View Full Version : Problem with member.php location..

09-18-2003, 08:19 PM
When someone is not logged in, and they go to "USER CP" and then get the screen that wants them to login...Once they login it takes them to mywebsite.com/member.php , instead of finding the file in mywebsite.com/subdirectory/forums/member.php

I have my forums and vbportal in a subdirectory...

All my logins work fine, except when someone tries to login from USER CP, or tries to login when they want to post or edit a post....They get page cannot find, because vb is looking for member.php in the wrong directory..

I tried editing templates to point to correct directory where member.php is located, but had no luck fixing it...

Can anyone help me out ?


09-19-2003, 01:38 AM
Did you install the hack for vBPortal where it adds the $bbdir value to the functions.php fike? If not that is your problem. Also make sure you have the orignal phpinclude that comes with vBPortal.

09-19-2003, 03:03 AM
I got it fixed, had to revert non_permissions_logout back to original...somehow it was changed..

I believe thats the name of the file..I will hav to look again..

thanks for your response..

09-19-2003, 10:40 AM
It was changed due to vBPotal, now the vBPortal page that use it will not work.