View Full Version : DIsplay Forum list on Custom Page

08-12-2017, 06:46 PM
Hello There.

I am looking to create a custom home page that displays an image for each forum. I am creating a gaming site for the community I am apart of, and was having issues customizing the forum list as is, so I decided instead of mucking it up, I would create my own.

I am basically looking to do a for each and pull specific images based on the forum number. What do I need to do to pull this info? I am using the PHP module

I could do it statically, but I would rather have it dynamic, then all I would have to do it create the forum, upload my image, and the home page automatically shows it.


08-16-2017, 07:32 PM
Never mind... I found a way to meet half way. I just to an array the URL, Title and Image, not quite as dynamic as I would have liked, but it works.

08-27-2017, 05:21 PM
Take a deeper look into the template "widget_cmschannelnavigation ".
You could make your own forumlist with the api in it.