View Full Version : Hosting keeps disabling my database

04-26-2003, 08:18 PM
I'm running vbulletin 2.2.9 on a MySQL database on a Unix server. Twice now they've disabled the database saying that it's causing too much processor speed and shutting down the server. Typically once a week the board goes down because of a corrupted table or something similar. The forum has a few minor hacks but nothing major.

At this point I'm not sure they are going to re-enable my database which means I may have to switch providers. But the more I think about it, I'm not convinced it's them.

Is there something going on with vbulletin software? Anyone else have any ideas or had these same problems? I'm desperate here for some answers.


04-26-2003, 08:28 PM
There are three posibilities:
1. They have not configured MySQL well
2. The server is too busy
3. You hacked vB too much

04-26-2003, 11:27 PM

4. All of the above.

;) Ask them whether they have other forums on the same server, and if they are having the same problem. If not, then you know it's something to do with your vB.