View Full Version : help

08-27-2002, 04:36 AM
where can i start to read about php so that i can create my own web page? basically i am very new and need to be pointed in the right direction. thanks

mr e
08-27-2002, 05:45 AM
well try php.net, spoono.com, or search google for php tutorials

08-27-2002, 02:10 PM
here's linkage to the php manual at php.net thats where i first started :p


regards... and good luck :)


08-27-2002, 02:32 PM
thanks guys. you guys are alot of help.

08-27-2002, 02:36 PM
after you start getting the hang of the code its probably best to buy a book on php (if you can) it helps in the long run it does :) regards...


08-27-2002, 02:46 PM
ok, i am very new to this all so i will have to take it slowly. could somebody tell me if i am right now this. html and php are both tools it takes to create web pages? if so which is better then the other and which one should i use?

08-27-2002, 02:54 PM
yes html and php are like a team... so you an use them together... sure you can do with html alone... but i happen to like using php with html ;) and then afterwards i also incorporate mysql in there ;) regards... my overall point being is yes they work together...


mr e
08-28-2002, 04:04 AM
php does all the work behind the scenes while html displays all the data