View Full Version : Learning php/mysql

03-06-2003, 02:20 PM
Well ive taken the decision to learn php & mysql from the ground up.
I understand the basic concept. But dont know any detail.
So im asking for you guys to reccomend books for a 31 yr old :-)
Im not into sams learn etc.. in 24 hours.

It's usefull as a reference guide only.
I want to know how to write it ect..
good examples of code etc..

I need to do this to really try and improve my forums.

Can you help guys's n gals' by reccomending a few books to get started


03-06-2003, 02:26 PM
<a href="http://php.net" target="_blank">http://php.net</a> has free manuals and what not.

I been trying to learn a bit myself.

Sort of give back to all those here who give so freely.

03-06-2003, 05:05 PM
PHP.net is more of a reference than a "walkthrough" so to speak.
I find it very difficult to understand php.net's docs, so I can feel for you VampireMan.
There should be decent guides out there which teach newbies from scratch to expert.
Why did you stop your lessons zajako?
I haven't seen them so I am presuming you gave up due to lack of interest.
However, I'd be more than willing to take lessons from you, or anyone else, because I want to learn.


mr e
03-06-2003, 10:20 PM

these are good for different tutorials