View Full Version : Display similar threads on error page

11-12-2018, 05:13 PM
If a user is not allowed to view a thread, they get an error message asking them to contact the administrator if they followed a valid link. Can we add similar threads block on that error page?

11-15-2018, 05:20 AM
...and then this similar thread also throws the message "you are not allowed....." ;)

Why should some logged-in user not be able to view one thread, but others in the same related topic/forum ?

11-15-2018, 06:27 PM
Normally vbulletin doesn't show unavailable threads in the similar threads list. So I assume users will be able to view them.

There can be several reasons why a thread becomes unavailable. It could be deleted, or moved to a private section, or unapproved... If a user was subscribed to it, he will try clicking on the link either from email or from bookmarks in his browser.