View Full Version : Count number of search results

03-13-2022, 12:58 PM
Hi is there a way for me to be about to count the number of search results returned from a searchJSON to pass into a variable that I can display to users.

I'm trying to do this as a way to display post counts each user has in a specific topic and this is where I am stuck.

Any help would be amazing.

<a href="{vb:url 'search'}?searchJSON=%7B%22author%22:%22{vb:raw conversation.authorname}%22,%22exactname%22:%221%2 2,%22channel%22:[{vb:raw conversation.nodeid}]%7D">[ISO {vb:raw conversation.authorname}]</a>
<vb:else />
<a href="{vb:url 'search'}?searchJSON=%7B%22author%22:%22{vb:raw conversation.authorname}%22,%22exactname%22:%221%2 2,%22channel%22:[{vb:raw conversation.parentid}]%7D">[ISO {vb:raw conversation.authorname}]</a>

So far I have been able to generate the search to pull every post a user has in a specific topic in this snippet.

03-13-2022, 04:39 PM
Im not good with json, or vb4 for that matter, but I literally JUST finished making a product that one of the features is grabbing the count of post a user has made in a thread. So if its of any help, or gets you in the right direction take a look at this product for vb4 that is able to pull post count of a user in a thread (its what i just used as my vb3 base). hopefully it will help.


03-13-2022, 04:51 PM
Thanks, unfortunatly with vb5 they got rid of some of the critical pieces that made the old way this was done. One of them being in the admincp/misc.php as well as changing what a "thread" is and restructuring the forum so that its easier to store in the database without bogging it down.


Thats why I'm trying to find different ways to go about solving this. I appreciate the quick response tho.

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Owell you have inspired me tho I do need to get out of my comfort zone and try another strategy and get into building something more significant.

{class TalonThreadPostCount_dB_MYSQL_QueryDefs extends vB_dB_QueryDefs

protected $db_type = 'MYSQL';
protected static $permission_string = false;
protected $query_data = array
'getUserThreadPostCount' => array(
'query_string' => "
Where userid = {userid} AND parentid = {parentid}



This should do the same thing essentially just gotta build off it

03-14-2022, 08:08 AM
I would do that directly in a new template and do a search via the API search, getInitialResults.
Then you get an array containing all the required values. Also the number of posts.

Just look at the templates for an example:

..and use debugvardump to get dump of the array.

Edit: Your query is not taking care of any permission or closed status. The search will ...