View Full Version : About the $thread[preview] varable

01-15-2004, 08:38 AM
I've noticed that this variable take the text with line breaks.. its there a way to not brake lines????

It's there a way to get the text without lines breaks? this is the php code i've found in functions_forumdisplays.php

// format thread preview if there is one
if ($ignore["$thread[postuserid]"])
$thread['preview'] = '';
else if (isset($thread['preview']) AND $vboptions['threadpreview'] > 0)
$thread['preview'] = strip_quotes($thread['preview']);
$thread['preview'] = htmlspecialchars_uni(fetch_trimmed_title(strip_bbc ode($thread['preview'], false, true), $vboptions['threadpreview']));

Any idea on how to not break lines

01-15-2004, 09:38 AM
hmmm figured out ;)

My first hack will be something like this :)