View Full Version : Jeez, I feel dumb

05-28-2002, 07:14 PM
Okay, here's the problem.
On my board, we have two custom titles, one is the standard VB one, and the other is a user selectable one.

Recently, I was trying to tweak the postbit, and the custom title ceased working.
<normalfont><b><table style="filter:glow(color=$post[field10], strength=7">$post[username]</table></b></normalfont>

<smallfont>Registered: $post[joindate]<br>
Location: $post[field2]<br>
Posts: $post[posts]<br>
Style: <a href='showthread.php?styleid=$post[styleid]&postid=$post[postid]&s=$session[sessionhash]#post$post[postid]'>$post[styletitle]</a></smallfont></td>

The "$extratitle" is the custom title... I don't know why it isn't working, but could someone please look at it.

Oh, and I tried encasing it in $post[], and $bbuserinfo[], but neither worked.

05-28-2002, 09:26 PM
is extratitle a field in your usertable?

if yes, you have to take $post[extratitle]

but why have you added a field to the db?

why don't you use another profilefield wich you can setup from the CP?

if you have done so, and named it Extratitle, you must use $post[field5] or 6 or 7 or whatever field it is

05-29-2002, 12:15 AM
I didn't actually create it, another admin did, and he hasn't been around for a while. It is a field in the user profile, but I have no idea what number it is.... would it be the display order number?

EDIT: w00t! Thanks, that's what the problem was. I hate being a VBB newb...

05-29-2002, 11:57 AM
np, everyone started as a newb once :)