04-11-2017, 04:04 AM
I have some multi-byte character problems with php5
e.g) first multi-byte character is disappeared when uploading file. -> this is php5 basename() problem
so I go to /core/includes/class_upload.php
and write
function getbasename($path)
code for correct basename with multi-byte
and change
$this->upload['filename'] = basename($upload);
$this->upload['filename'] = getbasename($upload);
but when I watching packet, there is no change..
so I test
$this->upload['filename'] = basename('/var/www/test.txt');
but result is equal to original source code. ($this->upload['filename'] = basename($upload))
I have to do something for working vbulletin with modified source code
uploading attachment source is not in the /core/includes/class_upload.php?
I want to also modify download attachment source.
this source is in the /core/includes/functions_file.php?
e.g) first multi-byte character is disappeared when uploading file. -> this is php5 basename() problem
so I go to /core/includes/class_upload.php
and write
function getbasename($path)
code for correct basename with multi-byte
and change
$this->upload['filename'] = basename($upload);
$this->upload['filename'] = getbasename($upload);
but when I watching packet, there is no change..
so I test
$this->upload['filename'] = basename('/var/www/test.txt');
but result is equal to original source code. ($this->upload['filename'] = basename($upload))
I have to do something for working vbulletin with modified source code
uploading attachment source is not in the /core/includes/class_upload.php?
I want to also modify download attachment source.
this source is in the /core/includes/functions_file.php?