View Full Version : Online.php and wiring my site to work with it.

09-23-2002, 12:23 AM
Yes, oh yes, here is my problem.

I am making my site run off of vB Templates, therefore, each page shows up on WOL also. My main site is (of course) at the top level of the domain, the forums is in /forums/.

Now, right now, if you go to my main page, on WOL it will say "Unknown Location". Of course, I made the edit to online.php to try to give it a location:
case 'siteindex':
$userinfo[where] = "VGGM <a href='/index.php'>Site Index</a>";
case '404':
$userinfo[where] = "404 Error Page";
case '../index.php':
if ($token1 == 'action=index') {
$userinfo[activity] = 'siteindex';
} else if ($token1 == 'action=404') {
$userinfo[activity] = '404';
} else {
$userinfo[activity] = 'siteindex';

This code, however, does not work. It still gives me the retarded Unkown Location message. Can someone tell me how to get it to recognize the WOL locations?

09-23-2002, 12:07 PM
OK, for starters don't have ../index.php in the case statement, this won't work. The session table doesn't store the path, just the scriptname and anything after it, eg newreply.php?s=452hefjfebnk&action=newreply&threadid=1

Secondly, I know of no way to get it to work with a second index.php, it will identify it as the forums main index, what I did to get around this was have a index.php in my www root which was a standardredirect to the main site, which wasn't called index.php so it identified it correctly.

10-03-2002, 01:20 AM
Thanks, I'll just leave it as index1.php ;)

That'll help me when I release the vB Integrated Version of my site to the public :)