View Full Version : Moving to a NEW host.......

04-26-2003, 04:04 PM
First - I'm internet, db, Vb stupid.. ;) I've learned some but not alot...... lol

I'm moving my host and I'm trying to transfer my data base.

I'm going from Vb 2.2.8 - Hacked - but not alot. I'm trying to transfer my data into a 2.3.0 version.

First is this possible? Or are the versions that different.

I've done a sql dump and transfered it to the new db, the data is intact. I have tried to install vb over the top of this database but I get an error immediately. I noticed there are a few tables which are different (Probably due to a few hacks installed) Is there a way to transfer only the needed information from the old db into the new db? Such as only the members, forums and posts?

Has anyone ever done this? Anyone wana try to do it for me... lol :)

Am I nuts? <----- no need to answer.

04-26-2003, 04:27 PM
It's possible but not necessarily easy. The process is just the same as if you were upgrading your hacked 2.2.8 to 2.3.0.

04-26-2003, 04:34 PM
Ok, maybe I don't know the process for upgrade.....

I've attempted to "copy" from one db to the other in PHP my admin... Its transfering the data but there is no change in the forum. Well the # of threads, and posts reflects the correct amount but nothing else has changed...

04-26-2003, 05:22 PM
Ok.. wierd..

On this NEW board, I have one forum its the 'main' forum that defaults UP when you load the vb.. and inside this forum is some of the data from my OLD board. Its actually there. The user names posts text etc.. say I click on the user who posted I get a Not found sort of error.. So some of the info transferred....

I'm so lost........:D

04-26-2003, 05:24 PM
HE HEHE I'm seeing through the fog... :)

04-26-2003, 06:08 PM
Man this fog is thick.

I want to transfer over my Users, and the Posts which we had done but onto a new version 2.3.0. What tables, or fields MUST I transfer in order to do that.

What I have is 2 sql db's setup, one is from my old board, the other is the NEW one which HAS version 2.3.0 running on it. For each table I.E. access, posts, etc... I went into the NEW db that has the 2.3.0 running on it, dropped that table and then copied the table from the OLD db into the new (running 2.3.0) well I did this with all of the tables and now I have the board running with the right data but its in version 2.2.8.... so it seems...


04-26-2003, 07:32 PM
Ahh... It appears that Life is good.

I started over and only copied what "I" needed, and it appears to be working flawlessly..