View Full Version : Moving attachments from db to fs problem

11-18-2017, 01:09 AM
I just moved the attachments from database to file system, and the database size is still big. It didnt reduce the database size.

How can I remove attachments from database?
I already tried clearing filedata table
update filedata set filedata='';

11-18-2017, 01:42 AM
In the AdminCP -> Maintenance > Repair / Optimize Tables > check all tables > run.
That should work.

11-18-2017, 01:49 AM
Thanks for your reply Dave. I did that and its been a day and the page is still loading. Is that normal? Whats the specific tables that I need to repair/opitimize related to the attachments?

database size with attachments is 2.3GB

11-18-2017, 01:55 AM
It's possible it timed out and the page no longer does anything.
You can also just execute it through SSH: https://duntuk.com/how-optimize-and-auto-repair-all-mysql-databases-using-ssh