View Full Version : vB5 Mobile API logged in user authorization

02-10-2019, 06:37 PM
We have problem with current logged in user authorization with VBulletin Mobile API v5.
Description of the problem:
We're calling API endpoints from a PHP project that is on a different domain than the actual VBulletin forum. First, we call login and get back correct response with sessionhash and userid and store the data in session.
Then, when we call any method that requires current logged in user, we get this response: errors: "no_permission_logged_out"

What data do we need to provide with each API request, to authorize the logged in user on every API request? is there any additional request data to be passed, that is not described in documentation?

link to example request function that returns this error: http://vb5support.com/resources/mapi/vB_Api_User.html#method_saveSignature

12-04-2020, 05:29 PM
did you ever figure this out? I have the exact same problem. Contacted vBulletin for info since there is none to be found on Google and they just directed me back to this forum where this is the only thread I see with a similar issue. I get a successful login for a user, I get a session hash, I pass it with the next call and it fails with this error. Here is my full log from my script:

** 12/03/2020 21:48:05 submitting to https://9fb85c2cade8-042204.demo.vbulletin.net/ajax/api/user/login

** 12/03/2020 21:48:05 Post data is array (
'password' => 'labrat1234',
'md5password' => 'e497db5dcf836587ef35a974ee2fd8d7',
'username' => 'labrat',

** 12/03/2020 21:48:07 login response: '{"sessionhash":"8bfb07dea2776d52f510bb74595a9207","userid":"3","password":"27b8a3afd7e70359a839b652ccda58be71709612cd1dc7ec9a d7dec4","lastvisit":"1606940634","lastactivity":"1606940580"}'

** 12/03/2020 21:48:07 Logged in Successfully
** 12/03/2020 21:48:07 Attempting signature edit...
** 12/03/2020 21:48:07 submitting to https://9fb85c2cade8-042204.demo.vbulletin.net/ajax/api/user/saveSignature
** 12/03/2020 21:48:07 Post data is array (
's' => '8bfb07dea2776d52f510bb74595a9207',
'signature' => 'testing signatures',

string(52) "{"errors":[["no_permission_logged_out"]],"userid":0}"

03-31-2021, 11:16 PM
Did you get your problem solved?
I did not have that kind of permission error.
I somehow managed to get it working after days of pulling my hair out and almost gave up.
What I need is to authenticate a member to the site and retrieve his or her avatar.
But it is a complex process of signing the arguments calls using the token and the API key, now you got the idea how to do that, it just works.
Can't wait to integrate this new API authentication to a long overdue awesome texas hold'em poker game of mine.