View Full Version : Templates mass edit

09-11-2003, 12:16 PM
Ive made a very complex dark skin, its got light and dark colors so its a complete ____ to do. I have to edit many templates. I want to edit redirect templates so that after the <*text> for the message, it says <font face="... and same with the end it says </font>.

is there any queries i can use. I cant think of any off by head atm, but then again im too sleepy, been up for 40 hours... not much, but enough to make you not think straight, you'd reckon i';d be use to it too :rolleyes:

09-13-2003, 06:19 PM
I'm not sure if I understand correctly what your templates are like now, but if you want to add something at the front and the end of those templates you could use the mysql query:

UPDATE template SET template = CONCAT('stuff to the left',template,'stuff to the right') WHERE title LIKE 'redirect_%';