shell (ask your host about this if you don't know what it is since it may not be enabled)

run the command (replacing the loginname, databasename, backup.sql with they're respective names)

mysql -u loginname -p databasename < backup.sql

it should take a minute or 2 to run.