View Full Version : PHP Code error

11-07-2019, 11:22 PM
Upgraded my server to PHP 7.1 and found Project Tools has at least 1 compatibility issue and was hoping someone could assist in correcting it

The error
[] operator not supported for strings on line 448 in /home/hostboard/public_html/forums/issuelist.php
#0 {main}

$postable_types[] = $issuetypeid;
$type = $typeinfo;
$type['name'] = $vbphrase["issuetype_{$issuetypeid}_singular"];

$post_issue_options[] = $type;

The issue I believe is the last line and the [].

x iJailBreak x
11-15-2019, 11:52 PM
Upgraded my server to PHP 7.1 and found Project Tools has at least 1 compatibility issue and was hoping someone could assist in correcting it

The error
[] operator not supported for strings on line 448 in /home/hostboard/public_html/forums/issuelist.php
#0 {main}

$postable_types[] = $issuetypeid;
$type = $typeinfo;
$type['name'] = $vbphrase["issuetype_{$issuetypeid}_singular"];

$post_issue_options[] = $type;

The issue I believe is the last line and the [].

Looks like $post_issue_options is already defined as a string. I assume this is present in the latest build of Project Tools? I'll spin it up in my 7.3 environment and see if I can figure it out if so.

11-17-2019, 07:50 PM
Looks like $post_issue_options is already defined as a string. I assume this is present in the latest build of Project Tools? I'll spin it up in my 7.3 environment and see if I can figure it out if so.

If you need a copy of PT 2.3.1 let me know...