View Full Version : Reset Instant Notification by e-mail subscriptions

12-03-2017, 09:15 PM
Hello all! :)

I need a technical advice from some vbulletin experts about a function of vBulletin (Thread Subscriptions). I'm a vbulletin developer too, but since we're talking a production site with lots of members, I need more advices.

- We need to bring more old members on our board.
- We have already "Instant notify by e-mail" as default subscription at registration, so lots of members that have reply to a thread they are also subscribed to that thread automatically

... the issue is that:
- Since the last some years we had issue with Microsoft accounts (e-mails never sent to @hotmail/ @msn/ @windowslive etc) ++ a very large part of our member using Microsoft accounts), I'm afraid that lots of e-mail never sent.
And we can read this inside an e-mail of vbulletin:

There may also be other replies, but you will not receive any more notifications until you visit the forum again.

All the best,

So we need to "reset" this functionality, so from now and then all members will receive an instant subscription's e-mail, and after that first notification for each thread, next they will not received as should (and that above phrase said).

You can read this inside /includes/functions_newpost.php (function: exec_send_notification()) :

$useremails = $vbulletin->db->query_read_slave("
SELECT user.*, subscribethread.emailupdate, subscribethread.subscribethreadid
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "subscribethread AS subscribethread
INNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON (subscribethread.userid = user.userid)
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "usergroup AS usergroup ON (usergroup.usergroupid = user.usergroupid)
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "usertextfield AS usertextfield ON (usertextfield.userid = user.userid)
WHERE subscribethread.threadid = $threadid AND
subscribethread.emailupdate IN (1, 4) AND
subscribethread.canview = 1 AND
" . ($userid ? "CONCAT(' ', IF(usertextfield.ignorelist IS NULL, '', usertextfield.ignorelist), ' ') NOT LIKE '% " . intval($userid) . " %' AND" : '') . "
user.usergroupid <> 3 AND
user.userid <> " . intval($userid) . " AND
user.lastactivity >= " . intval($lastposttime['dateline']) . " AND
(usergroup.genericoptions & " . $vbulletin->bf_ugp_genericoptions['isnotbannedgroup'] . ")

As I understand, the hot part is that:
AND user.lastactivity >= " . intval($lastposttime['dateline']) . "

But how I could achieve that I need?
Maybe to create a new unixtimestamp column on "user" table or something else? :)