View Full Version : Would like to learn how to Run a SQL Query

07-13-2002, 03:27 PM
I have a Hack I am wanting to put in and put most of the hack is done on my .php pages. NowI need to run this. I don't know enough to understand how to. My admin who knows this is on vacation for 3 weeks. So I need some help please.

My site is http://www.gunsnet.net

I would appreciate some help from the powers to be here.

Here is the hack I am talking about and below is the Query I am suppose to run.

Hack Name: Proxy Detector v1.0
Author: Takara (Steph Sauv?)

Run the Following SQL Query

ALTER TABLE post ADD proxyip VARCHAR(255) not null AFTER ipaddress;

Thank You for helping

07-13-2002, 03:43 PM
well with most hosting packages that run php and mysql you will usually get phpmyadmin now what you want to do is go into that and selecet the correct database to edit. Once you are in on the main page of the database you will see a area that says:

Run SQL query/queries on database animeuto_forum [Documentation] :

now under that is the box where you can do the querys.

07-13-2002, 04:15 PM
Just that I don't know what I should be looking for in this hosting packages.

All I have is the Admin C/P, the Server Management (Cobalt) site, which I looked has nothing on their other then the overall performances of the site and hacking into the server, but no SQL anything other then IF the server is under SQL which it has the PHP and SQL icon.

What package should I be looking for? I am asking on of the other Admins, but this is not his expertise nor is mine. So I appreciate anything you can do for us.

07-14-2002, 03:19 AM
The best way to find this out would be to ask your server hosts since they are the ones that setup the server. I cannot help you any more than that since I dont know your server. Best of luck though.

07-14-2002, 03:25 AM
on the server.

Now how do I access this program on the server, the same as the website.

Just give me some of the basic's I need to run this sql query. PLEASE

Thank You

07-14-2002, 03:38 AM
well you need to get into phpmyadmin or you could install firefly's run queries in admin cp which would give you very easy access to run a query.

07-14-2002, 05:57 PM
Well Just tell me what not to click hehe This has got to be the brains of the site, so I don't want to runn a query if it will mess up my site.


07-14-2002, 08:58 PM
Database mysql
SQL-query :

ALTER TABLE post ADD proxyip VARCHAR(255) not null AFTER ipaddress

MySQL said:

Table 'mysql.post' doesn't exist

So I guess what now, when you said enter it there is no:

Run SQL query/queries on database animeuto_forum [Documentation] :

So what else do I need to do to add this!

Need some help please.


08-29-2003, 02:38 PM
I would like to kindly ask bowhunt, or a moderator of the forum to please remove my email address from the first post. I make an effort to not have it posted online, thus making it harder for spam bots to retrieve my email address.


08-29-2003, 02:52 PM
Address deleted.

Switch first to the vB database in phpMyAdmin by using the dropdown in the left frame. Or, click the link here: