View Full Version : Creating a column of linnks and stuff on left side...

10-29-2000, 09:43 AM
I just switched and imported from a UBB to vB. One of the things I miss from the UBB is the way I was able to add a column of links on the left which was visible on every forum page.

I did it by adding code to the header and footer fields in the control panel... in effect creating a table so that the links where in a narrow cell on the left, and the body of the forums was in the larger cell on the right. Then I closed the table in the footer field.

Does the same thing apply to vB? Anybody do this? Is there any site with common easy customizations? Thanks!

10-29-2000, 09:49 AM
One word: templates.

Because everything is returned within a template, every aspect (for the most part) can be manipulated by changing the corresponding template.

So yes, it is possible and is just as easy to implement in vB as in UBB.

10-29-2000, 10:08 AM
Is there a template tutorial anywhere? I am used to UB's and UBB's and the vB seems quite different. A little template knowledge would be helpful so I can try to pull this off. Thanks.

10-29-2000, 10:34 AM
vB also has a header/footer facility... you'd be best off using that instead of editing all the templates manually.

10-29-2000, 11:32 AM
Yup, there's still a header/footer system if you want to use it. There's even an option to use PHP code in the header/footer.

Go to "Change styles" in the CP and you'll see 3 text boxes:
cssinclude - stuff that goes between the <head>...</head> tags on every page
header - just below the <body> tag (same as UBB)
footer - just above the </body> tag (same as UBB)

10-29-2000, 12:04 PM
so you just need to make a 2 column table for the header, put the links for the left hand side in the first column and then leave the 2nd column open in the header and close it at the start of the footer (or end depending on if you want opyright stuff below the forum or below everything. That is all you need to do.

10-29-2000, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by Ted
Is there a template tutorial anywhere? I am used to UB's and UBB's and the vB seems quite different. A little template knowledge would be helpful so I can try to pull this off. Thanks.

If you know HTML you can edit the templates. The variables ($words) reference other templates so leave those.

You can edit your templates in any HTML editor. I use Homesite.

10-29-2000, 10:14 PM
Thanks all. I thought of another option. I suppose I could make my site a frames-based site. Just leave the columns of links and stuff in the left as a nav bar.... and have the other pages, including the vB open on the right? Right? :)

10-30-2000, 10:37 AM
you could if your visitors don't mind the scurge that is frames :)

go with just editing the header, your visitors will prefere it (especially as most people using forums open pages in new windows which is going to cause frame problems)

10-30-2000, 12:41 PM
I thought the "hatred" of frames was going away. Wasn't it just due to older browsers not being frames capable?

10-30-2000, 12:55 PM
i can't think of one site that i regularly go to that has frames. The only one i ever did was javascript.com but i think that has changed now, i just got so fed up with it i stopped going.

True it was partly to do with the old browsers. It is possible to do them well, if you ensure there is no double scroll bar. But then i find you just waste so much space where ever the navigation is.

In the end frames are just a cheap way out of making a navigation bar. It is so easy to do it with php includes or headers and footers there is really no need for frames anymore.

Oh i just thought o a site i use that has frames, http://www.dvdplus.co.uk and you have no idea how much it annoys me they have frames there, especially when resolution is high. They also have masses of javascript to deal with "i right click and opened in a new window" but the amount of times i get errors or frames inside frames.. it is just not worth it. DON'T do frame (IMHO) :)

10-30-2000, 02:06 PM
Frames are the work of the devil!

Try bookmarking a part of a frames based site...

Or... of more concern to you... to where will your users go to view the latest replies to a topic which they signed up to receive email notification on ? If they go to the page in the email, you'll have no navbar present, if they go to the main forum page, they'll have to search through til they find the reply they're looking for...

No - don't do it!

10-30-2000, 03:09 PM
I went through much trouble to eliminate the frames from my site. I agree w/ Craig Anthill, don't do it.


10-30-2000, 03:34 PM
Ok you've all convinced me. <tail between legs> No frames. I went and used the table into the head and footer fields instead. Thanks all!

10-30-2000, 03:44 PM
and it looks really good. One thing, set the left hand column to "top" so that the side bar appears more to the top of the page. i think that would make it look even better!

10-31-2000, 11:19 AM
Thanks Chris! I'll give it a try!