View Full Version : php mysql help ?

04-16-2004, 03:45 AM
i have a table called


it has several fields in it ....

one of them is


what php mysql statement would i need to use to retrieve
the "name" that has the most rows along with how many it has.....

example :

if john posted the most with 28 post i want to be able to print

John : 28

since hes the top poster......

help !

04-16-2004, 03:23 PM
Use PHP's built-in functions (mysql_connect(), mysql_select_db() and mysql_query() (see http://www.php.net)), and this as your query:

select count(*) from color_guide where name='john';

will not work ......

heres the problem

the script does not know who is the highest .......

thats what i want to find out

i want to know who is te highest by the amount of times there name is in new rows .
and what the count of rows for the highest poster is ......

Dean C
04-16-2004, 03:32 PM
Use MAX instead of COUNT IIRC

04-16-2004, 03:34 PM
Use MAX instead of COUNT IIRC

do you have a example

04-16-2004, 03:41 PM
here is a example database.

i have a table named


with the following fields and data.

| poster | color | info | more info |
| john | blue | xx | xx |
| joe | black | xx | xx |
| chris | red | xx | xx |
| john | yellow | xx | xx |
| joe | xxxx | xx | xx |
| john | xxxx | xx | xx |

so in my sample database i need a query that will
check who has the most rows and display the count .

example :

John has 3 post

my username
04-16-2004, 03:47 PM
Ok, i saw that i answered wrong question (read a little too fast) and deleted my post.
You were too quick for me...

Ok...I believe you may do it like this with mySQL:
(I've been working for 9 hours now, so it might not work :D)

SELECT name, count(name) AS number FROM color_guide GROUP BY name ORDER BY number DESC LIMIT 1;

Then you extract name and number from your result.

$result = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query($query, $dblink), MYSQL_ASSOC);
$highest = $result->name;
$number = $result->number;