View Full Version : Companies that sell profesional VB5 Mods

09-29-2021, 03:22 PM
Hi there,

I have got a question.
I am looking for someone, or a company that sells Vbulletin 5 professional mods.
I can't get good mods designed for Vbulletin 5, that keeps working and where i can have support for.

Are there company's or else that are selling this kind of mods?
Like dbtech, that kind.

It is realy hard, but i want to stay with Vbulletin.
Xenforo or IPS are not for me, tried them but i am going crazy with them.

I hope somebody can help me.


09-29-2021, 04:26 PM
Good point.

I think you won't be the only one interested especially if the mods from Yilmaz & Co are not compatible with the next PHP8 version 5.6.5 (https://forum.vbulletin.com/forum/vbulletin-5-connect/vbulletin-5-installations/4460987-vbulletin-on-php-8).
Note that most Xenforo mods are paid and you have to pay for each update.